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3x or 4x raise pre? 3x or 4x raise pre?

07-05-2009 , 01:31 PM
I'd like to hear some thoughts about this. I've heard to raise 4x in all pos exept the CO and BTN to build the pot bigger. I just have a few questions on that , What if your playing like 22/18 and opening a lot of pots? I been keeping it my standard 3x in every pos.

Also if I'm 10-12 tabling should I keep my stats that high or should i tighten up a little cause of not totally being able to focus on table dynamics?

tks all

Just had another ****ty session and questioning everything like always

IM playing 25nl now... prob should of added that info
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-05-2009 , 01:40 PM
I usually run around 17/15 and can't imagine being as profitable doing so if I were opening to 4x. If you're a 10/7 nit I think you should probably open 4x from all positions and maybe 5x or 6x in EP.

I prefer a 4x open in EP and 3x everywhere else. I think that a 2x steal is okay from the BTN or CO but I 24 table and prefer to keep things more simple.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-05-2009 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by CWsports
ya i read this lol I did use the search button , but that was 3 months ago. A lot of info out there now and the game is changing, even at the 25nl level...
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-05-2009 , 02:15 PM
I play a LAG style and mainly open to 4xbb, sometimes 3xbb on the Bu. Will increase the open/iso size if facing player/s who are willing to call more preflop. Lower the size if I want more room to maneuver post-flop.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-05-2009 , 03:36 PM
Depends on the table. If I notice that people are calling my 3x raise with trash, i'll up to 4x maybe 5x, because they'll still call, and that means $$$ for me.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-05-2009 , 05:11 PM
I play a sLAGy game and fewer tables (6-8). I prefer to raise 4x from EP and MP and 3x from button regarless of hand strength.

BUT, BUT BUT if fish stack sizes are weird low etc. you will want to raise to 3x at certain situtations and 4x in others (like if the 88/15 drooler at your table has only 40bbs) or your iso raising some ****** with 20BB stacks. etc.

Also if there is a ton of 3-betting from the blinds, i reduce my steal size to 2x because I don't like playing 3-bet pots with marginal holdings and my f-3bet is high.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-05-2009 , 05:12 PM
btw limping is also good in LP say if you want to set-mine with deuces vs a 80/0 passive calling station. who'll always check call anything including ace high and play any two.

and who happens to have only 60BBs etc.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-05-2009 , 05:14 PM
Up to $50nl I think minraising all your marginal hands and 5-6xbbing your strong hands is the best play.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-05-2009 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Chargers In 09
Up to $50nl I think minraising all your marginal hands and 5-6xbbing your strong hands is the best play.
Unless you're playing at a table of total idiots, this seems incredibly exploitable, even by bad players.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-05-2009 , 05:35 PM
Your open raise size should reflect the strength of your range as a default.

Adjust the default for opponent tendencies, position and stack sizes.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-05-2009 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
Unless you're playing at a table of total idiots, this seems incredibly exploitable, even by bad players.
I think charges is trying to imply that everybody at 50NL tables including the regs are actually total idiots. I wouldn't disagree much :P
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-05-2009 , 06:07 PM
I always make it 3x from every position, regardless of table dynamics/image etc. Old habit
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-05-2009 , 11:02 PM
no you don't ifs. :P!
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-06-2009 , 05:06 AM
do I not? I was pretty sure I did...
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-06-2009 , 05:40 AM
I'm gonna channel my inner Durrrr and say that I don't wanna give too much info away on this, hahaha.

I think standard raise sizes are for suckers.

I'll routinely raise 3, 4, and 5x, and the occassional spazzy-looking overbets, from lots of different positions and in lots of different situations.

You have to think about what you're trying to accomplish with each raise you're making.

And don't be static in your thinking.

If 3 people limp and you look down at 97s or 44 in the CO, try raising 7x and seeing what happens.

Do you iso wide? Is there a difference between your iso-raise and your standard open? Is there a difference between your standard iso-range and your standard value open-range?

