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4 betting Range 4 betting Range

06-23-2010 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by 5five
other question:
when you talk about 5% top hands, do you rely on pokerstove?
Do you mean we can assign the top5 % poker hands to someone who is 3/4-betting 5%? Then yes.
4 betting Range Quote
06-23-2010 , 04:04 PM
If someone 3bets alot and folds to 4bets, 4bet bluff and flat strong hands. If they don't fold bet your value range. If you're deep with hands that play well postflop flat the 3 bet and own. EZ game.
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06-23-2010 , 04:43 PM
I played this guy that folded to every single one of my 4bets. 1.50>5 and Id make it 15 and hed fold. I musta done this 7 times and still he folded everyone. If I had thought we'd play for a while I would have been 4 betting hands that play dec in a raised pot but not that play really well because he is mostly folding to 4bets and we get more value ( money) by calling and dominating him, hands like (KJ,KT,KQs, A8s+ etc), so I would be 3betting 89o K4s+, A2s+, random J8s, T8s etc because he is folding a TON and when I hit a dec flop I can make his life SUCK by shoving over his leads with all the draws/ pair+ draws he may have in these situations AND Im never worried about him having some of my outs due to the type of hands I am 3 betting.

cliffs: if he folds to all 4bets, dont 4bet good hands, because you can get more by calling and playing post flop, 4b random hands that play well in raised pots
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06-23-2010 , 04:45 PM
my four bet range is top 75%. other 25% is better to flat with imo since those cards arent as good
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06-23-2010 , 04:59 PM
4b random hands that play well in raised pots[/QUOTE]

what hands play good in raised pots?
4 betting Range Quote
06-23-2010 , 05:09 PM
if you assume that 4b pots are huge be default and 3b pots are rather large as well, ( after the initial 3b, your call, and his cbet, hands that play well IMO are hands where you can shove your combo draws, so hands that make combo draws= suited connectors, not- suited connectors and Kxs, Axs. why do I feel like I am repeating myself- oh, because I am

big pot= you want hands that you can COMFORTABLE shove and have fold equity+ outs to be over 50%= profit
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06-23-2010 , 05:16 PM
thanks dhcg86
4 betting Range Quote
06-23-2010 , 05:34 PM
I would assume that a 4bet=preflop allin since very few people call a 4bet and fold on the flop. That said, high pairs and AK do well in 4bet pots obv. Range is dependent on opponent.

For 4bet bluffs I would use hands that you wouldn't call a 3bet with, and have blockers on good hands. I.E. A9o plays poorly in big pots, however it has an ace in it which means his 3betting range will be slightly more bluffy since less AK, AQ type hands are out there. 76s really has nothing going for it at all in a 4bet pot. Although I wouldn't do a ton of 4bet bluffing against the majority of villains.
4 betting Range Quote
06-23-2010 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by RememberMe?
I would assume that a 4bet=preflop allin since very few people call a 4bet and fold on the flop. That said, high pairs and AK do well in 4bet pots obv. Range is dependent on opponent.

For 4bet bluffs I would use hands that you wouldn't call a 3bet with, and have blockers on good hands. I.E. A9o plays poorly in big pots, however it has an ace in it which means his 3betting range will be slightly more bluffy since less AK, AQ type hands are out there. 76s really has nothing going for it at all in a 4bet pot. Although I wouldn't do a ton of 4bet bluffing against the majority of villains.
if you read the thread, you'd see that my advice was in reference to someone who 3bets a large % of the time AND that we think will fold to our 4bs a large% of the time as well.

In this situation, the value of the hands doesnt mean much as we are relying mostly on FE for profit.

FWIW, screw 3b or 4b A9o
4 betting Range Quote
06-23-2010 , 05:43 PM
Also, I do not think AK does well in a 4b pot at all, as AQ may be 5b shoving all in and all the pairs that do not shove (66-99 or so) are not going to be too happy about a Axx or Kxx or QTx, QJx flop, while you will be getting stomped when you flop an Ace and they flop a set, which I why i prefer to 5b shove with AK rather than play a pot where I am more likely than not only seeing 3 cards before more money is charged
4 betting Range Quote
06-23-2010 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by salsathekid
If someone 3bets alot and folds to 4bets, 4bet bluff and flat strong hands. If they don't fold bet your value range. If you're deep with hands that play well postflop flat the 3 bet and own. EZ game.
Originally Posted by RememberMe?
I would assume that a 4bet=preflop allin since very few people call a 4bet and fold on the flop. That said, high pairs and AK do well in 4bet pots obv. Range is dependent on opponent.

For 4bet bluffs I would use hands that you wouldn't call a 3bet with, and have blockers on good hands. I.E. A9o plays poorly in big pots, however it has an ace in it which means his 3betting range will be slightly more bluffy since less AK, AQ type hands are out there. 76s really has nothing going for it at all in a 4bet pot. Although I wouldn't do a ton of 4bet bluffing against the majority of villains.

And if your fold equity will be bigger/equal/slightly lower when you defend and bet/raise/float than when you 4bet then don't 4bet bluff; also there are other advantages like seeing if the board connects with his range, etc.

Edit: You still might do it in some cases... like if he always flat 4 bets and c/f a good portion, you may also do different 4bet sizes like doing min 4 bets with different ranges and see how he reacts to each one.

Last edited by LXThrottle; 06-23-2010 at 06:08 PM. Reason: I’m stopping here…
4 betting Range Quote
06-24-2010 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
if you read the thread, you'd see that my advice was in reference to someone who 3bets a large % of the time AND that we think will fold to our 4bs a large% of the time as well.

In this situation, the value of the hands doesnt mean much as we are relying mostly on FE for profit.

FWIW, screw 3b or 4b A9o
...which is why I recommended 4betting a hand that would increase our FE due to blockers... and I never said to 3bet A9o
4 betting Range Quote
06-24-2010 , 12:38 PM
i was excited when i saw the title and a lot of posts cause its a fun topic but the thread is all over the place
4 betting Range Quote
06-24-2010 , 01:57 PM
There is so much wrong advice to what is clearly a beginning player here...
4 betting Range Quote
06-24-2010 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by broerstolyko
There is so much wrong advice to what is clearly a beginning player here...
What is wrong? What is your opinion about the 4 betting range?
4 betting Range Quote
06-24-2010 , 02:19 PM
To you, as a beginning player, just 4 bet you top hands, QQ+ AKo+.
You can widen it somewhat, depending on V's 3bet frequency.
4 betting Range Quote
06-24-2010 , 02:22 PM
You got to be a good lag to 4bet successfully otherwise stick to either call/fold/allin to the 3bet. A player who doesn't 4bet much in 100bb is still not very exploitable.
4 betting Range Quote
06-24-2010 , 02:22 PM
please 4bet more than QQ+ hes not utg in a 6max game jesus
4 betting Range Quote
06-24-2010 , 02:42 PM
Why waste a suited connector with a 4bet? If you polarize, do it with actual trash.
4 betting Range Quote
06-26-2010 , 10:08 PM
you need to weight up you 4betting value range and then your 4 bet bluffing range dependent on the number of times he folds to the number of times he calls...i would almost never 4bet bluff suited connectors..think about the range of hands that call your 4b shove (generally) AJs+ / AQos + / 77+ this is rough but against this range your better off 4 betting the top of your bluffing range i.e QTs or K8s rather than 67s..the latter often will need to make a one pair+ type hand but you will never get it in with any real equity if least a hand like QTs is 50/50 vs 77-99 etc etc
4 betting Range Quote
