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3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey 3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey

07-17-2009 , 04:53 AM
You have 1800 in ur stack.2/5 game Max buy in 1k for those who are wondering ur in game for 800. You limp after a few limpers with 22. Button raises to 35 sb bb and all limpers call pot 6 or 7 handed. Flop Qc 2s 3s . All check to button who bets 170, sb moves all in for 1700. Button tight and sb unknown . Please tell me ur action and reasoning
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 04:55 AM
whatever you do, don't fold.
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 04:56 AM
Snap that wtf. Coolers happen, next hand please.
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 04:59 AM
I did call. But am interested if there is a decent argument for folding
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 05:09 AM
sorry you got coolered, but this thread is stupid
never ever fold this
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 05:16 AM
Yeah sorry if its a bad thread. Half the table was saying they would have folded. Was just curious what u guys thought. Thanks for answering
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 05:21 AM
Get used to it, it's a live player thing to be very clever after a showdown.

At my local casino after i lost a pot with JJ on a 228 flop against A2, a guy said it was so clear villain had A2, it was the only hand he could have! He said it after the showdown of course. I'm still laughing if i remember that. Live players are so stupid, they don't even know what range means.

Last edited by adamx001; 07-17-2009 at 05:26 AM.
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 06:57 AM
the choice is between fist pumping in his face, or slowrolling him to death
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 07:12 AM
amazing how many poker players are losing players given how sick their reads are

next time ask the prodigies mid-hand for adv
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 07:53 AM
OP, what is your decent argument for folding?
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 09:28 AM
SUCH a big raise. I think people are forgetting this. It's like 340 BBs. I know only too well that live can play much bigger than online and people will get a bit frisky but like what can he do this with?

My immediate thought was AQss trying to take down the pot. Otherwise it could be a spazzy two pair, 33 or maaaaaaybe 45ss. I feel it's almost impossible for it to be QQ because of flatting the $35 preflop.

QQ is more likely from the button imo. I think he has AA/AQ though or maybe cbetting 99-JJ.

I don't think you can fold this hand despite the above analysis. You're only crushed by 1 hand, 33.

What was the outcome?

3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 09:36 AM
I am not going broke with so many players in the pot and stacks that big unless I have strong read about whole table being monkeys.
Color me yellow.
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 09:44 AM
My first reaction when I read this post is that OP is a uNL player with a small BR who couldnt sustain the variance of calling off $1,800 with a set on the flop.

Then I looked at his posting history and was proven correct...
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 10:08 AM
punter do you fold 33 as well?
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 10:14 AM
here is an argument for folding: you are riding a 1 stack brm and cant stand any sort of variance
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 10:39 AM
um i mean it's moheagan sun 2/5, I call 100% of the time and then just throw up when he turns over 33? Although, if you are a working avg joe who' run 500 into 1800, and that 1300 means a lot to you, sure I guess you could just fold and take your cash. From a logical poker perspective that makes like, well no sense but if the money means THAT much to you then I guess you really shouldnt be playing 2/5 eh, besides if you were going to walk, why not just walk after being up a g. anywho...

but here are my thoughts anyway regardless of all that.....

So based on the action the ONLY way you aren't beat is if the guy who bet 170 has AQ and then shover has 45 of spades or something, maybe KQ of spades? but that would be a horrible play on his part and based on your given reads not very likely. Maybe someone played sneaky with AA KK or QQ but like, who overshoves all in for that much with less then a set. QQ or 33 there....but since you played the 22, and hit your hand you aren't folding....CMAN...I mean, this is one of those classic, I got coolered then I'm trying to figure out if I could have soul-read folded somehow...tough luck hommie

3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by ShipitFMA
the choice is between fist pumping in his face, or slowrolling him to death
this lol

results of hand?
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Texas_Oldham
SUCH a big raise. I think people are forgetting this. It's like 340 BBs. I know only too well that live can play much bigger than online and people will get a bit frisky but like what can he do this with?

My immediate thought was AQss trying to take down the pot. Otherwise it could be a spazzy two pair, 33 or maaaaaaybe 45ss. I feel it's almost impossible for it to be QQ because of flatting the $35 preflop.

QQ is more likely from the button imo. I think he has AA/AQ though or maybe cbetting 99-JJ.

I don't think you can fold this hand despite the above analysis. You're only crushed by 1 hand, 33.

What was the outcome?

Yeah the button is most likely KK or AA in this spot , and 33 was the outcome. I just dont see a range im in that good of shape against by the all in AQs KQs or 33 is pretty much all i can come up with i guess it could be a spazzy A5s or A4s and maybe 45s but i dont think its that likely
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 11:17 AM
if you fold here you play too tight.
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Check Check Lay
Yeah the button is most likely KK or AA in this spot , and 33 was the outcome. I just dont see a range im in that good of shape against by the all in AQs KQs or 33 is pretty much all i can come up with i guess it could be a spazzy A5s or A4s and maybe 45s but i dont think its that likely
Wow. Funny shove with 33. I mean, fair play he got you to call but I think he's losing SO much value there normally. Mind you, other than pushing all in he can only really make it say 670 with his stack size or go all in.

Did button show or do you just suspect he had AA/KK?

3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by oldjude
if you fold here you play too tight.
Agree but that's kinda assuming liquidity which the above posts seem to suggest is a problem. If you're online and playing 1 BI of 100 in your roll it's a snapper, but if you're playing live and you took 500 out with you to try and spin up it's very different. Altho I absolutely agree in principal you should not fold.

Imo, of course, I might have read the situation all wrong.

3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 07:24 PM
If you can't fold sets, don't play deep.
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 08:45 PM

ICMoney, "Folding Sets"

Survey says...

1. Folding Sets (65)
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by ddubois
If you fold sets on the flop because of a previous result, don't play deep.
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
07-17-2009 , 10:08 PM
Live players are terrible. Many are mind-numbingly unbalanced. For a good number of them, they simply won't put in 300bb here with a hand you beat. They also seem to hate re-raising, so you can't even discount QQ that much. The onus is on you to figure out which players are which. The people on this forum generally can't help you. They are experts at beating 100bb 6max games against villains who are aggressive and have some semblance of balance (and against villains who could stick in 300bb with 5s4s or AsQs or As4s here - hi seizure!)

You want to play 400bb-deep live poker, find good full ring players, talk to them. Listen to Gabe Thayler's podcast on Cash Plays. Get your own reads.

I had a hand the other week at a $1/$3 game. It went: staddle, EP opens for 20ish, many callers, I call with 5s3s, even more callers. PFR bets 100 into a $120 on a 876ss, I only flat because I'm >300bb deep against two players left to act and I don't love my tainted draw that much, the guy behind me goes all in for >$1000. Hilarious things about this hand:
1) The PFR folded his set
2) He was getting like 1.8:1
3) His fold was correct
4) Shover has T9 here 100% of the time
5) Shover thinks his play was good

He has no clue about extracting value. He just knows he doesn't want to board to pair, and he doesn't want to see a club, so he bets an amount that those hands can't possibly call. And they can't call because the whole room knows he has T9. He doesn't care that they can correctly fold due to him being so unbalanced as to never have anything else. He doesn't even know what balance is. He doesn't know what extracting value means either. If he was $2000 effective, he would have bet that.

If you don't want to fold sets, don't play 400bb deep.
3800 dollar pot at 2/5 taking survey Quote
