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$.25 raise or not with 4 short stackers behind? $.25 raise or not with 4 short stackers behind?

09-10-2009 , 11:10 AM

Preflop: Hero ($23.27 HJ) dealt AcTc
UTG ($21.63) limps, MP2 ($24.75) limps, hero?
CO ($4.88)
BTN ($11.12)
SB ($11.80)
BB ($4.75)

Should hero raise here with 4 short stacks capable of 3bet shoving left to act? I think I can raise AT for value against the limpers. But A suited also has value postflop in what might be LP.
If hero should raise, what's the plan if he gets 3bet? fold?

please help, new to online poker
$.25 raise or not with 4 short stackers behind? Quote
09-10-2009 , 11:49 AM
Depends on reads. Some short stackers are maniacs some are super nits. Either way I think you should raise for value most of the time.

Also this is the full ring board. That looks like a 6 max question. Also there's a hand converter at the top of the page when you post. You should probably use that.
$.25 raise or not with 4 short stackers behind? Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by DrMickHead
Also this is the full ring board. That looks like a 6 max question. Also there's a hand converter at the top of the page when you post. You should probably use that.
there are 7 ppl in the hand. probably just a couple empty seats. but it is confusing because of the lack of HH converter use.

OP, try and keep a full stack - use auto reload if the site you're playing on has it. I'd consider leaving this table depending on reads of full stack villains. there are just a ton of SS'ers behind you and if they're any good, could make your life hell.
If the fuller stacks are weak foldy PF types, I'd almost want to iso raise a little smaller than normal and hope one of the super shorties like CO or BB shove. again, depending on how well they play, ATs is close for less than 20bb, I think.

Last edited by kickflip252; 09-10-2009 at 12:13 PM.
$.25 raise or not with 4 short stackers behind? Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:11 PM
Hi, welcome to the forum. I suggest that you read the FAQs that are at the top of the main forum page.

To give any useful advice, we need to have reads on the players. Are the loose or tight, passive or aggressive? How are you playing? What do you think their ranges are?

For ATs to have value against the UTG, you need to believe he is limping in with about 15%-20% of the possible hands. Is he that loose? If there is an ace on the flop, how likely is it that you will have a better one than your villain? How likely is it that a pair of tens will be top pair on the flop or turn?

I think in general, if you are raising here, it is steal. You're hoping to end the hand on the flop at the latest. As such, you really don't want to play this if you are re-raised because few people are 3 betting light enough for you to have any value. Depending on my reads of the players, I could fold, raise or even call.

If you provide more information, you'll get more specific and better advice.
$.25 raise or not with 4 short stackers behind? Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:34 PM
This is a close one for me and it would depend on how tight the table (or at least the CO & BTN) was. I would feel a little better playing this from the CO rather than the HJ. But if did choose to play it, it would definitely be for a raise, never a call.

By raising, I might win the hand pf which would be fine. After all, it's a good hand, but it's not premium. In this case, winning 3.5 BB is fine. Also, by raising I may be able to get HU and take the pot with a cbet even if the flop misses me. If I do get a couple of calls, then at least I have position (if CO and BTN fold - and that's the key here). It's bonus time if the flop hits hard (but that won't be often).

If I got reraised, then it's time to dump this hand. It is too easily dominated.
$.25 raise or not with 4 short stackers behind? Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:37 PM
25NL.. -> ABC SSplayers --> <$5 SSplayers will only shove AK+,JJ+

Thus a big yes
Against 40bb SSplayers your SPR gives you enough information to stick it in postflop if you hit TOppair
$.25 raise or not with 4 short stackers behind? Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:52 PM
posting blind

4 ss'ers behind = time to find a new table
$.25 raise or not with 4 short stackers behind? Quote
09-10-2009 , 04:52 PM
i didn't have any reads on the people. i'm new to this so i don't have the poker tracker and heads up stats displays yet.

thanks for all the great advice.
i will try to convert my hands for easier readability in the future.

i only had 2 tables open but both of them seemed to have a lot of shortstackers. i don't know if it's was the time of day i was playing. is this common for fulltilt?
$.25 raise or not with 4 short stackers behind? Quote
