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2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay 2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay

01-29-2010 , 12:26 AM
Poker Stars $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 504939
The Official Hand History Converter

Hero (SB): $2.97
BB: $1.02
UTG: $4.88
MP: $2.55
CO: $2.40
BTN: $2.00

Pre Flop: ($0.03) Hero is SB with K A
UTG raises to $0.10, 3 folds, Hero raises to $0.26, 1 fold, UTG calls $0.16

Flop: ($0.54) A K J (2 players)
Hero - ???

Would you bet out? and how much would you bet if you did? Or would you slowplay? And why
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 12:35 AM
On 2NL i think i might be shoving this or do whatever to bloat the pot.
you'll probably get called by all kinds of crazy hands and draws.
Only QT and some unlikely sets beat you.

Without reads i might check this and call a bet or check and bet the turn and/or river myself. I'd bet $0.40 to $0.6 without reads and fold to a reraise

Other ways to go is to half pot it for 3 streets or something weird like that where people might call you with air or underpairs.

Something to think about when you have a hand is how many streets of value you want. On this wet piece of crap board i would already be happy with 1 street of value. The only thing missing is a flush draw...

Last edited by wupwup; 01-29-2010 at 12:52 AM. Reason: typed QJ instead of QT
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 12:42 AM
Well I mean obviously to call my preflop bet he'd have to have Ax and better. My logic is to bet out here and he'd call, right? Dunno, do you think villain would call two streets of value with Ax? Basically my question here is: how do you extract most value from villain, given a hand range of say Ax+, 99+, suited broadways. Because the question here is not that I'm afraid he has something (though I would like that accounted for in everyone's answers), but given his range, how can I extract maximum value? I feel like top two pair is probably the nuts, I'm just not sure what line to proceed to milk him for what he's worth. If anyone has their own opinions, or their own playstyle, I"D LOVE TO HEAR IT
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 12:48 AM
I would bet out. There are tons of draws/worse hands that call you especially in a 3bet pot, slowplaying this hand will get you into massive trouble if villain is allowed to cheaply suckout or have good pot odds. This flop belongs to you, act like it. I'm rarely folding a raise here either, if the villain is stupid enough to show up with TJ in a 3bet pot then..*** it I'm happy he's at the same table as me cuz I'll be making withdrawals all night.

Ah ok you want a specific line to take in this type of sitch?...

pot the flop, 2/3 the turn 1/2 the river.. EZ PZ and yes..this is 2nl villains will call with 49o in this spot hoping to hit a runner runner straight on the river. to put it in numbers its .5 on the flop making the pot 1.5ish .75 on the turn making pot $3 and 1.5 on the river...
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by Snickersnack
Well I mean obviously to call my preflop bet he'd have to have Ax and better. My logic is to bet out here and he'd call, right? Dunno, do you think villain would call two streets of value with Ax? Basically my question here is: how do you extract most value from villain, given a hand range of say Ax+, 99+, suited broadways. Because the question here is not that I'm afraid he has something (though I would like that accounted for in everyone's answers), but given his range, how can I extract maximum value? I feel like top two pair is probably the nuts, I'm just not sure what line to proceed to milk him for what he's worth. If anyone has their own opinions, or their own playstyle, I"D LOVE TO HEAR IT
Nothing is obvious, especially at 2NL... he could have a range here of {Any Two Cards}
I've seen people call 3bets with T7o and i certainly know that people are capable of calling 3bets with QTs AND QTo because "those are the high cards".

If villain will call several streets with Ax depends on the villain but you don't seem to have any reads on him. I'd play this hand smallball.
With reads you could go from potting it 3 streets to shoving the flop, depending on how bad your villain is.
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 01:17 AM
Preflop I would be raising slightly more to compensate for having to play the hand OOP. On the flop you definitely need to bet out. His range includes AQ, KQ and you don't want to see any gutshots get there. I believe you need to be putting in a decent 3/4, 2/3 pot size bet.
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 01:22 AM
Dont slow play. Bet Bet Bet (as long as the board doesnt get worse.)
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 01:31 AM
I'm making a pot sized bet because this flop easily hits the villain's range and if it didn't (and he's not a big enough fish to call a bet with air on this board) then what card is going to come on the turn that's going to get a call?

I'm also willing to play for stacks on this flop because it's simply impossible for him (at these stakes) to smooth call a 3bet preflop with AA or KK and probably JJ, and if he has QT then it's his lucky day.
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 01:36 AM
Never slowplay at $2nl, unless you have something like 88 on an 882 flop.

Your hand isn't locked, slowplaying will only give your opponent the opportunity to outdraw you.

I'd bet around 44c
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 12:22 PM
Im betting the pot there for sure. If he folds so be it, if he raises.. shove!

Never ever slowplay @ 2nl unless you have a hand like chipstar mentioned, but even then i sometimes still bet. Even if you flop a huge hand there are load's of fish @ 2nl who will float with crap.

Betting your big hands quite often works very nicely at the micros because the tards think people would slowplay like they would themselves.
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by chip-star
Never slowplay at $2nl, unless you have something like 88 on an 882 flop.

Your hand isn't locked, slowplaying will only give your opponent the opportunity to outdraw you.

I'd bet around 44c
This is probably the best advice here. Never slow play, especially on that board.

Two rules at NL2: never slow play and never bluff.
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 04:29 PM
Pot it and call a shove
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 04:34 PM

Never, under any circumstances, slow play when their are 3 broadway cards. EVER. They either have a pocket pair that won't put any money in the pot, or broadway cards, which all have a straight, pair and draw, or 2 pair.

Never slow play at 2NL. If the board is AAA and you have AK, then MAYBE, but even then, I wouldn't suggest it.

As a matter of fact, unless you have the board absolutely crushed and you know the villan is a habitual bluffer, then you can slow play. Otherwise take it completely out of your arsenal (and I am dead serious. Take it completely out) until you you are in a situation where you are 100% certain that you will make more money slow playing.
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 05:40 PM
I totally agree with most here. NEVER slow play at 2nl, it always ends up costing you cause villains get to suck out for free/cheap. With this board I am betting close to pot on all streets to bloating the pot, so by the time the river hits all the chips will be in the middle. But if a T or Q shows up on the turn or river I would be making smaller bets, maybe half pot and possible a check on river If a Q or T does show up. Since there are no reads on villain If I had to assume a range for him I would say Mid pocket pairs, or AJ+ and that's if he's a tighter player. If it turns out he's a looser player that just adds a ton of more hands in his range, which is even better for us because he will probably call down to the river with any Q,T, or pair in his hand.
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-29-2010 , 05:53 PM
I raise to at least .35 preflop. I like about 3x his open plus like 2 or 3 more BB's for being OOP plus its 2nl and people will call 3 bets really light.

I bet this flop every time. People will call with any piece of it plus you want to get some money in before a 9, T or Q falls causing you to get sucked out on or kill your action.

Also, what chip-star said

Never slowplay at $2nl, unless you have something like 88 on an 882 flop.

Your hand isn't locked, slowplaying will only give your opponent the opportunity to outdraw you.
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
01-30-2010 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by wupwup
Nothing is obvious, especially at 2NL... he could have a range here of {Any Two Cards}
Never slowplay! When I first started playing online I still had a bad case of Fancy Play Syndrome and would slowplay to trick my opponents. After some hard lessons I closed that playbook.

Bet at least $0.40. If you just win the current pot, it is still all good.
2NL - Slowplay vs no slowplay Quote
