Taking in Mind SSimples Post Re HH's
Here is 4 examples of Jacks - Each Hand is Different.
The Overall Objective of Thread is to get my Preflop/Postflop aggression and Lines correct.
Consider my stats to be around 18-12 VPIP PFr 9-11 range no exact cause I didnt pull them up for each example
Hand 1.
Villian Stats 91/37 Afq 80 - Vs Maniac with position Small Sample WTSD
80% W$SD
25% Villian had been playing very aggressively and had doubled up prior to me entering table. So I dont know how he got his stack.
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
The Official
2+2 Hand Converter
Powered By DeucesCracked.com
UTG+1: $11.60
UTG+2: $47.75
MP1: $50.00
MP2: $9.25
Hero (CO): $49.25
BTN: $56.35
SB: $137.80
BB: $50.00
UTG: $49.25
Pre Flop: Hero is CO with J

1 fold, UTG+1 calls $0.50,
3 folds,
Hero raises to $2.50,
1 fold, SB calls $2.25,
2 foldsStandard Raise to Iso Limp with Good Pair. SB calls Dog ascribes Range ATC
Flop: ($6.00) 6


(2 players)
SB bets $5.50,
Hero raises to $15, SB calls $9.50
Ok I get lead into - that means he is any piece of board or draw. Now I raise $15 is this the right price? Too heavy too light?
Turn: ($36.00) 4
(2 players)
SB bets $10,
Hero raises to $31.75 all in, SB calls $21.75
2nd Barrell by Villian - given his stack and stats I suppose he could have a 4 but I still have him any part of board + the flush draw is out there. I read the bet as a donk bet. Is this right to view it as weakness? I shove in because I dont want to let a flush card kill the action if I am in front or stop me from calling a shove. Is this the way to think?
River: ($99.50) K
(2 players - 1 is all in)
So wondering if I am thinking through that pot correctly and are my lines right.
Hand 2.
JJ vs Reg Villian 18/13 Afq 44 3-bet% 4.55 Foldbbto Steal 78% 650 Hands New reg but been at tables a bit recently - has seen me monkey tilt and call down light. Up 1.5 buyins in my sample. All Stats shown are in my HUD.
Focus Preflop 4-bet? Flop/ Turn Action bet sizing and Missed River Value?
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players
The Official
2+2 Hand Converter
Powered By DeucesCracked.com
MP1: $107.85
MP2: $20.00
CO: $29.50
BTN: $36.65
SB: $49.50
BB: $50.00
UTG: $29.00
Hero (UTG+1): $64.00
Pre Flop: Hero is UTG+1 with J

1 fold,
Hero raises to $1.50,
5 folds,
BB raises to $5, Hero calls $3.50
Standard Dog raise First in EP. Now 3-bet is undersized which I note for further reference. I decide that I have position and its 3.50 to win $50 so I take a flop rather than 4-bet. I dont four bet as I am EP raiser and so I think that any action will be from better hands. I also note at this point 3bet % is 4.5 which doesnt mean alot to me except it is not 1 which would have him exlusively in the big pairs alone in my experience OOP.
Flop: ($10.25) A


(2 players)
BB bets $7, Hero calls $7
Rainbow Jackpot flop - Now at this point I am thinking All good aces are in play as well as a c-bet from KKQQ all the way down to 8s even. So I decide to flat call here and not raise. I think it is safe to do this. But should I raise?
Turn: ($24.25) K
(2 players)
BB checks,
Hero bets $13, BB calls $13
Ok Not worried about Str8 - checked over.... Now at this point alot of regs give up to a bet. But I dont really want to give away a card. So I opt for 60% of Pot. Does this look too strong or weak? Would you put more in? I want all of his range to stay in.
River: ($50.25) 7
(2 players)
BB checks,
Hero bets $39 all in Weakness again. The Dog knows he is in front now 99% of the time. My shove is 80% of pot. V-bet or Shove? If a v-bet why and how much?
So Is it an undersized turn bet has lead me to not get the pot commitment necessay to get the river call? Or did i price the bet right on the turn and should have milked the river with a V-bet?
Hand 3
Small Sample Size Villian Half Stack who gave me the bulk of the $36 I am in front. Hand he paid me off was A74 he raised preflop with 67s I check shoved him with AJ.
Stats 27/12 Afq 33
Cbetflop 75% WTSD 41 W$SD 17%
Focus too passive with JJ OOP - or disguised hand well played?
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players
The Official
2+2 Hand Converter
Powered By DeucesCracked.com
UTG: $107.85
UTG+1: $20.00
MP1: $29.50
MP2: $36.65
CO: $49.25
BTN: $50.00
SB: $74.85
Hero (BB): $86.80
Pre Flop: Hero is BB with J

2 folds,
MP1 raises to $1.50,
4 folds, Hero calls $1
Ok I dont like 3-betting half stackers to begin with.(Bad thinking??). I take the flop as I am last to act HU to someone willing to put in it with second pair.
Flop: ($3.25) 6


(2 players)
Hero checks
I consider betting but I notice 75% c-bet, Thinking I might check overshove him again.,
MP1 bets $3.50, Hero calls $3.50
Now he pots it and I slow up, is this with good reason? I am lost on his range at this point which forces me into passivity.
Turn: ($10.25) Q
(2 players)
Hero checks, MP1 checks
Actually dont mind the Q appearing and he checks behind, as soon as I see this I am thinking I am good and I am v-betting and calling a shove on any non- A and str8ening cards. Good thinking?
River: ($10.25) 3
(2 players)
Hero bets $7, MP1 calls $7
I v-bet. Happy with this part of the hand
So this hand I am worried about my overall attitude to preflop acion oop vs half stackers. As well as my line on the flop should I be leading out here and turn rather than super passive- river v-bet line. I was thinking about my recent history and felt he mightnt stack off as light. Is this too nittish thinking?
Hand 4
Small Sample Size 37/8 - Now this gentlemen had 3 bet me when I opened light in position and had had a couple of goes at my blinds. He overbets the pot and has bounced around from being $20 up to breakeven without showing down many hands.
Focus Just let it go or you are getting pwned you passive donk Dog.
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players
The Official
2+2 Hand Converter
Powered By DeucesCracked.com
BB: $50.95
UTG: $64.40
Hero (UTG+1): $49.00
MP: $19.30
CO: $50.00
BTN: $57.20
SB: $70.90
Pre Flop: Hero is UTG+1 with J

1 fold,
Hero raises to $2,
4 folds, BB calls $1.50
Dog opts to open with 4bb as I am wanting a 3-bet with a view of 4-betting him here. He just flats....I have no reads and am struggling to put a range on this blind defense.
Flop: ($4.25) T


(2 players)
BB bets $4.50, Hero calls $4.50
He pots me and is leading into a EP raiser that he has gotten me off a few hands. Not really happy raising on such a flat board but am definitely feeling very passive at this point. I call waiting to see if he second barrells... with a view to betting if checked and calling min check raises but folding to good reraises and shoves.
Turn: ($13.25) K
(2 players)
BB bets $12, Hero folds
I pick up a straight draw but he has potted me again. I consider a bluff shove at this point.. think the better of it and feel like I am beig run over and fold.
It is hands like this that get me into that feeling of being too stationary postflop.
OK, I have tried to give you plenty to work with and Help the Dog out. It would be appreciated if you put some thought into some of your replies. I dont mind if you have questions about my thinking if you are learning off me. I dont mind any criticisms from any vets. IF you have a broad point to make please do into detail.