Originally Posted by tneva82
If you insist on calling 3bets cold with speculative hands in worst position can't fold when you flop miracle flop...
This. I use to pull stunts like this until one day i Insisted on playing T9ss oop against a hard pf battle. I flopped lower straight and was faced with a similar question.
At that time a friend of mine told me this and yeah, call and I think I lost to higher straight or something like that. The problem wasn't the call flop, it was the call PF where you will be folding a lot and when you flopped miracles (like this!) you still are facing a semi-difficult decision.
But it resumes to this: if you call pf you are playing for a strong hand: straight or flush (wich isn't that high).
You flopped a straight. It's time to jam it. If you feel uncomfortably jamming this on the flop, then fold pf.