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300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way 300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way

01-30-2009 , 05:23 PM
Villain is 30/19/1.4 380 hands. BB is 18/15/4.3 3.1k hands. River looks like he could have missed flush draw. I also don't think he's checking a set on flop on that board (flush draw+possible gutshots) in 3-way pot.

No-Limit Hold'em, $6.00 BB (6 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from

UTG ($770.70)
MP ($640.95)
CO ($492.54)
Button ($1686.06)
Hero (SB) ($1848.67)
BB ($588)

Preflop: Hero is SB with 3, 3
3 folds, Button raises $23, Hero calls $20, BB calls $17

Flop: ($69) 10, 3, A (3 players)
Hero checks, BB checks, Button checks

Turn: ($69) 5 (3 players)
Hero bets $48, BB raises $146, Button calls $146, Hero raises $348, 1 fold, Button calls $250

River: ($1007) 10 (2 players)
Hero checks, Button bets $1030, Hero??
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-30-2009 , 07:40 PM

im guessing your posting this bc you ran into a bigger boat, but i dont think you can fold without a hero read. maybe im just a fish who dosent like to fold sets.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-30-2009 , 08:21 PM
nice tarp on the river
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-30-2009 , 08:35 PM
I don't like the call preflop. Small pocket pairs OOB against a raiser should be called when you have between 100-200BB. Anything less and you aren't getting enough implied odds. Anything more and when you get it all in on bottom set you are often behind.

This in no way looks like a flush draw by villain. He checked the flop, cold called a raise on the turn and then a 3 bet, and then fired big on the river. This screams strength to me. I would be very surprised if he didn't have AA, A10, 1010, or 55 here. I very highly doubt he is value betting AK here. The only hands he could possibly be value betting are something like K10, Q10, J10, etc... but I highly doubt he would play the turn that way with just one 10.

I think this is a fold. However, as captain Zeebo has taught us, you obviously called and lost.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-30-2009 , 08:41 PM
based on the tone of this it seems you wish they had folded the turn

is this true?
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-30-2009 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by rbenuck4
I don't like the call preflop. Small pocket pairs OOB against a raiser should be called when you have between 100-200BB.
i consider flatting with 100bb bad here, 200+ i think its fine.

btw who is captain zeebo?
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-30-2009 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by rbenuck4
I don't like the call preflop. Small pocket pairs OOB against a raiser should be called when you have between 100-200BB. Anything less and you aren't getting enough implied odds. Anything more and when you get it all in on bottom set you are often behind.

This in no way looks like a flush draw by villain. He checked the flop, cold called a raise on the turn and then a 3 bet, and then fired big on the river. This screams strength to me. I would be very surprised if he didn't have AA, A10, 1010, or 55 here. I very highly doubt he is value betting AK here. The only hands he could possibly be value betting are something like K10, Q10, J10, etc... but I highly doubt he would play the turn that way with just one 10.

I think this is a fold. However, as captain Zeebo has taught us, you obviously called and lost.
How about raising preflop?

I for some reason thought he's not that good of a player so could be calling with the flush draw on turn.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-30-2009 , 09:48 PM
AT is the only hand he can really have here that has you beat. call. also who cares about pf.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-30-2009 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by tozzy
also who cares about pf.
I care about preflop. If it's going to put you in bad situations later in the hand, why make a mistake early? By your logic, we should call with ATC preflop because we are deep and can flop monsters. That's obviously a losing strategy here.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-30-2009 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by tvta
i consider flatting with 100bb bad here, 200+ i think its fine.

btw who is captain zeebo?
captain zeebo has a theorem (siomeone use the search function cause i stink at it), that no one can fold full houses. That's why if you can beat a full house, you should tend to bet as large as humanly possible because full houses will call you. It is soooooooooooooooooo true.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-30-2009 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by lucksack
How about raising preflop?

