Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
It's actually pretty easy to prove that preflop is a call. Solver 4bets 22% (87 combos) but population 4bets 16% (63 combos).
Not sure about this. That's gto v gto and we're trying to exploit an imbalance.
If we're getting ~44% pot odds, and our combo only has ~32% equity against a tight 63 combo 4b range (which works out to something like AQo, TT+). Even though we have position and potentially a skill edge/somewhat over-realise across infinite runouts, the question is: is that enough? AJs is usually a bluffcatcher on any A or J high board, and we're playing an overly tight range.
If they are under 4betting as the data suggests then our marginal hands are not indifferent at all. i.e. we're not being exploited (yet), we should overfold rather than overcall.