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400NL: TPTK vs TAG 400NL: TPTK vs TAG

09-16-2010 , 07:58 AM
Villain is 4HrWorkWeek, a standard tag, might actually be on the nittier side (pre flop). Runs 21/18. Not sure how good he is postflop, or how often he bluffs. I've played aggro preflop, but haven't got out of line postflop.

Do we fold flop?

Do we vbet river?

Do we fold or call to his raise?

Full Tilt - $4 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

BTN: $515.10
SB: $400.00
BB: $434.50
UTG: $80.00
MP: $306.60
Hero (CO): $400.00

SB posts SB $2.00, BB posts BB $4.00

Pre Flop: (pot: $6.00) Hero has A Q

fold, MP raises to $8.00, Hero calls $8.00, BTN calls $8.00, fold, fold

Flop: ($30.00, 3 players) Q 6 4
MP checks, Hero bets $16.00, BTN raises to $44.00, fold, Hero calls $28.00

Turn: ($118.00, 2 players) K
Hero checks, BTN checks

River: ($118.00, 2 players) K
Hero bets $48.00, BTN raises to $220.00
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 08:03 AM
fold flop = to weak
river is a valuebet i think, but i bet bigger like 72
as played, hard to put him on a hand, why should he check behind 66 44 KQ on that turn...
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 08:28 AM
How often do you really see someone raise flop sa a bluff, check back turn and then raise river as a bluff? It's a strange line and does look FOS but I think you're probably beat here.

River bet sucks btw aswell..what do you think he plays this way that you're going to get value from on the river? He's not raising QJ on the flop is he? So either he has you beat otr or he has no hand at all and his only way of winning the pot is by bluffing.

The only reason you should bet the river is to snap off a raise.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 08:36 AM
yeah I agree with ivanovic, river betsize might be good against a villain that is prone to spazzing and then you obv snapcall. strange lines from tightish players are always the nuts when I look them up, which I do too often
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 09:47 AM
Wouldn't surprise me if he had KT/KJ and played it like a puss. If he was going to bluff he would bet the turn.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 10:13 AM
he is the kind of player who will not vbet KX on the turn, which makes river a fold Im sure. afaik he is fairly strightforward postlfop.

check river for sure, its not as if he is raising the flop with QT, he either has KX or nothing, and isnt likely to just randomly pump it up with air when you lead small.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 10:18 AM
what does value betting the river accomplish?
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 10:43 AM
I'd much rather c/c than bet/puke. Wtf he had btw, cant put him on a single hand.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 11:13 AM
If I made that betsize on the river, it'd be to snap a raise. Don't think this is the kind of villain to spaz much though. Still, I'm not folding.

But I think c/call makes much more sense on the river. What exactly are you expecting value from? I don't think this villain is raising a worse queen often.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 11:27 AM
yeah he s prolly following up on the turn with str8 draws although he shouldnt have that too often.

his range looks pretty nutted on the river, i doubt you re good too often? maybe chopping sometimes.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
what does value betting the river accomplish?

I'd fold now.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 11:46 AM
Yeah, you're right, I think betting river is pretty bad, like there's literally not a single hand that will call me that I'm ahead of. Not sure what I was I thinking.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 03:22 PM
typical spot where i bet river if im playing to many tables or just being unfocused, but checking and praying he will make a weird bluff has to be so much better than betting.

Edit: Against a weirdo fish bet might be better though, since some fish can raise flop with any Qx that they snap off on the river but might check back.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 03:58 PM
yea looks like you butchered another hand lol
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by GSWarriors
yea looks like you butchered another hand lol
No need to be a douche, it's not like I'm posting hands where I played perfect.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by GSWarriors
yea looks like you butchered another hand lol
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by imfromsweden
No need to be a douche, it's not like I'm posting hands where I played perfect.
you should be posting even more hands then you already do then. cuz ur just a fish imo
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-16-2010 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by GSWarriors
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-17-2010 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by GSWarriors
you should be posting even more hands then you already do then. cuz ur just a fish imo
You're more than welcome to sit at my tables and I'd be happy to play you HU any time. I'm basiclly free $$.

Can we leave that discussion now?
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-17-2010 , 05:13 AM
GS, instead of posting useless ****, why don't you post something constructive or challenge OP HU4ROLLZ?

if not, then please su and go wank in a corner.

with regards to the hand, i like your line because with your sizing it looks like a block bet and can induce bluff raises, so as played im calling.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-17-2010 , 06:25 AM
if you're betting the river its to induce a raise
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-17-2010 , 08:52 AM
wtf could he possibly be expecting you to fold? it's already established that betting this hand at all was a mistake so it's clearly at the very bottom of your range here, and everything better than AQ that you could have is a full house which never ever ever folds.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-18-2010 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by imfromsweden
You're more than welcome to sit at my tables and I'd be happy to play you HU any time. I'm basiclly free $$.

Can we leave that discussion now?
i'd be glad to play you, but you arent rolled for my stakes. donk
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-18-2010 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by GSWarriors
i'd be glad to play you, but you arent rolled for my stakes. donk
lol ok, I'm sure that's the reason.
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
09-18-2010 , 11:57 PM
i would ch-fold the river because why the **** would he check the turn with any non SDV/bluff hand? seems like he just goes "tricky" on the turn hitting a king.
river is a ch-call or ch-fold, even though i do like fakeblockbet-calling it sometimes if you are sure (but not here, again because its super weird for him to check the turn king)
400NL: TPTK vs TAG Quote
