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5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. 5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads.

01-25-2010 , 09:21 PM
villain is a regfish..38/19..5 3bet 2AF..usually is a huge callingstation..seen him bluff tho.

call or fold?

$5/$10 No Limit Holdem
5 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by

UTG ($1,088.75)
Hero ($1,716)
BTN ($2,340)
SB ($930)
BB ($1,306.75)

Pre-Flop: ($15, 5 players) Hero is CO 10 K
1 fold, Hero raises to $35, BTN calls $35, 1 fold, BB calls $25

Flop: 4 10 2 ($110, 3 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $55, BTN folds, BB calls $55

Turn: K ($220, 2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $135, BB calls $135

River: 4 ($490, 2 players)
BB bets $380

Final Pot: $870

5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-25-2010 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by WRCZ
call or fold?
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-25-2010 , 09:34 PM
whats there to wat about?
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-25-2010 , 09:36 PM
i cant fold here, set shoulda raised turn, if he has a 4 ****him ul get him back soon
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-25-2010 , 09:41 PM
if you have played with him a lot and have a good read on him you can consider folding. but with the brief info you provided it's a call and it's not debatable.
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-25-2010 , 09:43 PM
well...not played much..hes just a moron who shows up here and there and ...well yeah.

as for the hand....i did call.
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:06 AM
wow. fold? wtf....
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:09 AM
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 04:51 AM
would be cool if u could show hands of where he has chosen a call down line when he should have folded, and where he has shown bluffs in spots that were weird
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 08:00 AM

btw, i would bet more on the turn
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 08:07 AM
i would shove before i folded here, wow
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:02 AM
slightly bigger turn bet and calling river seems unavoidable.

guessing he had a 4 together with a turned flushdraw
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 12:29 PM
if villain is a regfish, why for the love of god would you bet so small on the flop

lmfao @ call or fold river
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:49 PM
i would srsly consider shoving. and obv. never consider folding
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 02:08 PM
why the weird sizing on turn ? I can understand flop w/Btn left to act but turn ? And I agree river is close between raising/calling , wtf at fold ...
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 02:20 PM
to the people saying snap call have you ever seen people bluffing like this? also his range is likely really polarized so shoving makes no sense at all when hes not leading middling hands here supoosedly that wouold fold or call a raise. id probably call with your description but whenever i make a lot of these calls people always have it, esp when no real draws can call a ten high dry flop so his range is weighted towards value unless he can call a flop with qj or ace high backdoor spades and he randomly decides to bluff it
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by AcTiOnJaCsOn
to the people saying snap call have you ever seen people bluffing like this?
jesus christ. yes. a million times.

silly thread
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 04:11 PM
Shove is just awful like some people said they would consider. You are almost turning your hand into a bluff. I cant see what kinda hand would call you here if you shove (that you beat). If you fold I guess you need a good read, and need to know villains tendecies really well to be able to make the fold. I assume he had like 45 of spades? or something similar to that.. It really doesnt look like a bluff. I mean that is such a strange spot to bluff, not really a scare card on the river, and villain has bet 2 streets in a board where there are basically no draws. I still guess it's a call though. Hate it but gotta do it..

Just curious, what did he have?
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Peligro!
jesus christ. yes. a million times.

silly thread
lol you have hands in your database. I mean to begin with to be bluffing he has to be the type to just call the flop with some kind of backdoor draw, then he has to decide to lead the river with it when your representing a strong hand. I dont know i never see this
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by AcTiOnJaCsOn
to the people saying snap call have you ever seen people bluffing like this?
lol yes snap obv
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
01-26-2010 , 04:52 PM
sorry he went monkey with A4 or whatever op, he has 53 or 88 some stupid **** more than anything else
5/10, turned top2, river midpair pairs & villain leads. Quote
