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30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep 30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep

04-22-2012 , 12:57 PM
    Boss, $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #12708562

    BB: $543.26 (271.6 bb)
    MP1: $1,497.15 (748.6 bb)
    MP2: $362.46 (181.2 bb)
    Hero (BTN): $476.90 (238.5 bb)
    CO: $402.38 (201.2 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BTN with 7 J
    2 folds, Hero raises to $7, CO folds, BB raises to $22, Hero calls $15

    Flop: ($45) T 9 Q (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero bets $33.75, BB calls $33.75

    Turn: ($112.50) 6 (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero bets $78, BB calls $78

    River: ($268.50) 4 (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero bets $134.25

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    Villian was: 18/12/2.3AF 6 3b - 118 hands
    I was 30/18/2.6AF 1.5 3b

    Pre: We are deep and i think i can call this IP.

    Flop: I flop a monsterdraw and bet 3/4 pot.

    Turn: 3/4 pot.

    River: Everything misses and if he has a hand like AKss i want him to fold so i bet half pot.

    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-22-2012 , 01:59 PM
    Fold pre since the big hands you do make are often dominated, as played postflop seems fine
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-22-2012 , 03:01 PM
    But when we call we have position and skill to our advantage, i dont think cards is very important in this case. And well its not like we hold K2o, J7s have some potential and i think i can call with these hands at least some of the times when IP.
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-22-2012 , 03:55 PM
    He's a nit. I'm all for calling a bit wider like J9s but J7s is too thin.

    Postflop I think we have two options. Either stab once OTF or OTT and chekc the rest unless we hit. Or seriously try to get him to fold AA or KK which means betting big on all streets. I don't think this kind of player will do that very often so I prefer the more passive approach.

    As played the river bet doesn't really accomplish much. I really doubt he has underpairs in his range OTR and the river is in any case one of the safest cards for him.

    My guess is that he has an overpair most of the time (afraid of QQ, thus the c/c line from a passive player), but whatever he has, unless it's a missed draw, he isn't folding.
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-22-2012 , 04:31 PM
    We only need him to fold >33% of times to be +EV with half pot bet otr, and i think he will fold all his draws, (AJss AKss etc) and also hands like KQo dont u agree with this? Is he always calling with KK+ and TPGK+? I wouldnt call 3 streets of pretty big bets with only TPTK especially not this deep.
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-22-2012 , 04:37 PM
    His range isn't all FDs and TPTK etc like you seem to think when he takes a c/c line as 3bettor imo
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-22-2012 , 05:28 PM
    PPs also and SDs like AJ but what more than that?
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-22-2012 , 05:30 PM
    give up somewerr
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 03:39 AM
    Shove river anyone? Our opponent should never have a better hand than a pair here imo.
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 03:44 AM
    Originally Posted by VIVEK15
    PPs also and SDs like AJ but what more than that?
    Pretty sure he would c-bet AJ and c/c'ing PPs on this board is burning money. So it's probably some type of Tx hand. I might give up on river since "all the draws missed" because people level them self into calling a lot when draws miss.
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 03:45 AM
    Matte ur right! If he had a hand better than one pair he would have shown strength otf or ott cus of the wet board. Maybe a shove or at least a bigger bet otr would take it down...
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 03:57 AM
    Cb turn, also open fold but i guess you like 1-4 tabling and playing like 40/35 pre?
    Seriously i m not a nit, but the only hand i m seeing this guy fold is JJ and maybe some draws..
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 05:07 AM
    I did cb turn.
    Maybe my call PF is a little loose but i dont think its a big deal when im IP, deep and have the skill advantage. Im 5 tabling, would play some more tbls if my site alowed it but 5 is maximum.

    I can see him fold TPTK, pairs + FD/SD, maybe an overpair and also all his missed draws like AQss.

    And well when only playing 5 tables i can make these kind of plays, im playing a very LAG style and i run 40/31/4.2AF
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 06:06 AM
    Not a fan of pre vs nit.
    I would size flop + turn smaller so that the river leaves you more leverage, and he can puke-fold AA or smth.

