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50NL: Marginal spot on the turn 50NL: Marginal spot on the turn

11-03-2009 , 06:44 PM
Villain is 28/20/1.2 over 1k hands.
Fold to 3bet of 38% and 4bet of 0% over 38 instances, so he can easily be slowing a monster here, like QQ.
Fold to cbet of 46%

Full Tilt Poker $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG: $64.85
MP: $68.35
CO: $50.20
BTN: $59.30
Hero (SB): $52.45
BB: $47.10

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is SB with T T
1 fold, MP raises to $1.75, 2 folds, Hero raises to $5.75, BB calls $5.25, MP calls $4

I don't think flatting is really an option, he's raising a decent amount o hands and I don't really wanna face too many tricky turn spots by check/calling the flop, so I guess we can narrow down his range a little bit by 3betting, aswell as taking control.

Flop: ($17.25) 3 8 5 (3 players)
Hero bets $11, BB folds, MP calls $11

Turn: ($39.25) 6 (2 players)
Hero ???

What do we do, and why? What sort of range do we put villain on here? May seem a little standard to most but it was a spot where I couldn't really narrow down his 3bet calling range and flop calling range to hands I beat, is it possible he slow plays a monster according to his stats?
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 06:52 PM
3bet is good for value, BB's cold call complicates it though.

Flop might be a c/f with two other players, especially a cold caller.

As played, I think barrelling turn is best, but mostly by process of elimination because c/f seems ridiculous and c/c misses value.

Also, villain is passive so I dont think we'll get semi-bluffed off our hand by like pair+SD that we can get value from otherwise.

If called, river could be a tough spot but c/f any card makes sense against a passive villain that wont turn sd value into a bluff and could very easily be ahead already.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:00 PM
what do you mean, iIImatic by tough spot on the river? we are only 100bb deep, so we won't have any hard decision on the river if we bet now.
anyway i would just pot it. he calls way too much based on his stats.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:02 PM
Thing is, we got a pot sized bet left so can't really bet the turn without committing ourselves, but I really don't see much we beat anymore except like 99 or 77, and against his range, I really think we're behind here, I don't think it's a profitable shove at all, what calls us that we beat except 99 and maybe 77.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:07 PM
I c/f I guess. With JJ I'm shoving
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:10 PM
I see a lot of hands in his range that he could be floating with the intention to steal on the turn, no?
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:13 PM
What about BB here?

Last edited by iIImatic; 11-03-2009 at 07:15 PM. Reason: nvm, didnt look at pot size
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:13 PM
Ehh the more I think about it the more I think we have to just close our eyes and shove, or make an induce bet or check to induce.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:16 PM
This type of crap is precisely why I'm skeptical of 3 betting TT out of the blinds. I think it has merit if you're playing opponents who

-call and then call down very light postflop. This seems rare.

-call and bluff too much postflop. This is probably less rare these days, but I'd think you want a damn good read that your opponent is the kind of person who will do that before you go in hoping for this approach.

- they will 4bet wide so you can get it in, then it's good. This is probably an easier dynamic to identify

I'm sure that you stove well vs. his opening range and probably even his calling range, but unless the factors above are present I don't think you'll ever stove well against his getting it in postflop range.

I think the only way money goes in good for you here is to check and induce a bluff (or you get lucky and he has 99), but I'm not sure how often MP floats you to do that after you bet into two people in a 3bet pot. So c/f, I guess, as terribly gross as that looks.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:17 PM
ok. he raises pfr 20% of his hands - 66+,A4s+,K8s+,Q9s+,J9s+,T9s,A9o+,KTo+,QTo+,JTo
he calls 3bet with 38% of these - 77+,ATs+,KTs+,QJs,AQo+
so it really depends on the positional stats to determine his real range.
but yeah if take position into consideration(EP more tight range) so after doing some calculation most likely we are behind.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:18 PM
Seems like we don't like getting called by either of these guys when we bet flop - maybe we can check it? And... I guess just give up on the hand entirely lol.

