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(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? (22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff?

10-28-2008 , 10:56 AM
The first hand is pretty much my only read. The the second hand is only 6 hands into the game. He limped both his buttons. He called both my preflop raises when he was in BB. Sharkscope has him at -1% roi over small sample size.

Poker Stars $22+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 2 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (BB): t1360
BTN/SB: t1640

Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is BB with 5 5
BTN/SB calls t10, Hero checks

Flop: (t40) T 5 A (2 players)
Hero bets t30, BTN/SB calls t30

Turn: (t100) 3 (2 players)
Hero bets t70, BTN/SB calls t70

River: (t240) 2 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB checks

Final Pot: t240
Hero shows 5 5 (three of a kind, Fives)
BTN/SB mucks 2 6
Hero wins t240


Poker Stars $22+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 2 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (BB): t1510
BTN/SB: t1490

Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is BB with K A
BTN/SB raises to t80, Hero raises to t240, BTN/SB calls t160

Flop: (t480) 3 8 4 (2 players)
Hero bets t275, BTN/SB calls t275

Turn: (t1030) T (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets t240, Hero...? (Hero has 975 chips)

- Villain SNAP calls my 3-bet preflop.
- Villain called my c-bet pretty fast.

Normally I c-bet around 300 here (not sure why I made it 275 this time) and the just be done with the hand no matter what happens.

The speed of both his calls so far made me think he wasn't that strong. Yet his turn bet could seem to be trying to induce. That just doesn't really add up unless the turn bet is a scared kind of bluff rather than a trappy inducing bet.

I mean which strong hands can he actually bet like this on the turn that calls so fast 2 times?
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 11:05 AM
Once he calls you 70 turn bet in hand one - I think raising AK (PF) in hand 2 is a mistake...clearly you want to play small ball with someone you can valuebet to death without fail
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 11:19 AM
I often see myself c/raising these small bets when i saw they like to float like in hand 1. Combined with the timing tell i think his range here is polarized between hands that snap fold and snap call if you raise here.
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 11:20 AM
Since it's so early in the match I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the speed of his calls. If anything, I'd be more inclined to think that he's very excited about his hand and can't control his emotions, "Pocket Kings! Hell yeah! CALL!!! BET!!! GO GO GO!!!". I'd wait until I get more evidence of him playing deceptive with his bet times before putting too much weight on them.

As played, it's early, don't have any reads, looks like we're beat and we will still have a large stack relative to the blinds so I fold here.
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by jon_1van
Once he calls you 70 turn bet in hand one - I think raising AK (PF) in hand 2 is a mistake...clearly you want to play small ball with someone you can valuebet to death without fail
you give some really bad advice

you are flatting AK oop???

the hand is standard and assuming that we have a big enough edge in a turbo to not get value from 3betting premium hands is ridiculous

if the flop was AXX and he stacked villain would you still be suggesting that he flat AK oop???

come on
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:06 PM
you give some really bad advice

you are flatting AK oop???

Bad advise?

Are you ******ed???

Just 5 hands ago the villan called a 3/4 pot flop bet with no pair, no draw....then called a 2/3 pot bet on the turn with no pair and a dominated no club gutterball draw...then he checked the river when given an oppurtunity to bluff. Clearly he is ****ing terrible. There is no reason to go ape**** with AK when then villian clearly has a huge gapping hole in his game.

Last edited by jon_1van; 10-28-2008 at 04:16 PM.
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:08 PM
in a turbo
Where does it say this is a turbo?
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:31 PM
you are flatting AK oop???
Not generally no, but against an opponent who will payoff WAAAAY too wide and destory any FE I may have....perhaps.

if the flop was AXX and he stacked villain would you still be suggesting that he flat AK oop???

if the board falls QJ762r and the hero loses 1/3rd - 1/2 his stack because the villian can't fold pocket 44s could you admit we didn't want to play a bloated pot vs this guy
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:36 PM
so you are flatting oop and spewtarding against cbets when you miss the flop i assume
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:37 PM
generally a 22 is a turbo
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by HokieGreg
so you are flatting oop and spewtarding against cbets when you miss the flop i assume
i really think spewtarding isnt the right term to use here when you flop UI. i think if we flat we can force villian to make a second play at it on the turn. have the nuts on this flop 66% of the time (assuming villian started with 2 unpaired cards)

in heads up i usually tend to take a call pre line against this type of opponent. i honestly think that we need to play small ball against this guy, hes gonna peel any two, hes gonna more than likely hold on tight to any pair. i dont see a 3-b forcing him off a lot of hands we have little equity against. hes not folding any pair.

then again, i may be wrong. you could make the argument of 3-b pre cause hes gonna peel with almost any two. that being the case the real question comes in when we are sitting there after the flop OOP with AK UI. that is why i think we should be playing small ball. we can manage a small pot with AK UI but i think it gets really difficult when we have less than a PSB on the turn.
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 05:47 PM
yeah i dont agree with you guys at all and i think you are both assuming too much about how villain plays raised pots in position

