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50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? 50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad?

02-24-2010 , 10:00 PM
Villain is 16/11. Fold to c-bet 50%

hero's image is standard TAG AFAIK

Poker Stars $50.00 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

MP: $49.25
Hero (CO): $50.00
BTN: $67.55
SB: $106.05
BB: $50.00
UTG: $48.35
UTG+1: $45.95

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is CO with 5 A
3 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, 1 fold, SB calls $1.25, 1 fold

Flop: ($3.50) T 8 3 (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $2.25, SB calls $2.25

Turn: ($8.00) K (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $5.75, SB calls $5.75

River: ($19.50) 4 (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $12.50

Last edited by dabomb75; 02-24-2010 at 10:09 PM.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:02 PM
Looks good
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:02 PM
Can I choose spew?

You're representing exactly TT and 88. Doesn't look like he believes you.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
Can I choose spew?

You're representing exactly TT and 88. Doesn't look like he believes you.
Please explain why hero doesnt have 33 KTo T8s KQ Ak etc in his range.

We def rep enough combos here, not even close
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:06 PM
whats ur image? It looks to me like villain has something here but doesnt want to bloat the pot, so he is content letting u bet. Bit of a spew imo.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
Can I choose spew?

You're representing exactly TT and 88. Doesn't look like he believes you.
I would play 9J, 33, 88, TT, AK, KQ, 2pr hands, flush draws, and possibly more hands the same on the flop and turn at least. River might be a different story.

His calling range on flop is TT, 88, 33 although somewhat discounted because of how drawy the board is, As well as club draws, straight draws, maybe AT
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by padstin
whats ur image? It looks to me like villain has something here but doesnt want to bloat the pot, so he is content letting u bet. Bit of a spew imo.
edited OP. Hero has TAG image here.

Also, after calling on a drawy flop and turn I am completely discounting sets out of his range.

So that leaves Flush draws, straight draws, Tx (not too many in range) and Kx that hit on the turn. Everything folds on the river except Kx.

Anybody disagree?
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:15 PM
i like it alot and would play the same way. and i play lag so my image is completely different then u.

if he called u, i would guess he has kxcc
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:15 PM
i like it, if i were villain, i would think you had AK/KQ. If he calls you with a JT type hand, make a note and exploit it.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:15 PM
I think it is fine
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:18 PM
Folding out 99, QQ, JJ imo. (Does he 3bet QQ?) As well as some random TX stuff.

I think betting this flop isn't great, but if you are choosing to bet the flop everything else looks good.

If you check flop bet turn you will have the same effect with every street sizing being smaller. You also rep the K that much better.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:19 PM
I think maybe spew. I'm just not one for a triple barrel with air. If you punch someone in the face many times, eventually they'll be punch drunk and never fall down. In this situation, you hit him a couple of times, what reason did you have to think he'll hit the canvas on the final punch? I assume you believed him to be chasing? If you think he's chasing and missed, it's a great triple barrel. But if you put him on at least a half decent hand; after he calls the turn bet, i think he's going to be inclined to look you up on the river, depending on your image. I'm not a 50NL man, so i'm probably wrong and not making much sense!

EDIT: I just see saw your comment stating Hero has TAG image. Then i think it's not too bad. But like i said, i'm not one for triple barrelling with complete air and not experienced at 50NL.

Last edited by Mista Live; 02-24-2010 at 10:25 PM.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:24 PM
Looks good, but if he folds he probably folded a worse hand tbh.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by pokerarb
Folding out 99, QQ, JJ imo. (Does he 3bet QQ?) As well as some random TX stuff.

I think betting this flop isn't great, but if you are choosing to bet the flop everything else looks good.

If you check flop bet turn you will have the same effect with every street sizing being smaller. You also rep the K that much better.
villain 3b's pretty wide from the blinds so if I had to take a guess, I would say villain 3b's a pretty polarized range of AA, KK, AKs, QQ(?) and Ax sometimes plus air. Not 100% sure what he does with QQ but if I had to guess I would say against a TAG stealing light he probably doesn't.

Why do you not bet flop? Do you think it hits villains calling range hard out of the blinds hard?

Villain has called out of the blinds 25% against a steal.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Mista Live
I think maybe spew. I'm just not one for a triple barrel with air. If you punch someone in the face many times, eventually they'll be punch drunk and never fall down. In this situation, you hit him a couple of times, what reason did you have to think he'll hit the canvas on the final punch? I assume you believed him to be chasing? If you think he's chasing and missed, it's a great triple barrel. But if you put him on at least a half decent hand; after he calls the turn bet, i think he's going to be inclined to look you up on the river, depending on your image. I'm not a 50NL man, so i'm probably wrong and not making much sense!

