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25nl BvB. What do I do? 25nl BvB. What do I do?

01-06-2010 , 09:07 PM
the villains stats I have are 24/20 ATS of 41% over 164 hands. Fold to blind reraise of 100% (only 3/3 though)
EDIT: His flop continuation bet might help, 6/10 or 60%
I will play back on the blinds fairly frequently so maybe he has seen me play back before, not sure

I figured since this is a dry board and his range is pretty wide he would fold a lot to the flop c/r.

Also on a side note, vs these reg tags such as these how often are we 3 betting the steal and how often are we just flatting? On another note when our steals get 3 bet (lets assume we are stealing 30%) what hands are we call the 3 bet with?

Full Tilt Poker $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 4 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (BB): $25.00
CO: $82.21
BTN: $25.00
SB: $51.95

Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BB with A J
1 fold, BTN raises to $0.75, 1 fold, Hero calls $0.50

Flop: ($1.60) Q 7 2 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $1.15, Hero raises to $3.75, BTN calls $2.60

Turn: ($9.10) 3 (2 players)
Hero bets $6, BTN raises to $20.50 all in, Hero folds
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
01-06-2010 , 09:43 PM
I think I would have 3bet pre just b/c playing AJ OOP against a good player is going to be tough.

once he calls the flop I would just shut down unless you have some sort of weird dynamic and hes capable of floating your c/r or something

your turn bet is targeting 88-JJ while his calling range is Qx, sets overpairs.
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
01-06-2010 , 11:36 PM
I'm flatting AJo vs tag regs 100%. there is no reason to 3bet unless we think they will either fold a ton, or defend hands worse than AJo. in general, I assume a tag reg will fold ATo to a 3bet, and until I see otherwise, I will flat it oop, esp from the bb. (flatting in the sb sucks when you have a tag in the bb who can squeeze, with a fish in the bb flatting AJo to a button steal is better bc the fish will not steal and you give him a chance to get into the pot)

raising the flop is fine, bc he will prob just fold 22-66, AK, AJ. you prob should not raise so much though, a smaller raise will get these same hands to fold. we can prob raise to $3 and get the same amount of folds that $3.75 will

im giving up on the turn, card doesnt change much, and since he floated flop its likely he will call turn
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
01-06-2010 , 11:44 PM
Would think if you are relying fold equity on the turn as you main source of ev you should bet more. Pot or shove. Do not think the 6$ would fold a queen ever and still get a curious call from JJ some of the time.
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
01-06-2010 , 11:46 PM
def 3 bet this verse a slightly looser tag on the button. hes opening a wide range on the button and you wanna take it down pre or take it down with a c bet on the flop.
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
01-07-2010 , 01:53 AM
Ok so if we 3 bet and he calls. Flop Axx. We bet he calls. Turn is a brick. Now what? c/c? Or do we bet and then c/f the river? At least if we flat and the A comes we know that we won't be value towning ourselves all the time since there are many worse A's than better A's in his range.
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
01-07-2010 , 02:03 AM
ok...I think the player is good enough to fold if u 3bet here with most of his btn raising range....
Flop c/r is horrendous ...just c/f dude
Dont just wave a wand and try to conjure FE ...wen making aggressive moves barrel ur equity + scare cards or situations which create difficult situations for others to continue...never try to create a situation where the only thing u r repping is a set..This is one of those spots... on the flop the only thing u r repping is a set
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
01-07-2010 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by hodgie19
Ok so if we 3 bet and he calls. Flop Axx. We bet he calls. Turn is a brick. Now what? c/c? Or do we bet and then c/f the river? At least if we flat and the A comes we know that we won't be value towning ourselves all the time since there are many worse A's than better A's in his range.
bet flop. blank turn bet fold. AJ is a real good hand versus the button range, im almost always 3 betting the button in this spot.
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
01-07-2010 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by akai333
ok...I think the player is good enough to fold if u 3bet here with most of his btn raising range....
Flop c/r is horrendous ...just c/f dude
Dont just wave a wand and try to conjure FE ...wen making aggressive moves barrel ur equity + scare cards or situations which create difficult situations for others to continue...never try to create a situation where the only thing u r repping is a set..This is one of those spots... on the flop the only thing u r repping is a set
My logic here is that his range is so wide and he is cbetting this flop so often that he will probably only continue with less than 10% of his range here.

Back to 3 betting though. Why? Why do you want to play a hand OOP where we won't get much value and we will valuetown ourselves lots? 3 betting basically folds out any worse A's. Sure we will take the pot down lots there but when we don't take it down we are in trouble.
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
01-07-2010 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by hodgie19
My logic here is that his range is so wide and he is cbetting this flop so often that he will probably only continue with less than 10% of his range here.

Back to 3 betting though. Why? Why do you want to play a hand OOP where we won't get much value and we will valuetown ourselves lots? 3 betting basically folds out any worse A's. Sure we will take the pot down lots there but when we don't take it down we are in trouble.
ya but say he has like 99 or 1010, then flop comes q 2 5 rainbow and we cbet pretty big, hes prob folding his underpair, you know what i mean? whereas if you flat wed end up check folding cuz were out of position and didnt 3 bet pre.
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
01-07-2010 , 04:01 AM
you can 3 bet preflop and lead flop, or you can play preflop and flop as you did, both are ok.

but once you've played as you did, you should just give up on the turn.
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
01-07-2010 , 04:36 AM
I don't like flatting AJo in the blinds vs CO/BTN opens unless CO/BTN are weaktight. I usually just 3bet or fold them. You don't always flop well, and when you do it's often WA/WB imo.

edit: and this isn't bvb.
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
01-07-2010 , 04:39 AM
I dislike check raising these kind of dry boards because its hard to represent anything and often your going to need to fire every street to win the pot
25nl BvB. What do I do? Quote
