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3 bet more often 3 bet more often

03-14-2010 , 10:03 PM
I only 3 bet when I have a very strong hand. I feel I need to 3 bet more often. This will hopefully accomplish a few things. 1-add deception. 2 pick off weak hands. 3-get me more calls when I have a strong hand. Can anyone suggest some guide lines for 3 betting without the nuts.
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03-14-2010 , 10:08 PM
You pretty much summed it up. If you are using a HUD, use the fold to 3bet% stat. There are some players that will have such a high f3b%, you can 3bet them with ATC and it be profitable. This becomes even more true if your opponent is using a HUD and he sees that you rarely 3bet.
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03-14-2010 , 10:15 PM
Off the top of my head, good "bluff" 3bet hands are things like crappy aces or ks since they are blockers to rockets and cowboys. Also, if they catch top pair, you're in good shape. Having them be suited gives you a little bit of extra value.
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03-14-2010 , 11:11 PM
3bet a polarized range vs people who fold to 3bets too much. 3bet a wider value range but cut down on 3bet bluffs vs people who call 3bets too much.

3bet in position more than OOP. This isn't to say you can't 3bet from the BB when someone steals 50% from BTN but folds to 3bets 95% of the time.
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03-14-2010 , 11:21 PM
What stakes are you playing right now? I wouldn't even worry about 3betting light until like 25NL or so. Maybe 10NL, I dunno. Just 3bet for value if you play lower.
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