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5/10 session review 5/10 session review

06-16-2008 , 08:38 AM
Hand #1 - vs fishy calling station i have won 2 big pots vs him on 2 tables couple minutes ago.. call or fold river? only hand that makes sense to me is J9 :<

$5/$10 No Limit Holdem
6 players
Converted at

UTG ($1821.00)
Hero ($2559.00)
CO ($985.00)
BTN ($1073.00)
SB ($1005.00)
BB ($1000.00)

Pre-flop: ($15, 6 players) Hero is UTG 1 Q Q
1 fold, Hero raises to $30, 2 folds, SB calls $25, 1 fold

Flop: A T Q ($70, 2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $50, SB calls $50

Turn: 2 ($170, 2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $155, SB calls $155

River: 8 ($480, 2 players)
SB goes all-in $770, Hero ?

Hand #2 - vs tag reg.. some one check/calling river or bet/folding or is the way i played it fine? :< not sure what i have to put him on.. i mean there are QT,QJ,QK,Qx out there but also small pocket hits :<

$5/$10 No Limit Holdem
6 players
Converted at

UTG ($1244.50)
Hero ($1000.00)
CO ($170.00)
BTN ($862.00)
SB ($1459.90)
BB ($1152.00)

Pre-flop: ($15, 6 players) Hero is UTG 1 Q A
1 fold, Hero raises to $30, 3 folds, BB calls $20

Flop: Q 9 2 ($65, 2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $50, BB calls $50

Turn: Q ($165, 2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $150, BB calls $150

River: 4 ($465, 2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $360, BB goes all-in $922, Hero goes all-in $410

Hand #3 - vs unknown i guess semibluff goes wrong how bad is this line?

$5/$10 No Limit Holdem
5 players
Converted at

UTG ($1846.00)
CO ($1368.63)
Hero ($1000.00)
SB ($2231.25)
BB ($1098.87)

Pre-flop: ($15, 5 players) Hero is BTN A 2
2 folds, Hero raises to $30, 1 fold, BB calls $20

Flop: 3 6 J ($65, 2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $40, BB raises to $155, Hero calls $115

Turn: Q ($375, 2 players)
BB bets $211, Hero goes all-in $815, BB calls $604

River: 7 ($2005, 2 players)

Hand #4 - tag reg we are messing around every session :< whats your line here? by betting the flop i have to call the shove right?

$5/$10 No Limit Holdem
6 players
Converted at

UTG ($1000.00)
UTG+1 ($1316.75)
CO ($1000.00)
BTN ($192.00)
Hero ($2667.00)
BB ($1181.00)

Pre-flop: ($15, 6 players) Hero is SB A K
2 folds, CO raises to $35, 1 fold, Hero raises to $135, 1 fold, CO calls $95

Flop: K Q 4 ($275, 2 players)
Hero bets $200, CO goes all-in $870, Hero calls $670

Turn: 2 ($2015, 2 players)

River: 5 ($2015, 2 players)
5/10 session review Quote
06-16-2008 , 01:53 PM
Some interesting hands...

Hand 1 is good if you folded, I really can't see him ever doing this without a straight if he's fishy

Hand 2 looks good to me

I like your line on hand 3 (this line actually lets you get it in really good here sometimes, and you obv always have your 9-12 outs)

Betting hand 4 does make a call mandatory, and I don't think it's bad, but I think check shoving is probably better. Sucks when he gets to get a ton of equity by having 77 with the 7 of hearts or something, and crai makes him fold those hands.

5/10 session review Quote
06-16-2008 , 01:54 PM
and welcome!
5/10 session review Quote
06-16-2008 , 02:06 PM
Hand 1 might be a fold but I need some sort of read to make its since most slowplaying fishes checkraises river with the nuts instead of overbetting. I sometimes see this play with 2pair hands or draws that missed when they dont know what to do on river or are frustrated. Its such a big overbet that I think a fold is fine.

Hand 2 is definately a call. You are getting sick odds and his line is strange. You get coolered a lot here though.

Hand 3 I dont like against an unknown but against some players its fine. I prefer 3betting flop when you have so much more equity against his range.

Hand 4 I like your line and call is mandatory.

4 coolers I guess?
5/10 session review Quote
06-16-2008 , 02:21 PM
Need stats for hand 1.

Hand 2 is standard.

Hand 3 I prefer stacking off on the flop - your line actually folds out most other FD's. Played like this your only hope is he does this with Jx and folds or that he turns a made hand weaker than Jx into a bluff on the flop (and thus folds turn).

Hand 4 I bet less on flop; stacking off is standard.
5/10 session review Quote
