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25NL 6Max QQ 25NL 6Max QQ

12-07-2019 , 04:22 PM
I am in MP with QQ, stacks are as follows:

Hero $25.00
Villian $25.00

I open in MP with QQ and get 3-bet by Villian in LP. I call the 3-bet and we head to the flop.


Hero: $0.75
Villian: $2.50
Hero: call


Hero: Check
Villian: $5.00
Hero: call

Turn 2c

Hero: Check
Villian: All-in
Hero: Call

Villian shows KK.

So, many people would label this as a cooler. However, when the villian 3-bets preflop, he is repping a tight range AK+/JJ+. I question whether I can get away from a hand like this. Obviously when he showed a pocket pair higher, I wasn't entirely surprised.
25NL 6Max QQ Quote
12-07-2019 , 07:26 PM
x/r flop

people 3b muhc wider than you give them credit for, esp ip
25NL 6Max QQ Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:19 PM
I think it's a fold unless the guy is wild. Do you know what his 3bet percentage is? I feel like you're up against AK,AQ, 99+. He bets the flop with pretty much everything, but it seems like he wouldn't get it in without a big draw or the nuts. Does he do that with JJ? Bottom of his range is like AKcc.
25NL 6Max QQ Quote
12-09-2019 , 08:00 AM
Agree with 4!/gii pre.

If you have info on him and he's really 3!ing that tight then sure you can exploit the crap out of him by set mining with 22-JJ and calling speculative hands and putting in big money when you hit since he's near the top of his range (ie more implied odds).

As for raidion "he bets this flop with pretty much everything"
I'm sure that is true if he is really bad, or op is super exploitable and never raising as a bluff here. But this is an awful flop for the 3!ers range. A good player is likely checking back here at a high rate.

Me personally I'd check back here with a large portion of my 3! range.
25NL 6Max QQ Quote
12-09-2019 , 11:14 PM
How do you know his range is that tight? Do you have stats on his 3 bet from LP at 3% over a significant sample? Because then it could justify set mining QQ. Otherwise 4 bet gii.
25NL 6Max QQ Quote
12-15-2019 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by ionutd
x/r flop

people 3b muhc wider than you give them credit for, esp ip

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25NL 6Max QQ Quote
01-13-2020 , 12:22 AM
It's not a huge 3!, so there's definitely more than a nutted range there as ionutd said, ip players are (or should be) 3! wider than oop.

This is a cooler, because there's a lot of other combos that he can have here that isn't specifically AA/KK. I've personally seen guys at NL50 that took this line with 99. So it doesn't have to be nutted, per se.

That being said, you could find a fold here sometimes, but overall it's still probably -EV.

Fully agree oop that a 4!/GII line is +EV.
25NL 6Max QQ Quote
04-20-2020 , 04:30 AM
It's just the sites I play on I can get a feel for players ranges. No I was not using a HUD, but I get a general sense from player pool. In looser players pools, I know that call is good. In tighter player pools, I know that call is no good. The argument I get into with myself is, as was mentioned in the form, are their ranges really as tight as I think? Thus, the call and the loss.
25NL 6Max QQ Quote
