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50NL; hero cries at this turn 50NL; hero cries at this turn

02-28-2011 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Filet-O-Fish
Lol, at first my intuition said fold, but the longer I look at it the more I want to get it in.
yes its one of those hands!
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
02-28-2011 , 05:08 PM
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
02-28-2011 , 05:09 PM
Actually I do like your play playertee, but it's border line as MP1 is still getting 3:1 or more on a call, so he's only calling flop raise occasionally with straight or flush draws.

The only thing that's BAD about this is, if Hero raises his straight or flush draws and misses the turn you lose a TON of value if you were the SB as Hero might have gotten it on the flop with his draw.

But OP said he has been seen as tight to the SB so SB could have been thinking it's pretty unlikely that OP would do this with draws.
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
02-28-2011 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by pokerarb
elaborate please
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
02-28-2011 , 05:23 PM
also, what do you guys think of flop betsize?
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
02-28-2011 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mayox
elaborate please
there is no elaboration. he doesn't think villains will ever do this with worse. it doesn't matter that his line is ******ed. welcome to 50nl.
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
02-28-2011 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by pokerarb

i also kind of like a flop call
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator

i also kind of like a flop call
Surely a flop call with 66/A6ss is awful because hes going to see a lot of blank turns and then has no fold equity when i bomb?
Also if he already had a set surely a flop call is bad due to MP1 being given good drawing odds?

Originally Posted by Banguard
there is no elaboration. he doesn't think villains will ever do this with worse. it doesn't matter that his line is ******ed. welcome to 50nl.
Whats so villains range is {66} and thats it?
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 01:50 AM
he has 66 every time
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 02:20 AM

1. pre is good, b ut i would make it 2.5 or $3 or whatever we can getaway with.. we are otb with 2 guys left to act and im assuming both are regs??... we want to isolate with pretty much atc otb here and yes 1/3 or 1/4 pot bet/folding pretty much every flop which isn't the nuts as his hand range= small pairs and him= a donk and easily exploitable for that

2. turn is a shove and its not even close... hes somewhat a reg and he almost never has a 6 here, he has a set and yes he probably calls...
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Exothermic

1. pre is good, b ut i would make it 2.5 or $3 or whatever we can getaway with.. we are otb with 2 guys left to act and im assuming both are regs??... we want to isolate with pretty much atc otb here and yes 1/3 or 1/4 pot bet/folding pretty much every flop which isn't the nuts as his hand range= small pairs and him= a donk and easily exploitable for that

2. turn is a shove and its not even close... hes somewhat a reg and he almost never has a 6 here, he has a set and yes he probably calls...
SB is never bet folding the turn so we have zero fold equity, and MP has reggy stats so i was suprised to see him limp tbh, which is why i iso'd small and planned on b/f most flops yes

still dont see why he would flat with a set on the flop tho when theres a ton of turn cards that kill his action
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 02:50 AM
flop raise is too small i'll make it ~17.50-18 and then jam turn.

as played it's an easy fold
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 02:54 AM
^^ you think he is more likely to flat with 66 which is the only thing in his range that your losing to?.. he will flat with like bottom or middle set if your stats=tag and know what your doing cause he cant shove as what does he expect you to call with?... + its way more believable that he calls the flop with bottom set that it is 66, either way his range is very narrow but i guarantee you that he folds 66 otf and never has a6s & if we are not thinking like that then we aren't thinking imho... also if u shove and he has 66 which would oh so bad that info way more important since we will play alot more hands with him as he is a big regfish
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 03:15 AM
villain had 66

I think his flop donk is really good with 66, but would you not just shove 66 on this flop with that action?
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 03:17 AM
i don't think villain is going to turn bottom set into a bluff on the turn. he is more likely to use it to bluffcatch and call off his stack than to bet it when the board comes worse for his set. either way, villain's turn play in this spot is extremely fishy and it will be useful info in the future.

it would be irrational for him to flat with his set on the flop, but only bet it into us when the board turns worse for his set and we have already shown strength on the previous street. from here, we can deduce with a reasonable confidence level that villain almost never has a flopped set.

however, i do understand where you are coming from, so maybe mathematically it could be a profitable call/stack in the long term, but i am not sure.
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 03:17 AM
he cant shove 66 just like how he cant shove with bottom set.. your calling every shove once you raise him and at the same time your hand is nuts or close to it, his call with 66 otf= horrible and like i said hunt him down and play him every chance you get cuz hes a reg fish
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 03:21 AM
just saw the spoiler but let's not be results-oriented; i think we can put this player's tendency to profitable use here anyhows.
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
he cant shove 66 just like how he cant shove with bottom set.. your calling every shove once you raise him and at the same time your hand is nuts or close to it, his call with 66 otf= horrible and like i said hunt him down and play him every chance you get cuz hes a reg fish
im sure a shove with 66 on that flop is +EV for villain as hero could easily have QQ+ and may find a fold (unlikely) but even if called SB isnt in terrible shape with 66

Yeah the turn donk is effectively bluffing with a set (which i still think jams flop) but also since my range is weighted towards overpairs and my hand is so hidden, i think stacking off is +EV here on the turn
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by omgjayaiken
just saw the spoiler but let's not be results-oriented; i think we can put this player's tendency to profitable use here anyhows.
+1, yet i dont really see this spot coming up much, really interesting hand though.
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 03:40 AM
so your raise/folding qq there?... wtf... raising to see where your at=fish
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
so your raise/folding qq there?... wtf... raising to see where your at=fish
lol. comeon dude give me some credit

id raise vs opponents i know are shoving flush draws.
obv in this spot QQ is a flat and re-evaluate turn
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
03-01-2011 , 05:33 AM
of course we are never raising QQ as a standard line on the flop; it would be more villain-dependant.
50NL; hero cries at this turn Quote