Lots of things to think about.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-06-2009 , 06:08 AM
Think it was Bobbo Fitos who posted about bet sizing in a thread in SSFR forum that was discussing this topic.

While almost everyone was saying if you are tight your raise size should be bigger and less if you are loose. He posted that it is actually the opposite of that.

Will try and find it......

Interestingly, If you watched HSP5 with Durrrr who was playing what seemed like 50% of hands, his raise sizing was on the larger side comparative to the table.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-06-2009 , 06:12 AM
I 3x every spot except the button where I 2x my entire range.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-06-2009 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by RailHeaven
Think it was Bobbo Fitos who posted about bet sizing in a thread in SSFR forum that was discussing this topic.

While almost everyone was saying if you are tight your raise size should be bigger and less if you are loose. He posted that it is actually the opposite of that.

Will try and find it......

Interestingly, If you watched HSP5 with Durrrr who was playing what seemed like 50% of hands, his raise sizing was on the larger side comparative to the table.
I would be interested in reading this as I am under the impression that if you put in larger raises with a consistently weaker range ur gonna get smoked.

oh and HSP5 is massively edited for TV ldo and whatever Durrrr (or anyone else) does there is not entirely representative of their game, table dynamics, donkament pro wars in cash games etc etc. oh and stacks are way bigger than what we play with.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-06-2009 , 08:32 AM
ok i found it here:

This was the extent of Bobbo's thoughts on sizing in this thread:

Originally Posted by BobboFitos
Just getting around to reading this thread, and wanted to comment on it since it seems good. The 2nd half of this (tighter players should raise more preflop) is actually incorrect. It's counterintuitive, but the looser you are, the larger your raise size, the tighter, the smaller. (it should be)
Originally Posted by xorbie
This just isn't true. The problem is that this attempts to portray the hands as having a linear "value", but this clearly isn't the way hands are meant to be analyzed. Q5o being a preflop favorite over 78s doesn't make it better, because Q5o doesn't often improve drastically in value on the flop/turn/river, whereas 78s can. This gives you a degree of flexibility post flop than someone with a very tight range can possess.

If your range is very tight, you want to raise bigger so that you can at least have a pretty large part of your tight range to be "bluffs" which can actually get a hand to fold.
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
No, you're looking at this in the wrong light. Clearly 87s is better then Q5o, I am not saying that.
I'm going to go back and read the rest of it through now since Krantz and Bryce and Matt Flynn and a ton of other good thinkers also posted.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-06-2009 , 08:43 AM
I raise 3x from everywhere as a standard, though am known to minR quite a bit as well.

Also, I am guessing the BoboFittos quote is taken from 6max strategy. In which case, i very much agree. Def better to go bigger there given the overall atmosphere. At FR, however, i would say TAGs need to raise bigger and LAGs need to raise smaller. The postflop "big pot hand range" is muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch different and hence why the strategies change drastically from game to game.

hope that makes sense.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-06-2009 , 09:26 AM
Yeah the Bobbo quotes are actually taken out of context quit a bit after reading through the thread. There's actually some really good stuff in there but Bryce's OP was regarding game theory optimal play in increasing open raise sizes in the SB in HU cash games as stacks got deeper, so most of it does not apply at all to our topic.

BUT, there actually are a number of good posts wrt our topic in that thread before it descends into into a flame war at post #65:
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-06-2009 , 09:27 AM
What I agree with in bold:

Originally Posted by craig1120
Makes sense to me that if you have an edge on later streets then opening to 5x is better than 3x.

However, I'd rather have predictability at 3x raise than uncertainty w/ 5x raise regarding his ranges. But if I knew he'd react the same way then ya I'd think 5x is better.
Originally Posted by NMcNasty
I completely agree with op, x4 and x5 BB raises are underused as pot size gets bigger, but to just to be devils advocate:

- vs a lot of overly aggressive players (and there are a ton of them in the hu games), when u raise more ur ruining your implied odds preflop and on the flop (if he frequently checkraises). When you have more chips in relation to the pot size you generally can call more preflop reraises or flop checkraises either in order to hit big, or for a bluff on a later street.

