The sizing on the turn is deliberate, sized as such to get some low percentage draws out and allow me to have an option to call if check-raised. Also, the sizing was chosen to make it look like I was trying to induce a check-raise, therefore folding out some better hands
Thanks a million - thank you , thank you, thank you.
All these times I was wondering what goes inside a fish's mind when they donk min bet MW dynamic boards
let me have some fun here :
sized as such to get some low percentage draws out
It should definitely fold out draws which are 20:1 or worse
allow me to have an option to call if check-raised
donk bet was done bcoz fish was not in a position to bet bigger or call bigger. but once raised, fish will call the bigger bet which it did not want in the first place - makes sense
the sizing was chosen to make it look like I was trying to induce a check-raise
for inducing check raise you need to check not bet. the buttons are slightly apart
to make it look like I was trying to induce a check-raise, therefore folding out some better hands
everybody called the bet - yeah check raise induce completed, folded out 0 better hands - mission accomplished
Last edited by dubakkur2; 01-10-2020 at 03:47 AM.