Originally Posted by 1outeddaily
What's your 3b range here?
Couple of bluffs, but hands that are not doing to shabby when fish cc's (KTo etc). QQ+, flat some 3bet some.
While it's a totally standard 3bet gii HU against a reg, in this spot you'll not be making a lot of money with it compared to flatting and keep both his range wider and the fish in the pot.
Obv the fish cc'd, so it's all good.
Originally Posted by Yoshimiii
I'd fold to 4 bet, he isn't bluffing and you have no FE. Probably be calling KK, AA here sometimes to keep fish in unless I have a note that fish cold calls 3 bets.
If he had worse than AK he would flat 3 bet instead with fish in pot.
you realize there is a lot of money in the pot right?