- if you keep increasing your preflop raise size you might accidentally correct your opponents play. For example someone playing 80% of their hands preflop from the BB (which im sure everyone agrees is a pretty huge mistake) might call 3x and 4x raises and think nothing of it, but once u start going to 5x and 6x raises they might start to think of ways to exploit what seems to them like abnormal and thus incorrect preflop play. Vs a lot of players you kind of have to take a "dont fix it if it aint broke" mentality and keep them in an exploitable zone.
Originally Posted by MatthewRyan
#1 reason not to do 5x raises imo is that I want to play deeper in position, and
#2 this lets my opponent correctly play less hands oop, which is not good
Originally Posted by samoleus
This is an excellent topic for discussion. I don't have a lot of time to go into too much detail but here are two generalities.

You should open raise smaller if:

- you are a better post-flop player than your opponent (this is because the greater the stack-to-pot ratio at any point in the hand, the greater the advantage of the player that can make better decisions later in the hand)

- you are loose

If you are a tighter player, and rely on a lot of aggression to get you through the (relatively) few pots you play, then your opening raises can be larger.
Originally Posted by aejones
4x utg and minraise the button and thank me later
Originally Posted by yocrackattack
EXACTLY what I was thinking...

min-R utg 100-400bbs deep? gee...I wonder if I should CALL WITH PRACTICALLY ANY 2 IN POS!?!?

R-pot as standard on the button so I get no action when I have the best possible position on the table? Yeah, people might call u oop at .25-.50 but good players are going to RR or F...simple as that. You're not winning any big pots from the button that's for sure.....
Originally Posted by cero_dinero
is this terrible? theoretically we want our OOP pots to be as small as possible and our pots in position to be as large as possible.
Originally Posted by xorbie
(reply to cero_dinero) No, you are thinking about this the wrong way. You are OOP, which means you automatically have less control about the pot size. Minraising in EP means that if you have a very loose range, you are going to lose the pot often because people can 3bet you easily (risk less to win more because the dead weight of the blind is relatively bigger) and you also end up in a lot of multi way pots in which our hand is no longer even particularly strong. If you minraise a very tight range, you just have people calling pretty loose pre anyway and just playing it mostly for value. Again you suffer having to play a multiway pot.

Essentially, the easiest way to control pot size OOP is just to bet big and often and with a tight, balanced range. This makes people fold, which gives you the pot. Limit pot size by limiting the number of players. Presto.
Originally Posted by Matt Flynn
pretty difficult problem imo.

all opponent dependent, but it makes a big difference whether i'm raising AA-TT/AK vs. AA-22/AK-AQ. i take my opening range and position and consider how different raise sizes work for that range and position.

then consider how often i expect to take the blinds.

then how often opponents play + how often i take the pot down postflop when they play. first approximation is if i'll take down more than my share of pots postflop i like more money in preflop. so, for example, from button against tight blinds raise more or expand range or both. second approximation is consider implied odds: how much will i win when i win vs. how much i'll lose when i lose.

then consider how often they'll reraise and what portion of my range can call or reraise the reraise. frequent reraisers => i open with a tighter range => still stay small out of position UNTIL i'm down to premiums only then generally i like a bigger raise size like aejones. obv this isn't easy, and pokertracker helps, but a 0.5bb shift in open raise size done correctly can yield a quick few hundredths of a ptbb/100.

if aejones plays a very limited range utg he should generally use a larger raise size. if his $1-$2-playing cousin plays AA-22, AK-AJ, KQ utg 10-handed he should open for a lot less, like 2.5bb, because he has less chance of taking the blinds with his wider range, less chance of taking the pot postflop if he gets called, will make fewer hands he'll be committed with, etc. all those push him to want less money in preflop for that range.

button same thinking applies, just the range and percentage of taking blinds vs. getting called vs. getting reraised changes. btw Daniel has more incentive to minraise on the button hu live than online due to his live reading skills and may do better raising to 2.25-2.5bb online, but it depends on his opponent and how big a range he wants to open with. three or more-handed the presence of the second blind/second opponent generally pushes you to raise more from late position. also, if you're only open-raising say 30% of your hands from the button, in general you'd want to raise more than if you open 50%, presuming that the smaller 30% opening range means you take the blinds down more and/or expect to win more of the hands where your opponents put money in (again that's just a useful first approximation, a better method involves considering implied odds).

