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50NL:  Full house good? 50NL:  Full house good?

06-12-2008 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer Garner
But if you're calling his first raise and you're calling his allin raise (as your redundant question suggests) then the best play would be to 3b and call.
Just because you got yourself committed to a pot doesn't mean it was the right decision. Putting in 1/3rd of the effective stacks and folding is a bad idea unless your bluffing.

If I knew the villain could over play an ace here, great I raise and call the all-in. However, if I don't have any idea what the villain will do with just a bare ace I would rather not commit myself to this pot.
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-12-2008 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by andy099
meh u have to 3 bet the river and i hate folding but and its prob bad but i prob fold to his shove unless he's really bad.

say in the chat, 'lol, u suck, AA here' tank then fold
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-12-2008 , 09:36 PM
What is this post about really? How I lost to quads day?

Because since you posted it, he must have won it, and if he won it, he must have quads.

Anyway this isn't the greatest spot but you can't fold, it is still probably +ev to call. He will play AQ exactly like that, for example, if he is a donk that checks two streets with a full house.
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-12-2008 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Knuckles
The reason I don't like 3 betting this river is that any raise besides a min-raise is going to have at least 20% of your stack in that pot, so your starting to have pot commitment issues.

I am currently in a downswing because of my tendancy to spew chips, so I may be being to nitty here.
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-12-2008 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Shattered
You're all nits. This is 4-handed and against a 33/10/2 this is a slow played ace a ton of the time, by far more than enough to justify the 3:1 odds he's getting here. Snap call.
+1 33/10/2 players are not good. Vs a 15/12 this would be an interesting spot. Snap call and make a note.

Anyone that says fold is just assuming you lost the hand on a cooler.
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-12-2008 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by HOOOLLD
+1 33/10/2 players are not good. Vs a 15/12 this would be an interesting spot. Snap call and make a note.

Anyone that says fold is just assuming you lost the hand on a cooler.
i think that's a little oversimplifying things. Bad players are not bad in every respect. Every bad player is not equally bad.

One thing many bad players do very consistantly is slowplay their monsters. though it can be a bad player overplaying his hand, it also looks like someone slowplaying their monster.

And even a bad player may consider that when the OP 4 bet, he really likes his hand and isn't folding.
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-12-2008 , 10:55 PM
I think it's an easy call, but it's closer than people seem to think imo. This is like exactly the way your standard uNL donk will play a hand that beats us.
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-12-2008 , 11:16 PM
i call here but dont feel completely comfortable with it. yes villain is terrible but his pfr is 10 and he raised PF. someone with that low of a pfr doesnt raise that many weak As which is what we are hoping he has. we are basically calling and praying he has AQ and not AK or KK.
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-12-2008 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Knuckles
I have been advocating calling his first raise along, because I don't know what to do if he pushes over a 3 bet.
that's not a good reason to call his first raise. you're leaving money on the table. yeah, this is kinda a ****ty spot, but the amount of times you get into a ****ty spot here is much less than the amount of times that he calls our raise with a worse hand.
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-12-2008 , 11:45 PM
Its a call for me, trips more likely than any hand that beats us.....
.....disregarding the fact that since you're posting it you probably lost
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-12-2008 , 11:46 PM
kind of a crappy spot but without any reads on this guy other than his stats (ie if you have any postflop reads you can feel free to share them) i would be calling. enough of the time you'll see him doing something spazzy with trips, although i think you'll see a boat a fair bit here. so call and reload.
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-12-2008 , 11:51 PM
Not 3betting the river is being severely results oriented and a pretty big mistake in my book. To be honest whether I'd call or fold the river would depend a lot on my reads on him (spewy, passive, weak, etc). If he's the kind of player that would go ape**** and slowplay Ax to the river I'd be a lot more likely to call.

also villain thinks he has the nuts, it just depends on how bad he is and what he views as the nuts. maybe we have some moron equity here but probably not that much
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-13-2008 , 03:54 AM
AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE???100bb deep you cannot fold this hand.....villain's play smells horrendously like Ax. if you are beat to an AK then so be it ..but folding seems like a big mistake to me

50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-13-2008 , 04:13 AM
For him to slowplay a hand that beats us, he needs to have AK.
If he slowplays AK on the flop, he might as well slowplay AQ/AJ/AT.
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
06-13-2008 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by kQjTENnine
Dear OP,

I think you should have checked the river.


Jennifer Tilly
i lol'ed

call the all in btw
50NL:  Full house good? Quote