As played I think since if he ever has a value hand that is worse than yours he's never betting turn, I think c/f is the best by lots.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by aitvaras
ok. he raises pfr 20% of his hands - 66+,A4s+,K8s+,Q9s+,J9s+,T9s,A9o+,KTo+,QTo+,JTo
he calls 3bet with 38% of these - 77+,ATs+,KTs+,QJs,AQo+
so it really depends on the positional stats to determine his real range.
but yeah if take position into consideration(EP more tight range) so after doing some calculation most likely we are behind.
You can't really assume a villain is raising exactly those hands...

78s is much more likely than K8s.

Anyways, if villain checks back turn and a blank falls, do we shove then?
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by
Villain is 28/20/1.2 over 1k hands.
Fold to 3bet of 38% and 4bet of 0% over 38 instances, so he can easily be slowing a monster here, like QQ.
Fold to cbet of 46%

Full Tilt Poker $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG: $64.85
MP: $68.35
CO: $50.20
BTN: $59.30
Hero (SB): $52.45
BB: $47.10

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is SB with T T
1 fold, MP raises to $1.75, 2 folds, Hero raises to $5.75, BB calls $5.25, MP calls $4

I don't think flatting is really an option, he's raising a decent amount o hands and I don't really wanna face too many tricky turn spots by check/calling the flop, so I guess we can narrow down his range a little bit by 3betting, aswell as taking control.

Flop: ($17.25) 3 8 5 (3 players)
Hero bets $11, BB folds, MP calls $11

Turn: ($39.25) 6 (2 players)
Hero ???

What do we do, and why? What sort of range do we put villain on here? May seem a little standard to most but it was a spot where I couldn't really narrow down his 3bet calling range and flop calling range to hands I beat, is it possible he slow plays a monster according to his stats?

Too much draw, you have to bet IMO
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:23 PM
iLLmatic, thats true, so we just remove K8s and replace it with 89s. Remove Q9s and get it replaced by 78s. So it doesn't really matter. After 3bet he is most likely getting rid of them anyway.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 07:59 PM
I close my eyes and shove like someone mentioned above. He's floating here with a lot of his 3bet calling range that totally misses this AQs, AK. I think his range for cold calling pre is a bit wider because of the cold call in front preflop.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 08:29 PM
I think the only possible hand villain should logically have here is JJ and Im willing to take that chance after looking at this thread again.
Does QQ+ and AK really just flat a 3bet here? Even if they are in position I don't think so.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 08:34 PM
Don't shove.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by DonkaDonuts
I close my eyes and shove like someone mentioned above. He's floating here with a lot of his 3bet calling range that totally misses this AQs, AK. I think his range for cold calling pre is a bit wider because of the cold call in front preflop.
If we think he's floating, then shoving to get him off air isn't getting much value, crai has more merits but then again, I really don't think a villain this passive is floating us when we cbet against two villains.

I should have mentioned that the BB was a fish.

Also Donkanuts, it's definitely feasible he flats QQ+, AK pre, he hasn't 4bet in 1,000 hands, so they're 100% in his range.

Also, fwiw, I kept playing at the same table and it broke, I sat out and so did villain, I politely asked him whether he could let me know what he had that hand and he told me. He could be lying obv but meh, I trust what he said, I'll post the results tomorrow, would like to see more posts from others 'cos it's a gross spot, although I still believe c/f is the best line against this villain.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-03-2009 , 08:56 PM
So he had 99?
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-06-2009 , 10:54 AM
3 way with an overcall, I think I just give up on the flop here.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-06-2009 , 11:06 AM
it is tomorrow already. What did he have? JJ?
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-06-2009 , 12:38 PM
is it really standard for people to flat AK preflop and flat again on the flop here? or even AQ as some are saying? that seems like terribad to me?
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-06-2009 , 12:39 PM
I think we can rule out AA/KK after villains over call preflop. I think his range is much more weighted to 88-QQ.
Very unlikely villains called with any draw on that flop. So i don't like betting for protection here. I think we're only beating 99's here.
I check fold turn.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-06-2009 , 02:56 PM
what about betting 1/2 pot on every street and if you get raised just fold it
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
11-07-2009 , 05:48 PM
Sorry, I forgot about this.

I opted to c/f the turn when he bet about half pot, the table broke and villain sat out, I asked him what he had and he said QQ, I'm not sure if he folds to a turn bet, but considering he was playing like 12 tables, my guess is that he wasn't.
50NL: Marginal spot on the turn Quote
