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50NL 4 Hands JJ Nit->TAG transition problems With Details 50NL 4 Hands JJ Nit->TAG transition problems With Details

07-15-2008 , 12:35 AM
Taking in Mind SSimples Post Re HH's
Here is 4 examples of Jacks - Each Hand is Different.
The Overall Objective of Thread is to get my Preflop/Postflop aggression and Lines correct.
Consider my stats to be around 18-12 VPIP PFr 9-11 range no exact cause I didnt pull them up for each example

Hand 1.
Villian Stats 91/37 Afq 80 - Vs Maniac with position Small Sample WTSD 80% W$SD25% Villian had been playing very aggressively and had doubled up prior to me entering table. So I dont know how he got his stack.

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG+1: $11.60
UTG+2: $47.75
MP1: $50.00
MP2: $9.25
Hero (CO): $49.25
BTN: $56.35
SB: $137.80
BB: $50.00
UTG: $49.25

Pre Flop: Hero is CO with J J
1 fold, UTG+1 calls $0.50, 3 folds, Hero raises to $2.50, 1 fold, SB calls $2.25, 2 foldsStandard Raise to Iso Limp with Good Pair. SB calls Dog ascribes Range ATC

Flop: ($6.00) 6 9 4 (2 players)
SB bets $5.50, Hero raises to $15, SB calls $9.50Ok I get lead into - that means he is any piece of board or draw. Now I raise $15 is this the right price? Too heavy too light?

Turn: ($36.00) 4 (2 players)
SB bets $10, Hero raises to $31.75 all in, SB calls $21.752nd Barrell by Villian - given his stack and stats I suppose he could have a 4 but I still have him any part of board + the flush draw is out there. I read the bet as a donk bet. Is this right to view it as weakness? I shove in because I dont want to let a flush card kill the action if I am in front or stop me from calling a shove. Is this the way to think?

River: ($99.50) K (2 players - 1 is all in)

So wondering if I am thinking through that pot correctly and are my lines right.

Hand 2.
JJ vs Reg Villian 18/13 Afq 44 3-bet% 4.55 Foldbbto Steal 78% 650 Hands New reg but been at tables a bit recently - has seen me monkey tilt and call down light. Up 1.5 buyins in my sample. All Stats shown are in my HUD.
Focus Preflop 4-bet? Flop/ Turn Action bet sizing and Missed River Value?

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

MP1: $107.85
MP2: $20.00
CO: $29.50
BTN: $36.65
SB: $49.50
BB: $50.00
UTG: $29.00
Hero (UTG+1): $64.00

Pre Flop: Hero is UTG+1 with J J
1 fold, Hero raises to $1.50, 5 folds, BB raises to $5, Hero calls $3.50Standard Dog raise First in EP. Now 3-bet is undersized which I note for further reference. I decide that I have position and its 3.50 to win $50 so I take a flop rather than 4-bet. I dont four bet as I am EP raiser and so I think that any action will be from better hands. I also note at this point 3bet % is 4.5 which doesnt mean alot to me except it is not 1 which would have him exlusively in the big pairs alone in my experience OOP.

Flop: ($10.25) A J 5 (2 players)
BB bets $7, Hero calls $7Rainbow Jackpot flop - Now at this point I am thinking All good aces are in play as well as a c-bet from KKQQ all the way down to 8s even. So I decide to flat call here and not raise. I think it is safe to do this. But should I raise?

Turn: ($24.25) K (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $13, BB calls $13Ok Not worried about Str8 - checked over.... Now at this point alot of regs give up to a bet. But I dont really want to give away a card. So I opt for 60% of Pot. Does this look too strong or weak? Would you put more in? I want all of his range to stay in.

River: ($50.25) 7 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $39 all in Weakness again. The Dog knows he is in front now 99% of the time. My shove is 80% of pot. V-bet or Shove? If a v-bet why and how much?

So Is it an undersized turn bet has lead me to not get the pot commitment necessay to get the river call? Or did i price the bet right on the turn and should have milked the river with a V-bet?

Hand 3
Small Sample Size Villian Half Stack who gave me the bulk of the $36 I am in front. Hand he paid me off was A74 he raised preflop with 67s I check shoved him with AJ.
Stats 27/12 Afq 33 Cbetflop 75% WTSD 41 W$SD 17%
Focus too passive with JJ OOP - or disguised hand well played?

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG: $107.85
UTG+1: $20.00
MP1: $29.50
MP2: $36.65
CO: $49.25
BTN: $50.00
SB: $74.85
Hero (BB): $86.80

Pre Flop: Hero is BB with J J
2 folds, MP1 raises to $1.50, 4 folds, Hero calls $1Ok I dont like 3-betting half stackers to begin with.(Bad thinking??). I take the flop as I am last to act HU to someone willing to put in it with second pair.

Flop: ($3.25) 6 7 T (2 players)
Hero checksI consider betting but I notice 75% c-bet, Thinking I might check overshove him again., MP1 bets $3.50, Hero calls $3.50Now he pots it and I slow up, is this with good reason? I am lost on his range at this point which forces me into passivity.

Turn: ($10.25) Q (2 players)
Hero checks, MP1 checksActually dont mind the Q appearing and he checks behind, as soon as I see this I am thinking I am good and I am v-betting and calling a shove on any non- A and str8ening cards. Good thinking?

River: ($10.25) 3 (2 players)
Hero bets $7, MP1 calls $7 I v-bet. Happy with this part of the hand
So this hand I am worried about my overall attitude to preflop acion oop vs half stackers. As well as my line on the flop should I be leading out here and turn rather than super passive- river v-bet line. I was thinking about my recent history and felt he mightnt stack off as light. Is this too nittish thinking?

