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11-22-2011 , 04:26 AM
Dealt to hero (btn) 1010

Hero ($50) raises to $1.20
1 fold
BB ($50) raises to $4.50
Hero calls $3.30

Flop ($9.25)

BB bets $6.50
Hero calls $6.50

Turn ($22.25)

BB bets $15

BB is an agro reg, 25/22, 9% 3bet, 80% cbet flop, 75% cbet turn (not sure about stats in 3bet pots).

I flatted his 3bet pre as I have position and would rather use it than 4bet and iso myself against the top of his range if he carries on.
Again I flat the flop because I have good equity here and he’ll cbet everything on this board.
On the turn his bet looks strong, but my read is that he will barrel a lot. In play I folded the turn, but I wondered afterwards whether I should have shoved here. He can definitely have a big hand – 88/99/JJ/AJ/KJ. These never fold. He can also have AA-QQ – and my reason for folding rather than shoving, is that I wasn’t sure whether he would fold these (especially given he would have to call approx. $25 into $75 if I shoved the turn).
He can also have some air which would fold, but which we’re already ahead of.

So would you ever turn our hand into a bluff and shove the turn? Should I have raised the flop?
11-22-2011 , 04:33 AM
I think shoving the turn is a very strong move, however: There arent many jacks in your range, he has invested too much to laydown an OP vs a potential (semi-) bluff. You would have raised a set on this board, if villain knows this you dont make a strong point repping a Jack or a boat IMO. So yes it's a very dangerous board for an OP, but I dont thiunk it makes much sense in this situation.
11-22-2011 , 04:48 AM
the turn is a fold. But what about the flop. it looks reasonable to raise it. He has a lot of Js in his range, which he could muck them. Also maybe even AA, KK. Thats how we could get his equity, but if he call and he has a set, even then we are not so bad.
By anly calling, what are we going to do on the turn? Even if we hit our SD there is a small chance to get payed, what if we hit our set it's even worst.

What we can do:
1. fold the flop- hmmm i dont really like it, we have so much equity, he could have air etc the flop- errr dont like, as mention above
3. raise the flop- seems the only reasonable choise
11-22-2011 , 04:51 AM
Raising flop looks very bad to me, he'll fold all the hand we beat and shove with all the better hands.
11-22-2011 , 04:58 AM
The more i think about it the more i think this is a bad turn to raise. On a blank, i think a raise looks stronger, and we have more equity if he has flopped a set. I think on this turn we look more bluffy because as angrychicken says we dont have many jacks in our range, and his flopped sets (now a full house)have our straight draw nullified
11-22-2011 , 05:01 AM
If villain is capable of folding overpairs a raise otf would be good here, he cant fold any value hands if you shove the turn cos odds r 2 good
11-22-2011 , 05:03 AM
Oh, and 4bet pre.
11-22-2011 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by boulgakov
Raising flop looks very bad to me, he'll fold all the hand we beat and shove with all the better hands.
hmm i disagree. He could fold a lot of Js and even overpairs.
If he had a set i think he will bet a litlle bit bigger on the flop

Against KK+ we are 40/60, its +EV and we have some FE
Against QQ we are in bad shape
11-22-2011 , 06:23 AM
For those who would raise the flop,what is your sizing? And what what would u do if villain shoves? If he calls the flop raise, do u shove if he checks the turn. Do u call or fold if he donks?
11-22-2011 , 06:26 AM
i raise/call the flop like 100% of the time
11-22-2011 , 07:28 AM
Vs this villain raise the flop, I don't expect him to fold hands that beat us but I think he has good equity against our hand and were never getting paid if he hit our hand ott.
11-22-2011 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by PokerGooner1
For those who would raise the flop,what is your sizing? And what what would u do if villain shoves? If he calls the flop raise, do u shove if he checks the turn. Do u call or fold if he donks?
If we raise it is always to raise/call anywhere around $16 is probably fine because I doubt villain flats our flop raise that often especially oop.
If we get checked to on the turn (unlikely imo) take a free card a lot with less than a psb left and not that much fe.
11-22-2011 , 09:12 AM
good spot to raise flop, fold as played.
11-22-2011 , 09:15 AM
If we raised the flop and villain called, and then checked the turn to us, for me we would have to shove the turn to have any chance of folding out AA-QQ. if we check back the turn our hand is totally face up at that point and villain will either bet the river, or call any bet of ours. Plus if he happens to get sticky with AK against our flop raise, we give him a free shot at hitting on the river if we check back turn.
11-22-2011 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Cheerful Demon
i raise/call the flop like 100% of the time
me too
flatting and folding suck and we can take good equity and fe and stack off
11-22-2011 , 05:45 PM
Don't think this turncard is in his "double barreling-card" range
