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25NL busted by aces 25NL busted by aces

11-18-2008 , 09:57 AM
Full Tilt Poker $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Villain is in SB playing 14/9/3.7..about 200 hands...I was abusing this guy's blinds from the SB, Button, and stealing his attempt to steal from the CO. I was doing this for about a half hour. A few times he called but folded to a C-bet. Here I was thinking that he could be 3-betting with any hand (66-AA, AK,AQ,AJs, A10s) given our previous history. No way he is puttting me on QQ here. But in the end, I obviously overplayed this hand and the only thing I can take away from it is :beware the 3bet min raise... Our previous history influenced my decision here but a huge 5bet by him should have made things clear maybe...but even then...I have already put half my stack in the pot. Flat callling the 3-bet is way too weak IMO and folding would be absurd...

SB: $22.05
BB: $20.00
UTG: $25.45
UTG+1: $10.05
MP: $12.90
CO: $11.15
Hero (BTN): $25.35

Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BTN with Q Q
2 folds, MP calls $0.25, 1 fold, Hero raises to $1.25, SB raises to $3, 2 folds, Hero raises to $12, SB raises to $21, Hero calls $9

Last edited by Schlager233; 11-18-2008 at 10:07 AM.
25NL busted by aces Quote
11-18-2008 , 10:21 AM
I'd prolly flatcall the 3bet. If he has a hand you beat then you like to keep him in (if he has an A or K he only has a few outs) and this way you can also pick up a cbet and since you're in position you can control the pot as well...

MP is likely to fold anyway with the raise and reraise so shouldn't worry about him.
25NL busted by aces Quote
11-18-2008 , 10:44 AM
Why is flat calling the 3bet way too weak? We have position with a strong hand... sounds good to me. 4 betting iso's his range to hands we're flipping with or crushed.
25NL busted by aces Quote
11-18-2008 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Schlager233

Villain is in SB playing 14/9/3.7..about 200 hands...I was abusing this guy's blinds from the SB, Button, and stealing his attempt to steal from the CO. I was doing this for about a half hour. A few times he called but folded to a C-bet. Here I was thinking that he could be 3-betting with any hand (66-AA, AK,AQ,AJs, A10s) given our previous history.
Are you sure this is an accurate analysis? You've a) only been playing with him a 1/2 hour (this means that you've seen at most 4 rounds), b) you assume he's noticed you, and you c) assume he's decided to take a stand against you here. Also, if he acts behind you how are restealing when he makes a play from the cutoff if he acts behind you?

No way he is puttting me on QQ here. Nope. He probably has you on a range of hands that include QQ though But in the end, I obviously overplayed this hand and the only thing I can take away from it is :beware the 3bet min raise... +1 Our previous history You've only mentioned 3-4 hands, and in all of them he he folded. The fallacy in your analysis relies on the fact that he thinks you will raise him with anything and will thus 3-bet with 100% of his range. influenced my decision here but a huge 5bet by him should have made things clear beyond any possible doubt in my mind...but even then...I have already put half my stack in the pot. So you're getting 3:1. Doesnt make it an autocall Flat callling the 3-bet is completely fine here especially given his 3-bet range and the fact that I have position on him IMO and folding would be a little weak here. In some situations (depending on position and opponent) it would, however, be standard... If you are getting 4:1. A 14/9/3.7 min raised and 5-bet you. He obviously, (i.e. 99.99% of the time) has KK or AA here.
Next time flat call.
25NL busted by aces Quote
11-18-2008 , 01:44 PM
Opening from CO when he was B. What I meant at the beginning of my post-wasn't very clear. Thanks for good analysis. Makes good sense.
25NL busted by aces Quote
11-18-2008 , 05:55 PM
Yeah i like a Flatcall PF to.. You ain't betting much with a RR against his 3bet imo; Call and reevaluate Post..
25NL busted by aces Quote
11-18-2008 , 06:52 PM
Flat call is they way to do it.
25NL busted by aces Quote
11-18-2008 , 08:51 PM
Your huge 4-bet PF is pretty much guaranteed to fold out every hand that you beat and get 5-bet by the two hands that have you crushed. Is this really what you want?
25NL busted by aces Quote
