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20L KK in 4 way pot 20L KK in 4 way pot

02-04-2009 , 04:36 PM
Ipoker $20.00 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 28552
The Official Hand History Converter

Hero (BTN): $19.70
SB: $19.80
BB: $20.00
UTG: $25.69 59/9/1 25hands
UTG+1: $3.80 25/0/0
MP1: $19.80
MP2: $4.00
CO: $4.49 50/4/0


Pre Flop: ($0.30) Hero is BTN with K K
UTG raises to $0.80, UTG+1 calls $0.80, 2 folds, CO calls $0.80, Hero raises to $4.20, 2 folds, UTG calls $3.40, UTG+1 calls $3 all in, CO calls $3.40

Flop: ($16.70) Q 6 J (4 players - 1 is all in)
UTG checks, CO checks, Hero ...

Only 22 hands from UTG, not much but hes way to passive.
limp 55 % wtsd 47 % , pfr seems to be ok.

So he calls the 3-bet and so do the shorties,
He checks to me , and i dont know what to do.
Queens and Jacks are in his range pretty often i think,
i cant bet fold here imo, i can shove , check flop , and fold the turn if he bets is to nitty ? maybe call ?

Some advice should be nice

Greets ,
20L KK in 4 way pot Quote
02-04-2009 , 04:41 PM

20L KK in 4 way pot Quote
02-04-2009 , 04:48 PM
you mean call the utg raise preflop ?
20L KK in 4 way pot Quote
02-04-2009 , 04:55 PM

no, by "value bet" i do not mean "call"

3bet pf is standard and you made it a good size, nh

on the flop after it is checked to you, put in a value bet for at least half of your stack. CO and UTG+1 don't matter as far as the rest of the hand goes, your only concern now is to get UTG's money into the pot. so bet half pot or so and get the rest in on the turn. and call a shove if UTG shoves flop
20L KK in 4 way pot Quote
02-04-2009 , 05:02 PM
you mean call the utg raise preflop ?
he means bet and call a c/r from utg.

i dunno, but vpip of 59 over 25 hands could be a fluke, but i tend to assume he isnt playing optimal.

main thing here is: if you bet, you are committed. so either you get it in here or you try to check it down, which i really dont like.
KK isnt much of a favorite against 3 players, but since 2 are shorties, they could have any sort of hand and they dont pose much of a danger anymore (but we still need to beat their hand).
unless i have a read, im prolly going broke here.

for the record: i would raise more preflop, prolly like 5-6$.
in a lot of these spots, UTG will assume the shorties will be in the pot and overestimate his odds, so i like to either charge him more to tag along or to get him out of the pot and get tons of value from both shorties and their 88/KQo respectively in one swift move preflop.
20L KK in 4 way pot Quote
02-04-2009 , 05:20 PM

I like the idea to make it more then a pot-bet preflop.
20L KK in 4 way pot Quote
02-04-2009 , 05:34 PM

Guys, there ain't going to be no check-raise. Hero has $15.50 in his stack and the pot is $16.70. Hero bets $15.50 all-in, and there really isn't anything more to discuss about this hand that I can see.
20L KK in 4 way pot Quote
02-04-2009 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Zeth

Guys, there ain't going to be no check-raise. Hero has $15.50 in his stack and the pot is $16.70. Hero bets $15.50 all-in, and there really isn't anything more to discuss about this hand that I can see.

Hero has PSB left with an overpair on a non-scary board. Shove and be happy.
20L KK in 4 way pot Quote
02-04-2009 , 06:25 PM
yea, didnt realize he wasnt full stacked.
20L KK in 4 way pot Quote
02-04-2009 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Zeth

Guys, there ain't going to be no check-raise. Hero has $15.50 in his stack and the pot is $16.70. Hero bets $15.50 all-in, and there really isn't anything more to discuss about this hand that I can see.
+1. Easy shove. If they stack you with QJ or 66, then say nh, gg and reload. You're +ev at that table if they're committing 25% of their effective stack with those hands.
20L KK in 4 way pot Quote
02-05-2009 , 01:12 PM
Hmm, ok JQ and 66 and what about JJ/QQ ?
What do you guys think his range would be here ?
I think im beat many times when i shove and get called.
20L KK in 4 way pot Quote