EDIT: I just see saw your comment stating Hero has TAG image. Then i think it's not too bad. But like i said, i'm not one for triple barrelling with complete air and not experienced at 50NL.
Ignore this, i'm tired and talking gibberish! If he calls your c/bets frequently against your steal, maybe the check flop and bet turn would be ok. At least you have the scare card to help.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:32 PM
Yes, I think this flop hits most people's flat range in the blind really hard. He doesn't C/R so I don't think he's drawing to the flush and I don't think he has a set (unless he's really passive w/sets and draws - ie really bad).

99, JJ or TX would be my top choices for his holdings. As played X definitely does not equal a K. Unless he calls behind on the river. I wouldn't be surprised to see KT turned into a bluff catcher because you could easily be 3 barreling any set from your uber wide steal range.

Since we have 0 showdown value I think we have to continue barreling if we want to win the pot. Our line just doesn't make much sense... do we have a set, AK, KT, busted draw, or air? I think that's what villain has to figure out because that's the information we're giving.

I guess if I'm trying to bluff someone off of a hand with air BvB I'd prefer to keep the pot small and keep my line less complicated. People really do not like folding anything BvB and people tend to like to C/R BvB as well with a wider range than normal.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:35 PM
Yeah he can have a missed draw a good bit of the time, but I still like betting, it helps our redline.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:37 PM
I've just got Jessica Alba in my head now! That is her, isn't it? How am i going to sleep!? lol
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by pokerarb
Yes, I think this flop hits most people's flat range in the blind really hard. He doesn't C/R so I don't think he's drawing to the flush and I don't think he has a set (unless he's really passive w/sets and draws - ie really bad).

99, JJ or TX would be my top choices for his holdings. As played X definitely does not equal a K. Unless he calls behind on the river. I wouldn't be surprised to see KT turned into a bluff catcher because you could easily be 3 barreling any set from your uber wide steal range.

Since we have 0 showdown value I think we have to continue barreling if we want to win the pot. Our line just doesn't make much sense... do we have a set, AK, KT, busted draw, or air? I think that's what villain has to figure out because that's the information we're giving.

I guess if I'm trying to bluff someone off of a hand with air BvB I'd prefer to keep the pot small and keep my line less complicated. People really do not like folding anything BvB and people tend to like to C/R BvB as well with a wider range than normal.
But do you not agree that my range on the river has much more value-betting hands than air hands in it? I just find it hard to believe someone will bluff-catch here with Tx, JJ or QQ.

Originally Posted by Mista Live
I've just got Jessica Alba in my head now! That is her, isn't it? How am i going to sleep!? lol
yes it is

Originally Posted by I vi ii V7
Looks good, but if he folds he probably folded a worse hand tbh.
that was my dilemma on the river. To bet or not. I already had all draws beat that didn't hit, so I wasn't sure whether to go for the 3rd street or not. I wasn't sure whether Tx, JJ, QQ would continue all the way to the river or if my DB would fold them out on the scare card. Any high Kx card is calling the river so there has to be enough of the formerly mentioned cards to fold out to make the river bet profitable. Still not sure about that...
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 11:02 PM
Your only option to win the pot is bluff at it as you have no showdown value so your play at the river is correct to a point.

I he folds to a CBET 50% of the time then he has to been holding something the other 50% of the time correct?

Considering he check calls it down I can only think he has JJ or QQ if he has a set he is CR the turn with two clubs if he has AA he is CRing the flop he could be slow playing a set of Kings but not farkin likely.

Considering he has shown no agression to this point maybe the nimo will fold the river but if he has any idea about showdown value he is going to flat call you ne way
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-24-2010 , 11:04 PM
I think once he calls the turn, he's calling river. I'm probably never folding a pair there.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-25-2010 , 02:53 AM
Since nobody else has any opinions I'll post results:

River: ($19.50) 4 (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $12.50, SB calls $12.50

Final Pot: $44.50
Hero shows 5 A
SB shows K Q
SB wins $42.35
(Rake: $2.15)
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-25-2010 , 03:05 AM
I think the river bet is ok. You fold out Tx hands and maybe other pocket pairs 99's and lower.

Usually when he calls the turn bet, his range is flush draws, K, T. Your river bet gets called by almost all kings, T's might fold and your Ace high is probably better than his random flush draws. So its a marginal spot at best.
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-25-2010 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by YannickB85
I think once he calls the turn, he's calling river.
this. I either bet $26 or I check back the river. There is some direct SDV contrary to some of the comments in this thread
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
02-25-2010 , 03:11 AM

I am "meh" on this one TBH.

I can see the reasons for betting each street, and since there is a lot of draws that miss we can fire on the river just to make sure some 4th pair crap doesn't beat us. Plus villain took sort of a pot control line, so I don't think he loves his hand.

BUT; we do have SD value against a lot of missed draws...and villain not folding on the Turn makes me thinks he is calling most rivers, and the river card didn't do anything to the board....
50NL - I Triple barrel with air. Good or bad? Quote
