Had a 28 Hands Sample on Opponent, but Statwise he was shaping up to a Laggish Player .. very Aggressive Postflop.
33 % / 22 % / 60% .. FCB 0 .. CC 15%
In retrospective I think the OR is ****ty. 8d6d OOP against such an Opponent is not going to be profitable in the long Run and it is not a Hand in my Standard OR in the SB ... but I thought like ... if he calls, what I expected him to do most of the Time .. and I hit TwP+ .. I could make some Money by just letting him bet into me, if I pretend Weakness. Also it could be a possibility fore me to gather Information on him, if we went Showdown and showing him, that I open a wider Range in order to create a looser Image.
So he calls and the Flop arrives really favorable. Opponent Cold Calls 15% of Hands, which is not that wide of a Range fore a LAG I suppose.
His CC Range doesn't connect all to well with this Flop, so I expected him to Fold the Flop most of the Time to a CBet.
So I CBet around 2/3 of the Pot and he Raises me.
The first Reaction was that he does not have 96s here.
I doubt he would ever raise me with the Nuts in this Spot, knowing that I can not have all to many Combos in my Range that could be uncomfortable fore him OTT.
So what does he Re-Raise me here with? I thought like ...
1) He either Semi-Bluffs an OESD here
66 (3)
76s (2)
98s (3)
T9s (4)
T9o (12)
98o (6)
2) Ore he is both raising me fore value + protecting a Hand that is ahead of my Range right now, but could be behind OTT with unvaforable Card showing up.
Therefore I thought there are only a handful of Hands he could have in this Spot.
55 (3)
77 (3)
88 (1)
99 (6)
87s (1)
Against that Range, I have slightly less 50% so I think my Decision to flat was right here.
Question 1: What would have you done in this Spot?
OTT interestingly .. the 7d does not change much in terms of Equity.
I am still slightly below 50% here.
His 70% Turn Betsize however appeared to me as if he means Business and wants to build a Pot.
Question 2: Would you Call/Fold ore Jam the Turn? And why?
I mean, at that moment I was leaning towards his Value Range, and I called because
1) I am a bad Player, just hoping that he has no Set ore even Quads at that Point
2) And hoping I can catch a 4 ore a 9 OTR, to complete my Straight and him only having Air/Pair + Busted Draw
Now the 9s on the River completet my Straight, and i checked, hoping fore a cheap Showdown, instead of Betting it for Value.
Question 3: What would have you done OTR? Bet ore Check?
He Insta-Ships 90% of his Stack, leaving $1,40 behind and at that Moment I knew I am beat.
There is no Hand I can possibly Beat. He is not bluffing here and all I can hope fore in this Spot is a Chop.
But, as I am a bad Player who still plays the Micros ... I called.