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5/10NL: Live very deep bottom set 600bb 5/10NL: Live very deep bottom set 600bb

02-14-2010 , 07:51 PM
Villain PF is loose and somewhat passive; postflop he is capable of bluffing by barelling, and c/r'ing flops here and there in general. However tonight, he has been pretty in line particualrly vs me probably since I have position on him and a skill edge. But he is a thinking player and a decent hand reader.
Also I think his air/bluff range shrink up quite a bit in a pot this big and to this action.

Another note is that he hasnt been cbetting much, I give his cbets more credit.

Effective stacks $6k

Villain opens to $40, 1 call, Hero calls on BTN with 44

Flop is K J 4. Pot $130

Villain bets $80, fold, Hero calls.

Turn 6h. Pot $290

Villain bets $180, Hero raises to $700, Villain raises to $2000,

If I flat here there is a pot-sized bet left on river. Should I fold here? Call turn, fold a blank river shove? Shove turn? Or call down?
5/10NL: Live very deep bottom set 600bb Quote
02-14-2010 , 08:14 PM
Do you think he is capable fo doing that with AQcc j10cc?
Most live players will just call there with those hands

Do you know if he raises Kj preflop?
You said he was passive preflop

If answer is no to both of those I think I will just fold to the 3 bet
5/10NL: Live very deep bottom set 600bb Quote
02-14-2010 , 08:27 PM
im leaning towards fold too.

tbh you dont even know what card you want to see on the river (in the event you make it there)
5/10NL: Live very deep bottom set 600bb Quote
02-14-2010 , 08:54 PM
are those betsizes standard for him? Why flat the flop unless you are trying to induce something ******ed from him later?
5/10NL: Live very deep bottom set 600bb Quote
02-14-2010 , 09:41 PM
yeah i would raise the flop. turn i have to think about. but i'm probably at least flatting
5/10NL: Live very deep bottom set 600bb Quote
02-14-2010 , 11:05 PM
In regards to flop, id normally raise, so don't give too much consideration to it. Yes kj is in his range, but being this deep I don't know if he 3bets it. I also feel like being this deep he may just flat big draws to my raise, but I can't be certain about either of those.
5/10NL: Live very deep bottom set 600bb Quote
02-14-2010 , 11:15 PM
you ran into kk after calling off your stack.... correct? I don't think we can fold the turn.... but folding isnt bad imo either, I just hate to do it
5/10NL: Live very deep bottom set 600bb Quote
02-14-2010 , 11:33 PM
This hand just feels like you wanted to get tricky with a hand and in doing so you then figure you need to recoup the "lost" value you missed by getting tricky, so you then make your turn bet (presumably) bigger than normal. And now, because of all of this unconventional play, you get confused on what your opponents bets really mean.

Why would you take an approach of giving him some rope (by slowplaying the flop) when he hasn't shown any tendencies of hanging himself tonight. As well, a two-flush on a two-broadway board would make me want to control the turn so I need to grab the initiative on the flop in order to achieve this. Playing deep, the later streets are where the damage is done so controlling their actions or dictating when and how the bets go in is very vital (and obviously the deeper effective stacks the more important this concept becomes).

As played, I am calling the bet. There are a lot of cards that will freeze him on the river and you each have plenty behind so it is not automatic he is always betting/shoving. And if he is, it still may not be that bad.

Don't forget that this board produces numerous drawing/semibluffing hands and if he is at all thinking he will realize that deep stacks allow for more creativity in that department. This hand is an example why...
5/10NL: Live very deep bottom set 600bb Quote
02-14-2010 , 11:55 PM
OOPS. didnt see how deep you were. im all in 100% of time
5/10NL: Live very deep bottom set 600bb Quote
