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25 NL against a nit with wide 3betting range 25 NL against a nit with wide 3betting range

03-29-2010 , 04:43 AM
Villain has a nitty stats. 10/10/af 8 for 1.2k hands. Whenever someone tries to steal blinds he seems to be 3 betting light. his 3bet% overall is 8. from btn 11%, SB 4%, BB 15%. I decide to 4bet light and he shoves. I know this is a fold obviously but my questions are
1. I am just wondering what range of hands can I call his shove with? 99+?
2. OR should I just not try to steal against him?
3. how much my 4bet size be?

Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BB: $31.90
UTG: $20.95
UTG+1: $25.00
UTG+2: $31.35
MP1: $25.35
MP2: $27.70
CO: $25.35
BTN: $25.00
Hero (SB): $25.00

Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is SB with A 4
3 folds, MP1 calls $0.25, 3 folds, Hero raises to $1, BB raises to $3.25, 1 fold, Hero raises to $8, BB raises to $31.90 all in, 1 fold
25 NL against a nit with wide 3betting range Quote
03-29-2010 , 04:46 AM
lol i love these pros who can't play post flop. i bet he's a massive 1ptbb winner at 25nl

1) play around with pokerstove vs a reasonable 4betting range
2) just steal with a narrower range if he's being a monkey
3) 4b size looks ok because his 3b is so big
25 NL against a nit with wide 3betting range Quote
03-29-2010 , 06:48 AM
i dont like 4betting here simply coz villain will give your iso miles more credit than if it were just a normal BvB open. so obv his range will be inherently tigher. so i fold to the 3bet. once you 4bet i'm probably folding. we need to call off $17 to win 25+8+.25 = $33.25 - ~2:1 on our money. vs a range of TT+/AQs+/AKo we are a 30/70 dog. and that's probably a generous range.

what about stats on MP1? if this villain's really stationy i might just fold initially coz cbetting usually won't suffice, and then we're stuck OOP w. A high and no idea.
25 NL against a nit with wide 3betting range Quote
03-29-2010 , 08:17 AM
Fk him. Hes a nit so just leave him alone mostly and if he is 3b ur steals alot then either move or tighten up if there is a good reason to be at that table. This is why people this nitty can still win coz people still spaz out vs them like this (no offense op) or just cant fold their JJ op when he clearly has a set etc. I know he has a wide 3b range but generally this isnt how u beat nits.

Also 4betting light bvb looks about as weak as it can get.
25 NL against a nit with wide 3betting range Quote
03-29-2010 , 08:54 AM
just because he is 3betting light does not mean he wil 5bet shove light, dont get that confused. 4bet is ok if you think he will 3bet/fold a ton, it also tells him "hey stop Fn around with me" thats always good, making people think twice about 3betting your LP opens light is very +EV imo.

im still not calling a shove with less than QQ+, AK unless he does this same thing repeatedly. then ill add hands like JJ and AQ to the mix if he keeps doing it (tho you shouldent be 4betting light that often anyway) he prob just had the top of his range this time.
25 NL against a nit with wide 3betting range Quote
03-29-2010 , 12:00 PM
The 4 bet size is to big, and gives you a bad price on you're bluff. The 4 bet should not be bigger than $7 here. anywahre between about $6.25 and $7.

You don't know how light he 5 bets just becouse he 5 bet the first time you 4 bet. You need to wait till you see some showdowns from his 5 bets before you conclude he 5 bets a wide range.
25 NL against a nit with wide 3betting range Quote
