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.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? .50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre?

05-14-2020 , 04:35 PM
I've been playing on the app for 6ish weeks, and it seriously feels like I haven't been played back like this, this consistently since joining the app. I have been getting 3 bet like crazy pre flop these past few days, and it feels like I'm getting autoraised when I downbet flops, but it's probably in my head.

It feels like most of the time I get 3 bet and I see a showdown, that the player 3 betting in fact did have a preimum. However, today, I caught someone doing it with A9o, and another player doing it with 74s. Do you think these are outlier cases or that I'm starting to get attacked? I find this odd, because the tag it shows to other players is always either TAG (VPIP 20%-32%, PFR>15%) or NIT (VPIP<20%.) But the A9o and 74s really made me think.

1. I had a hand not long after I saw the guy 3 bet A9o (I folded, SB called, he hit 2p and stacked the other guy). $175 effective, I open BTN $3, he 3 bets BB $12, and I have AJo. Is this a good time to put in a 4 bet? If not, what range would you 4 bet with?

2. I also folded to the 74s guy, but he stacked a guy on a 653 board, when the guy had 55. This was about 20 minutes later, $205 effective, I opened CO $3, he 3 bet BTN $9. I have KQo - is this a good time to 4 bet? What range would you 4 bet with? I just hate getting exploited, and want to send a message to this guys to stop 3 betting me light.

Also on the subject of downbetting, the past few days I've just had air every time I've downbet and got raised, but there were three instances today where I downbet otf and got raised with TPTK/TPGK, called, and the raiser gave up all three times, and folded when they x turn, and I bet. It feels like people are on to me. Are there any suggestions to combat this?
.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? Quote
05-14-2020 , 05:49 PM
imo just revert to "GTOish" ranges and principles when you're not too sure if people are ****ing you too much or not, as long as you're somewhat balanced anyone spazzing out will be pouring money into you.

don't try to combat fire with fire
.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? Quote
05-14-2020 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by aner0
imo just revert to "GTOish" ranges and principles when you're not too sure if people are ****ing you too much or not, as long as you're somewhat balanced anyone spazzing out will be pouring money into you.

don't try to combat fire with fire
Do you have a GTO 4 Bet Chart?
.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? Quote
05-14-2020 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
Do you have a GTO 4 Bet Chart?

Just click on Facing a 3Bet After My Raise and pick the positions.

For the first hand, BTN v BB, AJo is a call most of the time and occasionally a 4bet. You can 4bet bluff A2o-A9o at a small frequency. As well as some of the smaller suited Ax hands, but those play better as calls.

In the second hand, CO v BTN. KQo is a fold. This time the small to mid suited Ax hands work better as a 4bet bluff, but at an even smaller frequency than the unsuited Ax hands in the first hand.

But like aner0 said, you don't have to fight fire with fire. I would suggest start calling them first with reasonable hands, and then slowly add in a 4bet bluff here and there.
.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? Quote
05-14-2020 , 10:41 PM
i dont think anyone is out there to exploit you tbh

lay off the 4bet bluffs for a while and stick to QQ+,AK

get 3b/fold to 3b/4b ratio/fold to 4bet/5b stats in hud if possible

if 3b+ is <2.5% adjust accordingly

downbet: stick to it in SRP where the pot is small and range is very wide - not in 3b pots
.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? Quote
05-15-2020 , 12:44 AM
according to you im a "NIT" lol but i 3b 10-20% in late position dynamics. I dont see why its odd to see a 3b with 74s, BB vs SB weak or BB vs BTN SCs are going to show much higher EV as a 3b than a flat call esp with rake and many regs overopening from the SB/BTN and way way overfolding vs a 3b.

Also welcome to 6m

And dont play based off your emotions. Just construct and play your ranges properly. 3b and 4b just because youre pissed off or tired of people pushing you around doesnt end well.

If you wanna 4b bluff do it if and only if you are IP and its a LP vs blinds scenario, dont mess around oop. You are going to bleed a lot of money 4b bluffing OOP and any other than BTN/CO vs blinds. In my experience people also dont 3b anywhere near optimal sb or bb vs co so i only go nuts btn vs blinds for 4bs

At equilibrium the blinds should be 3betting at least double digitsish vs BTN/CO. I doubt that is happening in your games so i think you should be careful with 4b bluffing cuz youll end up spewing most likely

Theres seriously nothing wrong with having air and folding to a xr. You are allowed to fold when people raise your bet. If you are at the bottom of your range and your opponent raises you then just ship them the pot and move on. Theres nothing else to do and doing anything else (floating or 3b flop with bad hands) is just bleeding money, not to mention people dont bluff raise anywhere near aggressively as pio does so you can find a lot of comfort in that

Last edited by Minatorr; 05-15-2020 at 12:54 AM.
.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? Quote
05-15-2020 , 12:59 AM
both are reasonable 4bets if ~100x
offsuit hands don't get 4b much 200x deep
.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? Quote
05-15-2020 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
It feels like most of the time I get 3 bet and I see a showdown, that the player 3 betting in fact did have a preimum.
That's because to get to showdown without a premium they either have to hit big, or run a bluff, assuming these hands aren't getting checked down.

I would try not to worry that "people are on to you" though. It's probably mostly just that they've had good hands, and this line of thought will lead you to overadjust and cost yourself money.
.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? Quote
05-15-2020 , 04:30 PM
Thank you very much for all of your responses! Thank you especially to newguyhere for referring me to the 4 bet chart!

It's good to know that this is likely in my head. Sometimes a small sample size can get the best of us.
.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? Quote
05-15-2020 , 04:33 PM
4b JJ+/AK and your favorite holding of A2-A5
.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? Quote
05-15-2020 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by dubakkur2
i dont think anyone is out there to exploit you tbh

lay off the 4bet bluffs for a while and stick to QQ+,AK

Dunno about this. Also if anyone is 3betting light then they're definitely exploiting a no 4! light strategy. It's not hard to just size to slightly over 2x and 4b light in position. Puts a ton of people in **** spots out of position calling off marginally with **** holdings. I think it's mandatory and easy to implement.

A general rule of thumb is flat your suited hands like KQs and AQs and 4b your can 4b fold very easily with this strategy. The only difficult part is playing out of position you're going to want to do less flatting.
.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? Quote
05-15-2020 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Akromah
Dunno about this. Also if anyone is 3betting light then they're definitely exploiting a no 4! light strategy. It's not hard to just size to slightly over 2x and 4b light in position. Puts a ton of people in **** spots out of position calling off marginally with **** holdings. I think it's mandatory and easy to implement.

A general rule of thumb is flat your suited hands like KQs and AQs and 4b your can 4b fold very easily with this strategy. The only difficult part is playing out of position you're going to want to do less flatting.
bcos he said ppl are showing up with premiums

if he sticks to snowie for bluffs and value - he should be fine
even then you have to adjust to nitty 3b/4b ranges or fish that wont fold to 3bets that often
.50/1 Pokerbros - Choosing Hands To Four Bet, And Have I Been Running Into Tops Of Ranges Pre? Quote
