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20nl FD + gutshot 20nl FD + gutshot

05-07-2011 , 12:09 PM
villain opens about 15% from that position

other than 3bet should i fold after he ships?

vs range of sets AQ maybe AK? i have odds to call right?
just realised i didnt have NFD the A was not a club.

vs me i think he calls with AK my stats were 25/20 and i been pretty aggro

IPoker Network $20.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 1300110
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Hero (BTN): $53.54
SB: $22.83
BB: $37.04
UTG: $20.00
UTG+1: $17.25
UTG+2: $6.13
MP1: $21.48
MP2: $6.10
CO: $27.61

Pre Flop: ($0.30) Hero is BTN with J K
1 fold, UTG+1 calls $0.20, 3 folds, CO raises to $0.80, Hero calls $0.80, 3 folds

Flop: ($2.10) Q A 7 (2 players)
CO bets $1.57, Hero raises to $6.81, CO raises to $26.81, Hero calls $20

Last edited by metski; 05-07-2011 at 12:21 PM.
20nl FD + gutshot Quote
05-07-2011 , 01:16 PM
best to just flat flop?
20nl FD + gutshot Quote
05-07-2011 , 07:57 PM
Board: Ac 7c Qh

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 39.061% 38.96% 00.10% 10414 27.00 { KcJc }
Hand 1: 60.939% 60.84% 00.10% 16262 27.00 { AA, QQ, 77, AcKc, AQs, AcJc, AcTc, Ac9c, A7s, JcTc, AQo+ }

20nl FD + gutshot Quote
05-07-2011 , 10:47 PM
Call, you need 1.56-1 to call and you are getting 1.79-1 here.
20nl FD + gutshot Quote
05-07-2011 , 11:32 PM
Flop is a call unless you think that raising will fold out weak Aces, and you could still probably get him off a weak ace by the river. But for the sake of the discussion, let's assume that raising doesn't fold out weak aces.

So by raising the flop, the only better hands that you fold out are hands like middle pocket pairs. However, when you call the flop, middle pocket pairs are likely going to put you on an ace and check fold the turn. So flatting the flop, gives you better odds to call the flop against his monster hands, and it also gives you the same fold equity against his weak made hands. One downside is that by calling the flop a small pocket pair has like 5% chance to his their set on the turn, but you still have good equity against that on the turn also. The only negative would be if your giving his air a chance to catch, but even if his air catches on the turn, it will likely be an underpair and check fold the turn also.

I don't think it's necessary to balance our range at this level, but if you call this hand on the flop, then you still need to be raising some hands on this flop as a bluff for balance, but that's really neither here nor there as far as your question goes.
20nl FD + gutshot Quote
05-07-2011 , 11:45 PM
ya you should just flat call the flop.

given you are playing aggro, you would be expected to 3bet preflop with AA and QQ and probably even AQ. so really, when you raise the flop you are representing A7s or 77 as your only value hands, which isn't much.

i dont think the villain is really thinking about all this, but its something to consider.

the more obvious reasons to flat call the flop is that the villain are very unlikely to fold top pair ever, and if he doesnt have the ace you can likely bluff him off later in the hand. also, you have a nice draw and you are in position, and there is still lots of money left behind to play for.

i think all this adds up to an easy call on the flop.
20nl FD + gutshot Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:21 AM
I think raising flop is good, given our equity and villain can fold loads. Just because he cbets this flop, doesn't necessarily mean he's got a strong hand. I meant call in reference to his shove, it's +EV given the range you assigned.
20nl FD + gutshot Quote
