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2NL: AKo on Turn 2NL: AKo on Turn

05-23-2018 , 06:52 AM
[converted_hand][hand_history]Party, $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

SB: $1.78 (89 bb)
BB: $2 (100 bb)
UTG: $1.36 (68 bb)
MP: $2.78 (139 bb)
CO: $2.03 (101.5 bb)
Hero (BTN): $3.29 (164.5 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BTN with A K
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.05, SB calls $0.04, BB folds

Flop: ($0.12) 2 J T (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $0.04, SB calls $0.04

Turn: ($0.20) 8 (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks

River: ($0.20) 6 (2 players)
SB bets $0.09, Hero folds

should I make a CBET on Turn? I have GS, but on this board he has J7s+, two pairs and a possible straight with Q9 (if so, he blocks the queen).

I feel so weak doing check-fold here when I have two overpairs
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-23-2018 , 07:19 AM
Do not barrel turn. You have showdown value and you have very little fold equity vs fish when a turn is not a scary card.

Also, cbet 1/2 pot on the flop.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-23-2018 , 02:40 PM
I probably wouldn't cbet this flop. You're most likely ahead of his range with AK. So I'd check flop, call some turns (against aggro/spewy players), and re-evaluate on river.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-23-2018 , 02:44 PM
looks fine
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-23-2018 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by SmTownHero
I probably wouldn't cbet this flop. You're most likely ahead of his range with AK. So I'd check flop, call some turns (against aggro/spewy players), and re-evaluate on river.
You're IP, have range advantage, have best 2 overcards, have gutshot draw vs a fish, cbet all day.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-23-2018 , 11:56 PM
Flop bet is pretty small. You should think about what hands you're betting this small with, but otherwise this hand looks ok. I'd just not have a 1/3 pot range and go bigger all the time.

I'd probably polarize harder and bet bigger with my whole betting range and check back this hand on the flop.

Turn is std and river is a coin flip. There's no way to tell if he has enough bluffs on the river for calling to make sense.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
I'd probably polarize harder and bet bigger with my whole betting range and check back this hand on the flop.
Why would you want a check back range on flop when you have range advantage and IP? Doesn't make sense. I'd say we should range bet this flop and use smaller cbet size.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by NormaJeane
Why would you want a check back range on flop when you have range advantage and IP? Doesn't make sense. I'd say we should range bet this flop and use smaller cbet size.
Because you have like 40-60% of possible hands. I think there's a lot of them that play best as a check back. Lots of guys are playing a lot of x/r here too which is a problem when you have high equity hands without a lot of made showdown value here.

It's pretty tough to not have a check back range here unless you're opening really tight imo.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
Because you have like 40-60% of possible hands. I think there's a lot of them that play best as a check back. Lots of guys are playing a lot of x/r here too which is a problem when you have high equity hands without a lot of made showdown value here.

It's pretty tough to not have a check back range here unless you're opening really tight imo.
This is a dry board and a decent reg shouldn't have a c/r range on this board because he probably 3bets TT and JJ pre and not flat 22. Yes we have wide range here, but still we have the range advantage and we have the initiative IP so we should cbet our whole range here. And that includes cbetting our middling pairs for protection.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by NormaJeane
This is a dry board and a decent reg shouldn't have a c/r range on this board because he probably 3bets TT and JJ pre and not flat 22. Yes we have wide range here, but still we have the range advantage and we have the initiative IP so we should cbet our whole range here. And that includes cbetting our middling pairs for protection.
This reg isn't decent if you can get away with cbetting 100% profitably, also this board isn't dry. He's got all the Jacks, 10's, backdoor draws, and straight draws. This board hits him harder than us, but he's capped and we aren't.

There's no way that we can be against a good player and cbet 100%. Every good player is going to construct their preflop ranges to prevent that.

