Curious if my turn play was correct. V is a 38/18 with a 2/81 3bet. He plays passively post flop (27% flop cbet for instance, fit or fold type) with a 42% turn aggression frequency.
Against a range of 88, 99, K9s, A8, A9, AK (assuming he calls pre based on low 3bet), I have 65% equity.
Against a range of 88, 99, A8, A9, I have 66% equity.
Against a range of 88, 99, A9, I have 52% equity.
Given that I assume he does not fold 2 pair here, is this just an auto GII? Or do you think a player like this would only 4bet turn with 88, 99 and flat my 3bet with 2pair?
NOTE: if anyone has the problem where the stakes convert wrong in the hand history converter ($0.02/$0.02 instead of $0.02/$0.04), change the stake to $0.02/$0.08 after copying the hand into the converter but before pressing convert. This seems to fix the problem and all the stack sizes come out correctly.
Bigger flop, slightly bigger turn. Call raise instead and XR all in on river.
Let him bluff first.
Think I'd be inclined to just GII on turn. A player like this (fit or fold mostly) probably doesn't bluff too much, and once they c/r the turn he's basically saying he wont fold to a raise.
If we call turn and check river he may check back if it's a card he doesn't like, or it could be a card we don't like which causes us to just call and lose value (not that there are that many but yeah...)