I for some reason thought he's not that good of a player so could be calling with the flush draw on turn.
I think raising preflop is a decent option. I wouldn't do it 100% of the time because then your 3 bet frequency becomes too big if it is any pocket pair, and A10s+ AJo+ KQs, but a certain percentage of the time I think it's fine to raise here.

I think balancing is less of an issue once you get this deep. Becasue both players are deep both players are naturally going to have wider ranges so putting an opponent on a hand without a flop on a simple raise or 3 bet pot is much tougher, so balancing becomes less important and postflop play becomes much more important. That's why I like to play the majority of my hands in position when we start getting deep. Let them run over your blinds a little bit, you aren't playing to eek out a couple BB's, you are there to stack him.

Disclaimer: I mainly play live where everyone is a bit deeper but also plays quite differently because it's live (much more passive).
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-30-2009 , 10:47 PM
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-31-2009 , 12:09 AM
lol @ bitching about pf.

3betting this guy with 33 is pretty stupid btw
also, saying that calling pf s bad cuz 'we dont want to be in a tough spot pos' iis hilariously ridiculous. We have a low pair lol. how much trouble can u get into?
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-31-2009 , 02:15 AM
Why I prefer leading out $55-$60 on the flop:

- BTN opens a wide range, therefore the chance of him having a strong A is small, so if he has a draw/weak made-hand he can easily check behind, knowing that the flop could hit one of us strong.

- BTN does c-bet and we go for a check-raise. We represent 33,TT,AT(s), KsQs, KsJs, QsJs most of the time. He knows that he is in bad shape against that range, so if he has AK or weaker, he might consider calling to see if we follow up with a strong bet on the turn, and then give up.

-When we lead in front, we represent a wider range, so it`s more reasonable for him to protect his strong Aces with a re-raise, especially if BB called too. We can then ship it in/3bet with the hands mentioned over, and expect to get called by more in his range. If he folds AQ, it`s not a big deal, because we then earn more the time we have a combo-draw and prefer him to fold.

-BTN calls our lead with his weak made-hands, so the time he improves to trips and 2 pair, he loses more to us.

-If a spade shows up on the turn, we can play more cautions, because it`s likely that one of them hit, when they just called the flop. I then check-call, having good implied odds to catch up, and stack villain.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-31-2009 , 02:39 AM
i doubt he bluffs. he probably has AT or 55 that was scared on the turn.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-31-2009 , 11:44 AM
why would villain the button check AT behind on flop ?
why would he flat 55orAT on turn to a raise on a mega drawy board ?
It looks alot more like turned draw than anything that beats us. IMO

yeah im calling.

T5 is the only hand that really makes the most sense that we dont beat here.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-31-2009 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Raised2Win
T5 is the only hand that really makes the most sense that we dont beat here.
What about AA
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-31-2009 , 09:29 PM
You'd have to be some special kind of special to bluff a missed draw after "Hero bets $48, BB raises $146, Button calls $146, Hero raises $348" on the turn.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-31-2009 , 09:31 PM
But then you'd have to some kind of special ed to check back a set on a board a AT3 two tone board, too.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-31-2009 , 09:40 PM
55? who checks AA/TT/AT on that flop this deep?
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-31-2009 , 10:46 PM
**** looks so much like a ****ing 55
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-31-2009 , 10:49 PM
Meh, 1st to act I really don't like checking that flop (I assume the plan was to ck-raise?) I much prefer leading at the flop when ur OOP and multi way. As played I don't think I'm folding this river, but I'm hating life with this decision for sure.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
01-31-2009 , 11:28 PM
If villain is a thinking-player, he knows that we have a hard time putting him on anything, so therefore not a good spot to bluff. Our hand dosn`t look like a bluff either, so I expect to be beat, most of the time.

I`m curious if he his capable to slowplay a monster on the flop, so the result will give us an indication of what kind of player he is. We need to win 1/3 times to profit, so I make the info-call, but don`t think it`s profitable.
300 bb deep bottom set oop 3-way Quote