I think we should be trying to show down all the way. It's fine to bluff flop, because we can hit a big hand that can get value out of his calling range, but I'd rather play this board as a check since we aren't really drawing to anything but a gut shot in terms of hands that want to go 3 streets. You can just show down you AK high and win a lot of the time, so it's not like you're in desperate need of turning this hand into a bluff and you have a ridiculous amount of backdoor combos on this board that make more sense to bluff with.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
This reg isn't decent if you can get away with cbetting 100% profitably, also this board isn't dry. He's got all the Jacks, 10's, backdoor draws, and straight draws. This board hits him harder than us, but he's capped and we aren't.

There's no way that we can be against a good player and cbet 100%. Every good player is going to construct their preflop ranges to prevent that.

I think we should be trying to show down all the way. It's fine to bluff flop, because we can hit a big hand that can get value out of his calling range, but I'd rather play this board as a check since we aren't really drawing to anything but a gut shot in terms of hands that want to go 3 streets. You can just show down you AK high and win a lot of the time, so it's not like you're in desperate need of turning this hand into a bluff and you have a ridiculous amount of backdoor combos on this board that make more sense to bluff with.
I'm curious, who do you think have the range advantage here?

And also, do you always have a polarized strategy postflop as the preflop raiser? If not, when are you not polarized?
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 02:52 AM
You can't just cover your cards and say I have range advantage and bet bet shove every board that you have advantage. In this particular instance you have AK that plays great as check back/ call turn.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by Lazarus Ledd
You can't just cover your cards and say I have range advantage and bet bet shove every board that you have advantage. In this particular instance you have AK that plays great as check back/ call turn.
Who says bet bet shove when we have range advantage? We're talking about only on the flop. Sigh
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 03:02 AM
We may have different strategy, but imo, flop cbet will be the highest EV here because we have GSSD + 2 overcards + range advantage + IP + against weak player.

Sure, checking back is +EV, but we only care about what's the HIGHEST EV.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 03:39 AM
So why are you betting the flop, how many worse hands will call you and how many of those worst hands will not bet river as a bluff when you check back the turn?

If you are saying I have range advantage than you have to commit in making your weak showdown able hands into bluffs which I hate in this instance.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 04:15 AM
Betting denies equity to a hand like 66 and allows us to realise equity by seeing turn and river. Also we can value bet against all draws. ALSO our draw is to the nuts... We set the drawing price for the next two streets.

If you check, what's ur plan if opponent just pots on the turn which jjust came up?

ALSO are you checking AQ? What about AT and A9. All 4 of these have decent but not great showdown value facing barrels. You are checking back too much imo.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 04:20 AM
Range advantage implies opponent cannot x/r very light on this board as we have the main value hands. We can easily call the river bet on different run outs. Eg. J 3 or some random runout.

And we can put lots of pressure on a turn like a 2( though that turn is just the best bluff card).

Saying you have a range advantage just says you on the long run will rent the opponent on this board in this spot. Once in a while you can lose...
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 04:31 AM
I'm not drawing to anything I'm not denying equity to nothing, my hand has value and I'm calling turn for pot size. I don't want to set any price my hand is not good enough to charge anything. Yes I'm checking AQ always, AT is a value bet, A9s with backdoor fd I would bet most likely.

If opponent has 66 in this instance he would check all the streets, I might turn my hand into a bluff on some rivers otherwise losing a hand is not a crime.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by Lazarus Ledd
I'm not drawing to anything
We have AK on JT2 flop and you're saying we're not drawing to anything? You do know that a Q turn will give us the nuts right?
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 04:44 AM
Are you trolling or what? I don't care about Q, I dont have f*cking 98 I have AK.

When we are we are checking too much lets see how many straight draws we have here. KQ, K9, Q9, 98 this are all 16 combo hands that we should bet not to mention other hands.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
05-24-2018 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by Lazarus Ledd
Are you trolling or what? I don't care about Q, I dont have f*cking 98 I have AK.
2NL: AKo on Turn Quote