    Edit: Just saw that you intentionally half-potted the river. In this case I would just ship the river. When you only half-pot he can level himself into calling with QJ+.

    Last edited by Jever; 04-23-2012 at 06:35 AM.
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 06:24 AM
    Skill edge isn't important when he 3bets for value. 6% 3bet after 110 hands he has probably 3bet 2 times over all. And people don't like to 3bet light OOP when deep. So I would dump J7s pre. I think you're putting him on wrong hands, "get him off TPTK,AKss" - why would he check those hands on the flop as the 3bettor?

    So I would start trying to think more logically about his range. You probably shouldn't play 5 tables or more unless you can think clearly about every decision. Your goal is to improve and max winrate, not to max volume and all that fancy stuff.

    I don't know which mindset you're in but I'd recommend to drop down tables and get off the whole LAG thing unless you really are comfortable in a lot of spots etc.
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 07:48 AM
    I put him on TPGK hands cus he is kindoff passive, i had a aggresive rep and i think he knew that, therefore taking a x/c line with his top pair may be eaisier for him. And well not to be results oriented and so but it showed up he had KQo and chose to take a x/c line instead of betting out and probably get raised etc.

    I am comfortable with playing LAG and i think its the optimal play. I think it may be mostly cus i make many lighter iso raises and very often make cbs etc. But my 3b stat is not so high its only ~6 which is pretty small for a LAG.

    Also its 5-max and sometimes it gets SH and also HU which makes me play looser and aggro.
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 08:23 AM
    Originally Posted by VIVEK15
    I put him on TPGK hands cus he is kindoff passive, i had a aggresive rep and i think he knew that, therefore taking a x/c line with his top pair may be eaisier for him.
    Results-notwithstanding, if you think he's going to take a passive line w TPGK because you have an aggressive image, he's never folding.
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 08:44 AM
    Originally Posted by NimhOfJoy
    Results-notwithstanding, if you think he's going to take a passive line w TPGK because you have an aggressive image, he's never folding.
    Come on. How many people are snapping off a river shove 250bb deep with just one pair here?
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 10:13 AM
    Originally Posted by VIVEK15
    I put him on TPGK hands cus he is kindoff passive, i had a aggresive rep and i think he knew that, therefore taking a x/c line with his top pair may be eaisier for him. And well not to be results oriented and so but it showed up he had KQo and chose to take a x/c line instead of betting out and probably get raised etc.
    [ ] put him on TPGK cus he is kindoff passive and make him fold it despite your
    aggressive image

    [X] villain, aware of your inner isildurness, decides to 3bet for value and after
    flopping TP thinks that you're aggro enough to barrell the ton of draws in your
    range on all 3 streets and takes the decision to call you down on any blank
    turn and river.

    So, even though you think he made a mistake by calling, against your range and image he played perfectly.

    Stop justifying your bad plays and read again what Back off Kido and NimhOfJoy had to say.It's good advice.

    Last edited by FullArsenal; 04-23-2012 at 10:20 AM.
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 11:27 AM
    Well played if you yam the river
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 11:47 AM
    Betting anything but a jam on the river seems bad.
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 12:38 PM
    Ok fine you're the shiznit and can outplay everyone and their brother. Whatever. You really think he plays AKss like that? Seriously? AQss is a missed draw?

    He's never folding his overpair or TP vs river 1/2 psb against an aggromonkey.

    Wake up man.
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 12:56 PM
    Originally Posted by Greg1075
    He's never folding his overpair or TP vs river 1/2 psb against an aggromonkey.
    So im an aggromonkey cus i was barreling out an OESD+FD vs a nit in a 3b pot? My only misstake was not to actually ship it otr.

    U dont know what aggresive means if u think thats aggro, ur probably one of those 17/12 weak tight nits with <2AF
    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 01:02 PM

    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
    04-23-2012 , 01:56 PM
    Originally Posted by Back off Kiddo

    30NL J7s miss the monster draw, 240bb deep Quote
