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50 NL - JJ in BVB, 4B pot, line check 50 NL - JJ in BVB, 4B pot, line check

03-13-2011 , 01:53 PM
SB: $96.63
Hero (BB): $88.05
BTN: $42.72

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with J J
1 fold, SB raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $4.50, SB raises to $10.50, Hero calls $6

Flop: ($21.00) K 8 4 (2 players)
SB bets $8.50, Hero calls $8.50

Turn: ($38.00) J (2 players)
SB bets $19.00, Hero calls $19

River: ($76.00) A (2 players)
SB bets $58.63 all in, Hero calls $50.05 all in

SB is a 19/16/3.4 (2,000 + hands). Steals from the SB 32%. He 3bets 7.5 % and we 3 bet each other a ton (although he plays back at me more often than I do to him). He has an overall 4 bet range of 2.8%, but it's probably much higher here. We have a very aggressive dynamic going on and whenever the two of us are involved in a blind battle, 3 bets and 4 bets are common.

Had we been 100 BB deep I would have snap shoved 5B AI as I'm definitely ahead of both his ranges for 4 betting in this situation and calling my 5B AI (as we have both shipped it light previously against each other, I can see him calling with worse here).

In our history, villain has continuously fired multiple barrels against me as well as everyone else (Flop CBet 66%, Turn CBet 53 %, River Cbet 90 %) so after hitting my set on the turn I figure I might as well give him a chance to bet the river in the case that he does not have anything.

Although I hit my set, two of the hands that I worried me preflop and prevented me from shoving (KK and AA are now beating me). Given the way he has bet so far I think he could have AA, KK, or AK. I decide to call because in his value range there are 6 combo's that are beating me (AA, KK) but 9 combo's of AK that I am beating. Plus there is always the chance that he decided to bluff as the A of hearts on the river is a big scare card if i have something like KQs, QQ, TT, etc.

Was flatting the 4Bet preflop the right play? Does anyone find a fold anywhere in this hand or play something differently?
50 NL - JJ in BVB, 4B pot, line check Quote
