Originally Posted by Gotural
At equilibrium it's a pure call preflop, against a tight player even more. 3betting is not the move here.
I like the flop play, even though I think check/calling and betting 25% or 50% are good too. It's difficult to misplay the flop.
Turn I like to check or to continue betting, but I really don't like check raising all-in. It's a massive 62bbs raise into a 75bbs pot with a pretty merged hand against LJ. He should have some AK, two pairs and **** here. At least you can freeroll AQ no heart but that's not enough imo. I'd like to check raise stronger hands like at least AK here. Especially since you said Vilain was tight.
Against tight players we need to be even more polar than usual, bluffing more in spots where they overfold and raise less merged hands because we both expect them to have stronger ranges at play after they did overfold on previous streets + they won't call marginal hands.
Typically against a tight player in this spot I clearly expect to see AKxh ore more after they called flop bet big turn.
Not a big mistake imo, but still a mistake.
Yep, I think the call preflop is nice.
I think the turn push is an overplay and a mistake too.
Thanks for the answer.