3bet smaller or sometihng, keep the initiative in the hand

flatting pre and c/c a missed flop and praying that villain shuts down is a joke

villain is going to spew so much harder on A/K high flops in 3bet pots than when we just flat oop as well

flatting oop with AK is absolutely ridiculous and it tilts me that anyone would even consider doing this
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by jon_1van
Once he calls you 70 turn bet in hand one - I think raising AK (PF) in hand 2 is a mistake...clearly you want to play small ball with someone you can valuebet to death without fail
we don't know enough about villian to say this, 3bet is SUPER std., and if you think your opp is super bad and your gonna get a ton of value when u hit, etc., etc., maybe ck flop and he'll let you get to cheap showdown sometime or something, but not 3betting here is a leak IMO, especially against a villian who is gonna pay you off (3bet size you could possibly debate) but the issue of a 3bet is not debatable really IMO (and your assuming a guy floating in position on a scary board w/ a backdoor, and then a gutshot = paying you off 100% of the time etc. etc. on everything, it's totally diff., especially it being 1st hand)

overall I think your taking too many liberties in classifying this opp after 1 super non-std. hand, maybe greg is harsh in saying your giving terrible advice, but take the time to think about why an experienced / proven winning player at every limit 22 -> 220 (hokie) is telling you you have holes in your thought process
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by jon_1van
Where does it say this is a turbo?
Where do you play $22 regulars?
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by sejje
Where do you play $22 regulars?
I have turbos filtered out
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 09:44 PM
3bet is SUPER std
This is obviously true. However, we should deviate from standard play if the opponent is "reliably non-standard" (a contentious point when we have just one hand of history)

I think your taking too many liberties in classifying this opp after 1 super non-std. hand
This is a reasonable critique. If the 1st hand didn't have a flush draw I'd be much more inclined to agree with this judgement (and thus be a huge proponent of a preflop 3ball)

However, due to the presence of the flush draw, the villians chasing his, possibly dominated, gutterball draw with zero current showdown equity seems soooo terribad to me that I'd be alot faster to advocate "no flip if possible" play.

(To me the turn call is much more damning than the flop float)

maybe ck flop
I never commented on post flop play - I don't plan too either as the preflop debate is enough to discuss

experienced / proven winning player at every limit 22 -> 220 (hokie) is telling you you have holes in your thought process
Hokie, may be letting the tendancies of the average 100/200 SNG player taint his impression of the average 20 SNG player. In my experience, when a 20 SNG player plays a hand like hand 1 it is because the villian is super super bad. Not because the villian was intentionally floating, planning the run a bluff - then shifting strategies when he backed into some showdown equity
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 09:51 PM
jesus christ
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by HokieGreg
jesus christ

sup bro
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 10:11 PM
preflop is obviously a 3 bet. Flatting AK here is ridiculous. That should be HU101. Turn is really ugly, I sometimes check-fold, sometimes check-call, and occasionally just lead as a double barrel. Probably check-folding is the best option although with the price he is laying you I guess you could call
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 10:32 PM
Rhetorical question:

Can you show me a hand history with a post-flop error eggregious enough to warrant changing your standard preflop play?
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 10:34 PM
No. If he's really bad postflop, all the more reason to 3 bet and build a larger pot. Very unlikely that he's really super spewy postflop but folds to a lot of 3 bets.
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 10:46 PM
Very unlikely that he's really super spewy postflop but folds to a lot of 3 bets.
True, (If you mean "loose" postflop but folds to a lot of 3bets). The first hand doesn't give us any decent way to measure this guys aggression.
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-28-2008 , 11:18 PM
I think there are definitely spots where I flat AK OOP. Against this villain it may even be a good idea. He calls light, and 2/3 of the time, you will miss the flop. You might not want to play a bloated pot, with just overcards, oop, against a calling station.

Other times I just shove and let villain call with AQ, AJ, maybe AT or even less.

As played, I think the turn is a relatively easy fold against this villain.
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-29-2008 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by how_can_losing?
Other times I just shove and let villain call with AQ, AJ, AT, A9, A8, A7, A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, KQ, KJ, KT, K9, QJ, QT, or even wayyyyy less.
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
10-29-2008 , 06:06 AM
lol ekko, I still think it's bad to flat, basically ever, MAYBE you can adjust your 3bet size, but I think not 3betting IS LOSING value

also tbh if villian is THAT BAD, he may just be trying to see how hero plays lead/leading in the first limped pot of the match, and possibly planning to bluff a scare-card, but I dont think there is any way to justify flatting AK vs someone here unless we have WAYYYYYYYY better reads than we do, like very very specific, much better reads
(22sng) - 3-bet pot. Villain trying to induce a raise or is it a scared bluff? Quote
