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50nl: A couple of meh spots against a thinking player 50nl: A couple of meh spots against a thinking player

07-11-2009 , 05:40 AM
Villain was unknown at the time , is sitting on another table so at the time i assumed he was a reg.
1.This is the first 3bet we've played so far. Do u think AJs is a fold without any previous reads after the first 3bet? Do we ship flop (or turn for that matter) and if he has QQ+ so be it? Is river callable in any spots?
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (2 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

BB ($50)
Hero (SB) ($52.70)

Preflop: Hero is SB with A, J
Hero bets $1.50, BB raises to $4, Hero calls $2.50

Flop: ($8) J, 5, 3 (2 players)
BB bets $4.50, Hero calls $4.50

Turn: ($17) 6 (2 players)
BB bets $11, Hero calls $11

River: ($39) K (2 players)
BB bets $30.50 (All-In), Hero folds

Total pot: $39 | Rake: $0.50

2.In hand 2 i chck back turn to induce a bet from a pair+draw ,two pair etc. As played do we still find a river call? Is a thinking player in any way vbetting 2pair or is his hand polarised to bluffs and nuts?

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (2 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

SB ($93.95)
Hero (BB) ($58.50)

Preflop: Hero is BB with 10, 10
SB bets $1.50, Hero raises to $5, SB calls $3.50

Flop: ($10) J, 10, K (2 players)
Hero bets $7, SB calls $7

Turn: ($24) 6 (2 players)
Hero checks, SB checks

River: ($24) A (2 players)
Hero checks, SB bets $17.50, Hero calls $17.50

Total pot: $59 | Rake: $0.50

Just moved over from 6max and any input would be appreciated
50nl: A couple of meh spots against a thinking player Quote
07-11-2009 , 05:52 AM
hand 1, im not sure, he reps AA,KK,JJ,AK,KJ . I think many 50nl regs will check QQ on this river. Forget JJ because that'd be the case jacks, and discount KJ since if a player 3bets rarely he is not 3betting this hand. This leaves him repping a pretty narrow range. Turn is a bad card for him to barrel, but river is a great one, so I think he can show up with BS here a fair bit.

hand 2 doesnt make sense, why would you try to induce a bet from pair+draw/two pair? if he has 2pair it doesnt matter, hes gettign stacked. But pair+draw will check back almost always here (why would he bet AJ), although it will call a bet. Theres a lot of hands like QT, AJ, AT that will potcontrol turn.

The problem with this board is that he is never floating with air, it'll always be something like Ax or a pair that has showdown value/a draw and will check turn back
50nl: A couple of meh spots against a thinking player Quote
07-11-2009 , 09:21 AM
Hand 1:

How many hands in was the first 3bet? If it was less than 20, I'd say call. If it was more than 20, I'd say fold until you have a better read. If you are going to call AJ and get the best possible board for your hand you have to be willing to go with it.

His flop bet looks really weak to me and that just screams AK or 9s or something like that. I think calling here is fine and I would hope he kept betting on most turn. I think raising here is also fine, with the intention of getting it in (he might shove AK or something like that - you cannot fold your hand here).

Once he bets the turn strong I think he will often have picked up a flush draw. I think something slightly over a minraise is good here to both charge his draw or get him to spaz out and make him think that he has fold equity.

As played, the river is a fold in my opinion. The only two river cards I would consider folding to in this spot is the K or Q of hearts. Everything else is a call.

Hand 2:

There are a ton of draws on that board and it hits his 3 bet defense range pretty hard. Once he calls the flop bet you can be sure that he has some piece of the board and will most likely not fold. You should bet the turn extremely strong - maybe 22 dollars or so. You should be happy getting it in here. Never slowplay a hand like this in hu - either scare cards will come and kill your action from a K or you will get sucked out on.

If he just calls the large turn bet then I'd shove any river. You will be committed to call anyway, even though most of the time he will only bet straights. Thus, you might as well get the money in to extract value from all of his 2 pair hands.

Last edited by Kardnel; 07-11-2009 at 09:42 AM.
50nl: A couple of meh spots against a thinking player Quote
