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50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove 50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove

02-19-2010 , 12:45 PM
villain is 26/17/2 after 800 hands, folds to 3bet 25% AF of 21% on flop

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.50(BB) Replayer
SB ($50.75)
Hero ($52)
UTG ($39.65)
UTG+1 ($50)
CO ($57.20)
BTN ($47.65)

Dealt to Hero K A

fold, UTG+1 raises to $1.50, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to $4.75, UTG+1 calls $3.25

FLOP ($9.75) 4 2 K

Hero bets $6.95, UTG+1 raises to $45.25 (AI),
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 12:47 PM
i raise
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 12:54 PM
3b more
I call
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 12:59 PM
how could u ever fold here
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 01:05 PM
how could u ever post this hand on 2p2 if you 3bet?
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 01:25 PM
More pre

You'd be sooo exploitable if you fold here, I'd just start overshoving on you in every 3bet pot!
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by kaos_
You'd be sooo exploitable if you fold here, I'd just start overshoving on you in every 3bet pot!

Except, I disagree with using "if I fold here, I would be too exploitable" as the reason for not folding. This way of thinking can be used incorrectly in a lot of spots, and can create a lot of calling stations.

The better reason is... well, I actually don't have a better reason for this hand. His range is AA, sets, and pure bluffs. Can someone justify calling here with clearer reasoning?
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by kaos_
You'd be sooo exploitable if you fold here, I'd just start overshoving on you in every 3bet pot!
Exactly why is being exploitable a problem in this spot? How does that work in practice? Seems like you are misinterpreting something important.
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 01:42 PM
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 01:50 PM
you shouldn't fold here but don't worry about being exploitable since if you fold, its not like he knows you folded something as strong as AK.
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
you shouldn't fold here but don't worry about being exploitable since if you fold, its not like he knows you folded something as strong as AK.
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 02:05 PM
i'd start by not betting the flop
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by kolotoure
i'd start by not betting the flop
Because they arent raisebluffing or floating wide enough? Any similar textures you wouldnt cbet TPTK? Any other hands on this texture you would check?
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Aquadougs
Because they arent raisebluffing or floating wide enough? Any similar textures you wouldnt cbet TPTK? Any other hands on this texture you would check?
Seems he is way more likely to put money in the pot when we check than he is when we bet. I'd be checking everything that isn't a bluff and always betting my air twice
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by kolotoure
Seems he is way more likely to put money in the pot when we check than he is when we bet. I'd be checking everything that isn't a bluff and always betting my air twice
But we are not likely to have air here very often given that we raised an utg open with only 25% fold to 3-bet? As played do you call, or do you feel it is ok to fold tptk here?
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 02:40 PM
it's a spot where i 3b bluff a fair amount as my range looks pretty strong. It's a gross spot now you have bet as he is like never bluffing so you are basically hoping for a chop but I would prob still call cos im a station
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by kolotoure
I would prob still call cos im a station
Me too!!!!!!
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by kolotoure
Seems he is way more likely to put money in the pot when we check than he is when we bet. I'd be checking everything that isn't a bluff and always betting my air twice
What kind of textures?
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 09:36 PM
basically most boards like this where it is paint annd 2 low cards
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by kolotoure
basically most boards like this where it is paint annd 2 low cards
Noob question:

Paint = J/Q/K ?

Broadway = T/J/Q/K/A ?

Last edited by Aquadougs; 02-19-2010 at 09:47 PM. Reason: Paint = J/Q/K ?
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-19-2010 , 09:56 PM
Given that he doesn't seem to like folding to 3bets he can very easily have 22 or 44 here, probably doesn't show up with AA or KK too often as he 4bets them a lot pre, plus we have blockers. He probably plays AQ/AJss this way sometimes. If that's his range we have to fold, however it is a pretty decent flop to bluffraise and given that the range of hands he's value-shoving is so small, he only needs to show up with bluffs or semibluffs very occasionally to make this a call.

BTW over 800 hands you must have a bit of history? What's his 4bet%? This is very important as if you think he is always 4betting AA, KK pre you can snap call. How does he play his FD's, is he likely to have set-mined, does he often bluffraise flops?
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-20-2010 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by Aquadougs
Noob question:

Paint = J/Q/K ?

Broadway = T/J/Q/K/A ?
i always use both to mean the latter
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-20-2010 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by kolotoure
i always use both to mean the latter
Lets say its twoflush

So with overpair, do you bet some of those:


And you C/C + Check? If he doesnt bet you bet turn blank?

Last edited by Aquadougs; 02-20-2010 at 12:50 AM. Reason: And you C/C + Check? If he doesnt bet you bet turn blank?
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-20-2010 , 12:49 AM
This is a call, but you don't ever have to worry about being exploitable at the micros.
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
02-20-2010 , 12:57 AM
This is usually a flushdraw imo, or tilted QQ/JJ and I cant ever see this done for value, unless villain is really, really tilted, but then we can safely include 27o into his range.
50 NL top pair top kicker  in 3bet pot vs shove Quote
