Originally Posted by mtagliaf
no hand makes sense, but he has a 5 and is slowplaying.
Actually, he had a full house with pocket 4´s and i made the call on the river.
I dont know if that was just stupid to call a river reraise with just TPTK.
The hand was just so weird all the way, that i never really did put him om a flopped full house.
I tought that any person with a normal intelligence should bet any street for value with a full house, but i guess im the stupid one here that payed him off. He actually extracted more value out of his hand than if he just would have bet out on the turn or river....
But what´s shall a decent ABC standard line be here? I´ve read that if you get reraised on the turn you should almost never get in in with worse than a set...Couldn´t "this rule" also fit in on the river play?
Its so sick. Im just feeling lost sometimes in how to play poker....these fishes makes me insane..