Hand 4
Small Sample Size 37/8 - Now this gentlemen had 3 bet me when I opened light in position and had had a couple of goes at my blinds. He overbets the pot and has bounced around from being $20 up to breakeven without showing down many hands.
Focus Just let it go or you are getting pwned you passive donk Dog.

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BB: $50.95
UTG: $64.40
Hero (UTG+1): $49.00
MP: $19.30
CO: $50.00
BTN: $57.20
SB: $70.90

Pre Flop: Hero is UTG+1 with J J
1 fold, Hero raises to $2, 4 folds, BB calls $1.50Dog opts to open with 4bb as I am wanting a 3-bet with a view of 4-betting him here. He just flats....I have no reads and am struggling to put a range on this blind defense.

Flop: ($4.25) T 8 Q (2 players)
BB bets $4.50, Hero calls $4.50He pots me and is leading into a EP raiser that he has gotten me off a few hands. Not really happy raising on such a flat board but am definitely feeling very passive at this point. I call waiting to see if he second barrells... with a view to betting if checked and calling min check raises but folding to good reraises and shoves.

Turn: ($13.25) K (2 players)
BB bets $12, Hero foldsI pick up a straight draw but he has potted me again. I consider a bluff shove at this point.. think the better of it and feel like I am beig run over and fold.

It is hands like this that get me into that feeling of being too stationary postflop.

OK, I have tried to give you plenty to work with and Help the Dog out. It would be appreciated if you put some thought into some of your replies. I dont mind if you have questions about my thinking if you are learning off me. I dont mind any criticisms from any vets. IF you have a broad point to make please do into detail.
50NL 4 Hands JJ Nit->TAG transition problems With Details Quote
07-15-2008 , 07:27 AM
hand 1: I like how you play all streets
hand 2:
preflop: we have position, no need to 4bet, call is fine.
flop: fine, no need to raise on this dry flop, vilian can fold his Ace on raise.
turn: bet little more, around 15~16
river: with your reads - easy push
hand 3:
preflop: 3bet! make your postflop easy to play
flop: c/r, villian is fish, he will pay you with pair of T or smaller, may be AK.
tun,river: fine
hand 4:
flop: you should raise this, villian is aggresive and bet in you with any two
50NL 4 Hands JJ Nit->TAG transition problems With Details Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:40 AM
Hand 1 pot-sized donkbets almost always mean strength. That having been said, "strength" to this play could well be "OMG I HAS A9!!" I think this is fine but I make it 18 on the frop.

Hand 2: 18 on turn makes it much harder for villain to fold river imo. Aside from that, I play it the same if you think his 3b range is that wide.

Hand 3: 3bet here, please. You very likely have the best hand and want to get monies in. Why do we have a problem 3betting half-stackers? (Just curious). Whether or not he's aggro will definitely affect what types of flops I want to get in on, but generally

Hand 4: depends on how active he is postflop and how much you like variance. For the most part, villains like this aren't double donking this board without either a really strong draw or a hand better than yours..
50NL 4 Hands JJ Nit->TAG transition problems With Details Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:43 AM
Why not bet half stackers? It's the same money

If he goes all in you only have to wonder, does he have AA, KK, QQ ..

It's a stupid play to go all in, .. He can make more money with you telling him you having a hand..
50NL 4 Hands JJ Nit->TAG transition problems With Details Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:59 AM
Hand 1:
On the flop, you can't really just call with the huge draw possibility .. So i think your raise is good

I think i would raise some less then all in.. I think i would bet like.. 25$

It will have the same effect ... And if not.. He will re-raise you all in..and you can easily call..

What did he have??

Hand 2:

Pre flop i would have done the same

Flop too

i think i would bet the turn some more.. Like hmm... 19$?? Getting more money in the pot

The pot now is 50.25$

The river is a nothing so you want more money here..

He checks the turn and checks the river so he haven't got that much

I think i would have bet like.. hmm 20$ .. Maybe he can't resist to see what you have with that price

A shove, nah, would never do that.. No way he is gonna call that with something weaker

Hand 3:

I would DEF. re raise him pre flop...

On the flop.. I think you did good.. you have a pair and thats not really a big hand..

So you should or check the flop, or check the turn..

Maybe i bet the flop.. If he is coming over the top.. Call that...

Then check the turn.. (keeping the pot small..) If he bets again.. I am done with the hand (certainly with the Q there)

Nothing wrong with the river i guess.. Getting some value there...

hand 4:

I think you played it Okay

buttt could have tried to re raise him on the flop

if you get called.. you are done with the hand..

but maybe he checks the turn because of your strength on the flop and you can hit the river good
If you don't hit the river, maybe you win with a show down if it's get checked down

Now you just call him on the flop

That tells him exactly what you have (a pair.. maybe 2 pair..but nothing big)

So he fires a big one on the turn knowing you can't call

Last edited by TheDataKid; 07-15-2008 at 09:05 AM.
50NL 4 Hands JJ Nit->TAG transition problems With Details Quote
07-15-2008 , 05:58 PM
Ty RE and TDK
I used the first two examples where I played with what I thought were appropriate or close to levels of aggression and I had position.
The last two examples where I was severely passive and out of position. Hand 4 I feel OOP because I gain no intiative from a strong very aggressive player bombing into me and my unwillingness to raise flop.
I am begining to see a trend where I am more passive OOP than In position. Given that, I guess only four examples and the fact nobody excluding yourself seemed interested in the post - but noone picked up on that part. Its a shame - really cause then the only people who benefit are the reg. lurkers who want to school up on me

TDK Villian in Hand 1 was/is a maniac his holding was 10-6o
50NL 4 Hands JJ Nit->TAG transition problems With Details Quote
