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25nl Bovada: AK 4bet pot IP, missed flop 25nl Bovada: AK 4bet pot IP, missed flop

11-17-2013 , 08:05 AM
BB: $25.25 (101 bb)
Hero (SB): $30.55 (122.2 bb)

Preflop: Hero is SB with A K
Hero raises to $0.75, BB raises to $2.75, Hero raises to $6.75, BB calls $4

Flop: ($13.50) T 8 2 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $4.50, BB raises to $18.50 and is all-in, Hero calls $14

Only 10 hands with villain, I don't remember any of the hands before this one but we can assume he's likely bad and calling 4bets light pre like most of the player pool on Bovada. I bet small to induce a shove from weaker hands, is this the right play?
25nl Bovada: AK 4bet pot IP, missed flop Quote
11-17-2013 , 11:47 AM
Don't think AK is strong enough to bet for value here, so checking's probably best.
25nl Bovada: AK 4bet pot IP, missed flop Quote
11-17-2013 , 05:34 PM
One you bet the flop I thinks its pretty darn close between calling and folding, calling is probably a slightly better.

The "player pool" are surely bad at calling 4 bets with a lot of hands, but they are also pretty damn bad at playing post flop in smaller pots, which makes calling his 3 bet pre a viable option. I think you know that I like to make bigger than average bets, because I am still shocked at the hands that do call me when I do hit this flop at this stake.
25nl Bovada: AK 4bet pot IP, missed flop Quote
11-18-2013 , 08:19 AM
Well, there reason I bet small was to induce. I don't expect him to fold any hand that beats me, so that's why I bet so small.
25nl Bovada: AK 4bet pot IP, missed flop Quote
11-19-2013 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
One you bet the flop I thinks its pretty darn close between calling and folding, calling is probably a slightly better.
Agree with the conclusion that we should call, but I don't think it's close at all. Folding would be a huge mistake imo.

Originally Posted by formula72
The "player pool" are surely bad at calling 4 bets with a lot of hands, but they are also pretty damn bad at playing post flop in smaller pots, which makes calling his 3 bet pre a viable option.
Disagree that flatting the 3-bet with AK is ever a viable option here.
25nl Bovada: AK 4bet pot IP, missed flop Quote
11-19-2013 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by rakeme
Well, there reason I bet small was to induce. I don't expect him to fold any hand that beats me, so that's why I bet so small.
I understand why you bet so small. I'm saying that your hand is neither strong enough to induce here nor weak enough to need to bluff, and lots of good cards can come on the turn. Even if he gets it in light, you're still going to be behind the range that continues here, so just check.
25nl Bovada: AK 4bet pot IP, missed flop Quote
11-19-2013 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Spladle
I understand why you bet so small. I'm saying that your hand is neither strong enough to induce here nor weak enough to need to bluff, and lots of good cards can come on the turn. Even if he gets it in light, you're still going to be behind the range that continues here, so just check.
Got ya. Thanks for clarifying, it makes sense that I should have checked for those reasons.

Results: villain had A2 and took it down.
25nl Bovada: AK 4bet pot IP, missed flop Quote
11-25-2013 , 06:06 AM
betting small is terrible here with AK IMO. at the same time, against a light 4 bet caller i would like to be this flop, but def if I'm betting it's enough to commit myself bc my hand had decent equity against any conceivable range.

also, out of preference and with personal knowledge of the player pool, I would 3bet larger preflop for value.
25nl Bovada: AK 4bet pot IP, missed flop Quote
