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25NL Zoom, Hero is BB, everyone at table calls 25NL Zoom, Hero is BB, everyone at table calls

07-31-2014 , 04:48 PM
I'm wandering what a standard play would be in the following situation.

I was playing 25NL zone on Bovada (i.e. completely readless). Everyone had stacks ranging from $15-$30. I was BB with A Q

Then every one at the table called, and the action was on me. I'd like to know what a standard response to this is.

For what it's worth, I ended up just checking. I didn't want to make a big raise and get hero-called by a small pair. If I raised anything less than big I'm sure I would have had at least a couple of callers and consequently a bloated pot. So I figured my best shot at making money was to either hope for a flop with an A, Q, or a couple of clubs. Not to mention, if the clubs hit, there would be a reasonable chance that someone else might have a "clubby" enough hand to donate their stack to me.

Would a good shipping range in this situation be something like TT+, AK? Also, does having a high suited hand increase the value of a check (for reasons in spoiler section)?
25NL Zoom, Hero is BB, everyone at table calls Quote
07-31-2014 , 07:41 PM
Personally I make a good sized raise pf. That's mainly b/c in multi way limped pots I usually can't flop sh*t! Seriously I would raise and try to get heads up or at worst 3 handed then go from there.
25NL Zoom, Hero is BB, everyone at table calls Quote
08-01-2014 , 03:50 AM
You dont wanna play a relatively strong hand like this with another 8 players in a limped pot. Make a 7-10x raise and get rid of them!
25NL Zoom, Hero is BB, everyone at table calls Quote
