Originally Posted by Brussels Sprout
I'd check-shove the flop here. We've got 43% equity Vs QQ+ which is pretty much what we have with the dead money and there's a non-zero chance that he might fold also which increases the EV of the shove.
Yeah I think jamming it in his eye socket here is pretty good. Even if he has QQ+ here he only can have 2 combos that block your clubs, KK with a club and AK with a club. I also like a 4bet preflop even with the small sample size. If V calls a 4bet preflop you easily jam this flop I think, and then even as a semi bluff you're repping QQ+ as well. Heaps of fold equity there.
Btw I'm a losing player and I'm stupid. Might not want to take my advice.