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4betting range vs loose maniac 4betting range vs loose maniac

12-18-2014 , 10:05 AM
So i was playing somebody with a 50% 3bet. I'd open for 2bb and he'd rr 5x.
He would basically call any 4bet despite being OOP, which is kind of sticky when i have Ax/Kx.
Would it be appropriate for me to just all-in 4bet with any Ax/Kx/PP, this would put me at a 20% 4bet range, which seems like it would be kind of exploitable. Am i trying to loosen up too much to counter him, should i just fold to most of his 3bets?
since he calls all of my regular sized 4bets, should i just be 4betting him with broadway?
I feel like i'd be losing a lot of value when we both see the flop and i play fit or fold, but i if im not hitting any draws at all i have no choice, do i?
4betting range vs loose maniac Quote
12-18-2014 , 10:12 AM
which seems like it would be kind of exploitable
your opponent is a fun player 3-betting 50% and you are concerned about being exploitable? what the ****

He would basically call any 4bet despite being OOP
start by 4-betting pretty much everything with a clear equity advantage against a 50% range
4betting range vs loose maniac Quote
12-18-2014 , 10:17 AM
is 4betting all in ideal, or should i just 3x it ?
im relatively new to h.u sorry
4betting range vs loose maniac Quote
12-18-2014 , 10:31 AM
regular 4-bets seem to be inducing a bunch of mistakes, so stick with that for the most part
4betting range vs loose maniac Quote
12-20-2014 , 02:09 AM
4bet bigger if he continues to call

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4betting range vs loose maniac Quote
12-20-2014 , 08:53 PM
I have seen this crazy dynamic alot on bovada, I would tighten up and 4bet anything w equity over his 3bet range and wait for spot.
4betting range vs loose maniac Quote
