Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 13,256
I usually bet all my 2pr combos* when OOP as the PFR, but this might be one of those spots where you smash the board so hard that check-raising is better.
* Sets are another thing entirely though. I almost always check-raise those.
Is OP asking if he's supposed to fold top two when he loses to 3 combos, and has 70% of his stack in the middle? If so, the answer is no. Sometimes villain flops a set vs top two. It's a cooler. You've still got outs and you were doomed to go broke at some point anyway. Get the rest in now, but stop betting amounts that mean you've put more in the pot than you've got left in your stack. You don't raise to 70bb if you're not sure about the last 30bb. :/