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11-09-2009 , 12:21 PM
Villain is reg at this limit pretty TAG player, we been play 7-handed for 1hr, he play very solid so far hasnt do anything trick yet, he love to put some pressure on others pre-flop, but play pretty standard post flop.
He may think I am a very LAG player and think me c-bet a lot.


CO raise to $45 Hero(BB) calls 1010 Others fold.
FLOP: 10A2 Hero checks CO bets $85, Hero quickly call
TURN: J CO bets $260 Hero raise to $600 CO think for a while then call
RIVER:7 CO bets $950
5/10 LIVE Quote
11-09-2009 , 12:26 PM
Calling isn't bad preflop but I would 3bet personally OOP.

Raise turn more imo.

I think the river is a good card for you as it's widens villain's bluff range. I'd call, but most here will probably say fold.
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11-09-2009 , 12:28 PM
I think this is a call aswell, its hard to put him on a hand that beats you.
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11-09-2009 , 12:47 PM
We're beat by AA,JJ,QK, and flushes. With the flush draw on the turn, I find it hard to believe that he's not reraising AA,JJ, and non-diamond KQ. The ace of diamonds is already out there, so that takes suited Ax out of his turn calling range. So I think the hands that beat us come down to KQdd and low connecting diamonds. Low suited diamonds are going to be hard for him to find a call with on the turn. So I think we're looking at KQdd has us beat and there are still some two pair type hands out there (AT, AJ) that he could think he is still betting for value. Think you have to call and I think you're probably good...but it is live and you did post the hand, so I'm probably wrong.
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11-09-2009 , 03:42 PM
raise the ****ing flop
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11-09-2009 , 03:55 PM
why not vbet river yourself?
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11-09-2009 , 05:15 PM
I think out of his possible range, you are going to be favorite majority of the time here.

With the suited A out there and you having the 10d, I think the only flush draw he would have would be KdQd and of course you lose.

But he would likely raise preflop with KQs, A10, AJ, AQ, AK, JJs, KKs, QQs, AAs

I think a call is profitable. I definitely would not raise here as the only hand that would call a raise would be a hand that beats you.

I don't mind the slow play on the flop as you are likely to get more money from the raiser by c/c ing the flop vs. c/r the flop.

I think the bet on the turn is the right amount and the fact that he didn't re-raise your turn bet makes me feel better about your set.

If he happened to spike a KQs on you, then so be it. But I think you have to make this call and that you should win in this spot 4 out of 7 times.

Be interested in the results once this thread has run its course.
5/10 LIVE Quote
11-09-2009 , 07:03 PM
You're very lag, this is live where people don't fold toppair, and you don't c/r flop???

As played call river
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