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3bet pot oop with TT on a monotone flop 3bet pot oop with TT on a monotone flop

10-20-2010 , 10:47 PM
just wanted to say a big ty to internet, who's reasoned explanations i find almost always interesting. as played its very villain dependant i think m8, v some of them i deffo lead, but then my image is v different from yours.
3bet pot oop with TT on a monotone flop Quote
10-21-2010 , 11:37 AM
I agree with Internet and would consider 3-betting KQo, KJo, QJo, JTo, AJo, ATo and similar hands given positions to be a good play. Firstly because of pure fold equity given how strong it looks, second because they hold blockers to him having many "nut" hands.

The argument of them being dominated end ending up with you losing a big pot or losing a small one fails for a few reasons: I would expect him to fold or 4-bet the majority of the time preflop. If he calls his range is fairly well defined (hands like 88-QQ, AQs/AQo, then maybe AK and some occasional slowplays, all depending on dynamics and things not mentioned in OP), so we don't run the risk of value stacking ourselves just because we flop a pair, and we have good opportunity to bluff on many boards. So 3-betting these types of hands here seem relatively standard/fine given that it should be more profitable than folding them (and calling them shouldn't be profitable).
3bet pot oop with TT on a monotone flop Quote
10-21-2010 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by shootaa
I think that it matters a lot less how "it looks" and what your turn betting range is in this spot. I think betting here gets called by worse some of the time, not often, but does better to define your range and balance with your semi-bluffs than checking and turning your range face up as a bluff catcher. Also, your range is pretty damn strong on this board vs his checking back range, so I would pretty much never expect to be raised on the turn and you have a ton of equity versus almost any hand in the "average player's" flop check-back range.

yeah I already corrected myself ITT
3bet pot oop with TT on a monotone flop Quote
10-21-2010 , 12:21 PM
yeah I think Internet has changed my mind. Thanks
3bet pot oop with TT on a monotone flop Quote
10-21-2010 , 03:09 PM
omg omg people like my posts
3bet pot oop with TT on a monotone flop Quote
10-21-2010 , 04:47 PM
I came late but I think 3b is fine pre. People are usually 4betting or folding in his spot and if he does flat its prob like TT or 99 or something so actually your hand has alot more equity than a suited connector.
3bet pot oop with TT on a monotone flop Quote
10-21-2010 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by mrTruli
Isn't check calling bad on this board because it automatically eliminates all sets from our range or were you planing on check raising flop?

Isn't bet/fold flop, check/call this turn and check fold most rivers best?.
Do you guys mind answering these?
3bet pot oop with TT on a monotone flop Quote
10-21-2010 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by mrTruli
Do you guys mind answering these?
v decent opponent we can deffo c/c flop with sets some of the time to strengthen our c/c range v villains that handread conventionally and fight hard for 3b pots, probably with KdK/AdA sometimes also.

i dont get the second part, donkbetting in 3b pots with a marginal hand is unusual.
3bet pot oop with TT on a monotone flop Quote
10-22-2010 , 07:38 AM
The discution between Internet and $M4it remainded me of an old thread by Jman where he asked which of these hands would you rather have when your 3bet is called and your ip: A2s, 88, 57s and KJo.
Those who included beeing oop in their replies clearly favored KJo.
Given that our 3bet is called much more often when we're oop, this part of the thread was the one i found most valuable.
3bet pot oop with TT on a monotone flop Quote
