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25NL - 98s, 3bet pot line check 25NL - 98s, 3bet pot line check

10-08-2009 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by vexican
As played: double-barrel the turn, and triple-barrel most rivers

So why did you cbet the flop then?
If you read the rest of that paragraph, I give reasons why I wasn't crazy about any of my 3 options (cbetting, check/raising, check/calling). I went with a cbet because I had initiative and wanted to take advantage of any FE I might have.
25NL - 98s, 3bet pot line check Quote
10-08-2009 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by ajrenni
Betting the turn allows you to set the price for seeing the river and lets you realize whatever FE you have. I would fold to a raise unless it's a minraise.
Originally Posted by High_SocietyA9
Barrel it, and this doesn't hit his range that hard, it hits like 2 hands JJ/TT, you got to think someone this aggressive it shipping or 4 betting QQ+, and honestly I expect him to 4 bet JJ as well. Gosh I wish we had more reads because if he likes to float I would love a turn c/rai. But as played barrel him.
Originally Posted by MOTU79989
c/f here is never really that bad, but look at the flop texture, with his open/calling range being so wide he has a ton of hands that can't take 2 barrels and also a few hand that can call two but not three an almost never had a hand that can raise.

We cbet the flop and he calls with Jx, Tx, 22-99, 98, KQ, Q9, JT, 44. Of those hands I would think that only Jx, KQ, and Q9 would call, I would expect 44, 55, and JT to raise here. On the river in the event he calls I think we can profitably shove almost all the rivers.
Thanks, all of these are good answers.
25NL - 98s, 3bet pot line check Quote
