25NL Zone 200bb+ trips facing massive overbet
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 345
effective stacks $65
UTG opens 4x
I calls with AJdd on the button
flop (2.30) 2c Jc Js
he checks, I check for deception and try to let him hit something and if has QQ/KK/AA I can get value later
Turn (2.30) Qd
he bets 1.61 I call
River ( 5.53 ) 7d
He bets 30.36 !!
I don't think hes trying to make it look like a misclick or anything so its mostly value I believe, and the only hand I think he has is QQ/QJ here unless he took my flop check for face value and doing some insane bluff.
Could he be doing this with a worse jack or ez fold?
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,150
Ez fold. Villains rarely overbet shove rivers without the super nuts at the micros. Here, the pot is only 25bb's and he's overbetting 6x psb.
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Join Date: Jan 2013
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I would call.
You should really never have anything better than this here given how you played it (you shouldnt even have a hand this strong).
I'm not entirely sure what he's got but he may just assume you never have a Jack and be betting AQ this big.
I like the flat pre but I think we should just bet the flop. Our hand is too good to check back. We get so much value the times he decides to check raise a hand like JT or QJ. We should save a hand like J9s for a checkback if we decide to check back any trips.