SPR/stack size considerations can trump this at the lower end. the obvious case is when stacks are low enough that your opponents go to push-or-fold or near to it. then you're solving a simpler problem.

in the middle you'd consider how your hand will play out. tough online games don't let you to manipulate SPRs much. however some situations are still pretty clear. say for example aejones opens AA-TT/AK utg 10-handed. say it's a tight game, most of the time a hand goes to the flop it's two-handed. raising to 3bb yields 6.5 to 7.5bbin preflop two-handed vs. 4bb yielding 8.5-9.5. most likely hand he'll make with that range is top pair/top kicker or an overpair. if several stacks are 30bb and players are pretty tight postflop he may strongly prefer the 4bb raise to get SPRs near 3 vs. near 4 for the 3bb raise. this comes up in games with several short stacks.

as stack sizes increase again you can think "how often will i take this pot down if one or more opponents play?" if that's more than your share you generally like more money in preflop as that increases your chance of taking down the blinds and you profit from every dollar that goes in preflop. this is still just a first approximation because implied odds can trump everything. for example, if you win 2/3 of the pots but lose a lot on the final third then you can be better off keeping the pot smaller preflop. as Bryce pointed out another factor when thinking about implied odds is you should benefit from making more decisions with position as stack sizes go up.

what's really interesting is this is such a human heuristic problem that would be extremely tough to compute save for the easy steps like working with how often you'll take down the blinds vs. raise size.

summary is opening range plus % take down blinds plus how that range plays out when played against determines your optimal fixed raise size. which requires some difficult estimating. in general position makes you want to raise more for a given range (because you'll take the pot down more often and make better decisions), but in general in position you open with a broader range which pushes you to raise less (because you'll generally get played back at more often, will hit fewer good hands percentage-wise,etc). as Bryce points out bigger stacks => incentive to raise more in position if bigger stacks mean more improved decisions. gets complicated in the cutoff because the chance of taking down the blinds varies a lot depending on who is in them and who has the button. "optimum" fixed raise size in the cutoff might well be 3bb at one table and 4bb at another since everything depends so much on how your opponents play back at you.

as i think aejones was trying to say, once you get down to premiums only you first think of raising bigger like 4bb then consider how often you'll get reraised light if you raise less (if very often you might still open for 2-3bb) and how your different raise of say 3bb vs 4bb will affect how often you'll take the blinds (which i suspect under most game conditions would not be a big factor, but for 2bb vs. 3bb would be a much bigger factor).

lol i've tried hard twice to write up this topic for PNL2. Ed and Sunny rightly nixed both attempts at it over the past year as too long and too complicated. but it's been interesting to think about.
^Totally agree with all of Matt's post - goes back to my other post where I said your open raise size should reflect the strength of your range.

Last edited by JH1; 07-06-2009 at 09:33 AM.
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-06-2009 , 09:35 AM
minraise button, 3x from everywhere else
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
07-06-2009 , 09:41 AM
If im playing loose and open lots of pots, i raise 3xBB and i im playing tight, than i raise to 4xBB, because when im playing loose, i try to see cheap flops, steal pots pre or play in position. (3xBB is really good, because the only difference between 3BB and 4BB is The BigBlind, who only has to call 2BBs to see the flop - but he will be out of position, thats really good for u )
When i play tight, i want to get as much value pre as possible, so 4xBB is good, because my intention is not stealing many pots pre, but playing huge pots with the best of it.

But .... i didnt play tight for more than 5 months
3x or 4x raise pre? Quote
