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50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway 50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway

04-14-2008 , 12:01 PM
Villain is 10.2/4.5/3.5

What range should i be puttin him here on the turn. He seems tight so i had trouble thinking of my action on the turn then river being OOP.

I checked the flop because it was dry and didnt want to bloat the pot with my weak holding which isnt going to get paid off big.

BB ($145.10)
UTG ($50.75)
UTG+1 ($30.35)
Hero ($52.90)
MP2 ($45.95)
MP3 ($29.85)
CO ($10.90)
Button ($71.20)
SB ($48.70)

Preflop: Hero is MP1 with J, A.
2 folds, Hero raises to $2, MP2 calls $2, 1 fold, CO calls $2, Button calls $2, 2 folds.

Flop: ($8.75) 3, A, 8 (4 players)
Hero checks, MP2 checks, CO checks, Button checks.

Turn: ($8.75) 9 (4 players)
Hero checks, MP2 bets $6.5, CO folds, Button folds, Hero??
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-14-2008 , 12:05 PM
I would never check the flop here... Being OOP is tough enough as it is, and I'm a CB monkey. I can't find fault with your logic though, so looks good .

I guess I like a call and then a c/call for pot control on the river, but christ that looks passive. Don't take this advice. Anyone else know what to do?
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-14-2008 , 12:22 PM
Pot is already bloated when you get 3 callers so it's going to be hard to exercise pot control. I like to lead here when OOP and on this board. Unlikely you'll get called by a worse hand so it's a strong bet for me and usually be done with it.
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-14-2008 , 12:29 PM
Bet the flop. Don't think too much on hands like this. You most likely have the best hand, and if you don't you'll never find out exactly how far behind you are by check-calling. Bet for value, there are just too many cards you don't want to see four-handed land on the turn.

As played calling once and folding are both fine. It's a really crappy spot you shouldn't be in.
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-14-2008 , 12:53 PM
raise flop.
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-15-2008 , 03:34 AM
So if we bet the flop about $6 and get called by one opponent, what's the plan on the turn?

So we're paying $6 to find were we are at? Getting called only by better hands?
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-15-2008 , 07:11 AM
I'd bet the flop... You raised pf and hit the flop. OOP sucks but atleast I'd like to keep the initiative. Given his vpip he could very well have you beat IF he has the ace but any pp is in his range as well...

Hard to put him on a range on the turn since you showed weakness on both flop and turn by checking so he could be betting out with many hands. As played I'd most likely fold on the turn since I have no idea where we are standing and by checking flop and turn I certainly don't show any confidence in my hand being good enough
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-15-2008 , 07:54 AM
If you very your CB sizes (some people like a standard size), because the board is so dry you can get away CBing for less. This doesn't matter if you hit your ace or not, it's a function of dryness rather than of hand strength. For this reason it really doesn't give too much away.

On a wet board if you 1/2 pot CB, then draws are going to be calling you all over the place: they're getting 3:1, and generally have implied odds. This is why you usually need 2/3-full pot to drive them out in these situations. But on a dry board, you usually can get the same result with a 1/2 pot CB. There aren't any draws are the point. Villain either has something he's folding, or something he's slowplaying, and both react the same way to a 1/2pot or fullpot CB; but with the 1/2pot, you lose less.

Even if opponents are thinking and trying to read your betsizes, they're wrong as often as they're right because you're not varying them based on hand strength; you're varying them based on board texture.
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-15-2008 , 07:55 AM
Also folding AJo is normal for me in UTG and UTG+1, and here you are only 1 position better. I would raise here, but I'm just saying that this is the reason it's weak: It's very difficult to play when you flop TP3K, your CB gets called, and you're OOP.
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-15-2008 , 08:26 AM
I'm with hackers on just about everything. Betting 5 on this flop narrows the field and gives you an idea of where you are in the hand. You could think of it as paying 5 to see where you are, but more importantly it's so that you don't have to pay more later on when you haven't defined any of villains' ranges and are OOP against multiple people. If you fire flop and MP2 raises or calls, I'd take this as a show of real strength given that there are 2 people left behind him (not including you) and you an pretty much c/f the turn. (I think villain's range is comprised mostly, if not completely of PPs and these types don't float in multiway pots). As played, I think it's a toss up, but I lean towards a fold given that he's betting into 3 people, unless you're willing to call a river bet as well. FTR, I think this can be a good line to take against an aggro opponent with TP on a dry board (check flop, and let villain hang himself), but I'd definitely like a better kicker and I'd like to be HU.
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-15-2008 , 09:17 AM
Alrighty, good points, opening this flop seems a cheap way of taking it down/not losing too much.

Think i need to find that way ahead/behind post again too...
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-15-2008 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by hackers238
If you very your CB sizes (some people like a standard size), because the board is so dry you can get away CBing for less. This doesn't matter if you hit your ace or not, it's a function of dryness rather than of hand strength. For this reason it really doesn't give too much away.

On a wet board if you 1/2 pot CB, then draws are going to be calling you all over the place: they're getting 3:1, and generally have implied odds. This is why you usually need 2/3-full pot to drive them out in these situations. But on a dry board, you usually can get the same result with a 1/2 pot CB. There aren't any draws are the point. Villain either has something he's folding, or something he's slowplaying, and both react the same way to a 1/2pot or fullpot CB; but with the 1/2pot, you lose less.

Even if opponents are thinking and trying to read your betsizes, they're wrong as often as they're right because you're not varying them based on hand strength; you're varying them based on board texture.
yeah my first thought was to bet 1/2 pot.
if for some reason you're in a game where the weak players bet less when they don't have a hand then you might want to bet more.
also in that type of game you might want to go ahead and only bet 1/2 pot when you do have a hand to induce action.
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-16-2008 , 12:16 AM
folding weak aces oop PF saves you these decisions.
bet flop, give up if called. you lose to half the aces they might have, sets, and two pair. giving a free card gives three people the chance to make these hands.
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-16-2008 , 02:38 AM
With his numbers it doesn't look like a weaker A. I like the check out of position with 3 callers behind, just to see what develops. My guess is he's got a stronger A and was maybe setting up a check raise, or he hit a set of 9s. I like a fold here.
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
04-16-2008 , 08:27 AM
I actually don't mind your flop check, the board is dry you are either way ahead of way behind and you really want more information before deciding what to do. If I did bet the flop it wouldn't be very much.

Once its checked through though I definitely bet the turn, its value time. You've induced some calls by worse hands by checking through the flop and now their are some draws out that will pay you, time to get some money in.
50NL - AJ Axxr flop multiway Quote
