We need to define the range he is calling a preflop raise with.
Vpip 15 (55+, A5s+, K9s+, QJs, A9o+, KJo+)
PFR 11 (66+, A8s+, KTs+, ATo+, KQo)
In my Oppinion he would call preflop with:
99-22, AQs-ATs, KJs+, QJs, JTs, T9s, AQo-AJo, KQo
Villain (99-22, AQs-ATs, KJs+, QJs, JTs, T9s, AQo-AJo, KQo)
Hero (AKo)
Against this range we have following percentages on flop:
Flop: Kd 6h 8s
Hero 84,961%
Villain 15,039%
Against a cbet on flop he will probably fold everything in his range except of:
VillainT(99-66, KJs+, T9s, KQo)
VillainT (99-66, KJs+, T9s, KQo)
Hero (Ako)
Turn: Kd 6h 8s Th
Hero: 69,868%
Villain: 30,132%
If we assume that he would donk with this range we should call or raise (Hero 69,868%).
Depending on his stats I quess he'll never donk with that range.
I see him donking with: 88, 66, KhJh,KhQh, Th9h
In this case the percentages change a lil bit:
VillainT (88, 66, KhJh,KhQh, Th9h)
Hero (Ako)
Turn: Kd 6h 8s Th
Hero: 18,182%
Villain: 81,818%
Not that good
Now we have to count the pot odds to decide whether to call or to fold and its evidently that we dont have the pot odds to justify a call. Since there is no possibility to redraw against his range we are not able to consider implied odds.
All in all its obv that we have to fold on turn. Nevertheless I am not sure whether I could fold that hand.