Originally Posted by blackgerbil1
at 25nl, only 4bet for value (hands you want to get it in pre with), you do not need to beat 25nl by using 4bet as a bluff.
but if you DO want to know the 411 on 4-betting, here it is.
range stuff
in general, you have 3 different types of ranges: balanced, polarized, and unbalanced. an unbalanced 4b range would be just like what blackgerbil is recommending: only 4-betting for value with hands like KK+. polarized would be taking an unbalanced range and adding junk hands to the opposite end. for example, KK+/AKs is a 1.2% range. If we add in a random offsuit hand and random suited hand, we get a 2.4% range. Our range is now "polarized" to the nuts - we're instantly snap calling a 5b shove - and air - we're instantly snap folding to a 5b shove. I'm less familiar with the concept of a balanced range, so I'll not comment on that.
In general, it's ill advised to try and balance a 4b range at the micros. It's much better to have a polarized range, since anyone who is 3-betting you lightly is mosty doing it for value or a bluff. You'll almost never develop a dynamic with someone where you can 4b/call a hand like AJ or 88.
size stuff
assuming i'm correct about the last part, you don't need to size your 4b very big in order for it to be effective. think about it: if you 3b someone's BTN steal with a hand like J2s and they 4b you, does their sizing really matter? they can min 4b you and still get you to fold all your junk hands (this is almost 100% true at 25nl, and not necessarily so at 50nl+). sizing down also increases your profitability, since you need to get folds less frequently. just make sure you are staying consistent and 4-betting AA to the same amount (or hell...there's no poker law that says you even have to 4b AA...what matters is that AA has to be in your PERCEIVED 4b range).
traditionally, a good 4b size with 100bb stacks is 22bb - 25bb. the reason being is that it doesn't automatically announce "hey i have aces and am not folding" and still gives you room to fold vs a reasonable range if you have air (put in random hands into pokerstove vs a reasonable 5b shove range and do some equity calcs if you 4b to say 30bb and get shoved on).
hand stuff
what hands are good? hands you can't call a 3b with (to bluff with), and hands for value (ldo). hands that have blocker value, like Ax.
villain stuff
who to attempt a light 4b against? villains with a wide 3b range but a tiny 5b get it in pre range. villains unlikely to flat call a 4b. villains who are 3-betting you OOP. villains who aren't easy to flat their 3b pre and play against postflop. villains who are 100bb to 150bb deep.
position stuff
when to 4b light? almost always it will be in blind battles or in SB/BB vs BTN battles. almost never should it be when your UTG open gets 3b. rarely should it be in a mw pot. if you are finding that you're getting squeezed by the same player frequently, get off the table or call his 3b a little more widely and play postflop. 4-betting would probably be bad, since the pot is a little bigger and you can't keep your 4b that small anymore.